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How does the Coronavirus Affect Human Social Life?

Reseach by

Zhibek Dzhoodatbekova

Thesis Supervisor: Baktygul Imarbekova

Bishkek, 2022

Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………4

Literature review ……………………………………………………………5

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………...6

Research Methodology …………………………………………………….9



In this topic, I tried to show how covid and quarantine affected people. Since this problem has

remained in the hearts of people to this day.

Key words: human social life, the Coronavirus effect on people, society.

How the Coronavirus Affects Human Social Life?

As we all know, the period of the coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected our world and
still does. The outbreak of the disease caused by the coronavirus was so instantaneous that many
countries were not able both financially and morally to prepare for a new crisis. This disease has
had a huge impact on various aspects of human life all over the world. And especially in the
social life of society. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there were bans on travel, movement,
and many things. People just began to live in a cage. And no one knew when the coronavirus
crisis would end and when life would return to normal.

Research purpose and objectives

O.1. To study the impact of the general crisis on human social life.

O.2. Study the movement of individual countries associated with the pandemic.

O.3. Pros and cons of lockdown.

O.4. Explore the question of how population can be a driving force.

Research questions

R.1 How will individual countries behave in a pandemic?

R.2 What social restrictions were in place to lower the infection rate?

R.3 How has the population changed??

R.4 To identify the good and bad impact of the pandemic on the daily life of people?

Research Significance

This study is the basis of the comprehensive analysis to highlight the social consequences of the

coronavirus pandemic, highlight their importance and show how people can overcome this virus


Chapter 2: Literature Review

Literature Review I want to start with Mohammad Amiri's work "The impact of the coronavirus

crisis on human social life." In the introduction of the article, he began by reflecting on the

primary and secondary harms of the virus. About how people began to relate to their health. and

what could be the consequences after all the precautionary measures of charging from covid?

From here, he smoothly moved on to paint the pros and cons of the lockdown. Here I largely

agree with him. Not attending lessons and classes entails a bad education, but also the fact that at

home people began to know themselves better. To prove yourself in a new business, find

yourself new hobbies and learn other skills. After that, he simply details the impacts on all

aspects of the country, such as society, the economy, and the environment in general. And he

comes to the conclusion that each person has his own worldview and way of life. And

encourages people to make the right choice to protect their future.

The second article I chose is the work of Yarovova Tatyana Viktorovna "Social effects of the

new coronavirus infection pandemics quality development of modern Russian society". This

work is more in-depth and largely relies on statistics and other research works related to this

topic by other authors. Although there are few works on exactly this topic, despite its relevance.

This study is also based on materials provided by medical institutions, and centers for the study

of psychiatry and neurology, which indicates the importance of not only social but also

psychological research. As in the previous article, much attention is paid here to how people

have become more flexible and able to adapt to new changes and crises. The evidence was

provided by the results of various surveys, for example, a survey by the National Research

University Higher School of Economics. Where 88 people were interviewed, and of these, 60%

of those surveyed considered the time spent on self-isolation productive. That said, the overall

impact on the subconscious of people.

In the third article, you can find the same positions and two others. Only some parts differ. For

example, "How the coronavirus has affected the social life of young people." That is, here we are

already analyzing individual generations in the population. And the main idea of this part is that

in this difficult period, young people play a decisive role in limiting the spread of coronavirus.

And also, many countries called on their youth to help the elderly.

Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework

2.1 What is the social life of humans?

The social life of society is the activity of individuals and social groups. In the process of this

activity, human qualities are formed. These qualities are formed, on the one hand, spontaneously,

by all the components of social life, and, on the other hand, by the activity of persons of special

professions engaged in the "social production of people" (doctors, teachers, ideologists, etc.),

specialized activities for the production of human life. In a broad sense, the social sphere of

society is a system that was created to meet the need for communication, and association with

other people. In a narrow sense, the social sphere is the demographic groups of the population

that differ in age, gender, and personal characteristics.

2.2 Classification of people into groups.

There are different groups of people in society. Characteristics that determine the specifics and

differences of groups of people are divided into natural-biological and socio-historical. The

former include gender, age, and race. Groups of people differ by sex, age, and race. What will I

enter? That different groups of people have different concepts and visions of the world. And

their behavior can differ significantly from each other during this period.

And each group has its own strengths and weaknesses, some focused more on raising immunity

and some on self-defense. Each introduced himself in his own way.

2.3 How have zoomers and millennials changed during the covid period?

The pandemic has grown to narrow the gap of misunderstanding between thirty-year-old

millennials and twenty-year-old buzzers — it “passed” between both generations, bringing a lot

of new things into their lives. And each generation reacted and acted in its own way. More the

younger generation had an indifferent attitude toward everything. Rather than the older

generation, who were clearly preparing for a pandemic and were warned in every possible way

against infection. But in the end, both generations made a conclusion for themselves that

influenced their lives in general.

2.4 Social sphere and welfare of citizens of the country.

The well-being of the country's citizens directly depends on the stage of development of the

country's social sphere.

It is in this area that all industries that can affect the quality of people's life are located:

Healthcare. What matters is the quality of free medical care and the number of free hospitals

and clinics compared to paid medical care.

Education. What matters here is the availability and level of free school and higher education

for all segments of the population.


Social Security. These are social programs that are aimed at helping poor people or large


Sport and physical education. The main task in this area is to maintain health and beauty and

increase the life expectancy of the population.

Thus, if the social sphere occupies one of the leading places in the domestic policy of the state, it

is possible to make predictions about the prosperity of the country's population.

2.5 How the essence of people manifests itself in difficult times.

During this difficult period, people found themselves in such conditions, and absolutely

everything, the level of prosperity is not important here, that there is a reassessment of values.

All the old rules are broken.

On this basis, the qualities of people who were invisible in ordinary life come to the fore. They

were hiding, perhaps, behind a mask of kindness, participation, love, and mercy ... And this

period, like litmus paper, will show and show who is who. And these are real love and mercy or

imaginary. And the conclusions are ours.

Sometimes we do not notice the hypocritical behavior of people, we take it, as they say, at face

value. But in difficult times, when there is a threat to the life and well-being of such people, they

will definitely show themselves,

But there is also a good side and the other half of people become more responsive and kind in

relation to other people and try to make life easier for other people in such a difficult and

difficult time. That is, he helps all those who he can, but under the conditions that he is a true

patriot of his country, and his goal coincides with the goal of other people. Many people in

wartime gave their food to the front and clothes and worked tirelessly day and night, and

sometimes for days without a break. Since at such a time the country needs a lot and in large

quantities. Some volunteer to work as nurses, while others, in order to go to war, forge their

documents in order to go to the front to fight if they have not reached that age.

Chapter 4: Research Methodology

4.1 Sample design

4.1.1 First Group of Respondents (Students)

The first group of respondents consists of students of Ala-Too International University, aged 18-

23 years, who are still studying and have incomplete higher education.

4.1.2 Base Population

Since the bulk of the respondents were from Ala-Too International University to collect data on

the impact of the pandemic and disease on human social life. Currently, the university has about

2950 students. But unfortunately, it is impossible to collect data from all students of the

university, so this number of people will be considered the core population from which the

sample will be collected.

4.1.3 The second group of respondents (People of different backgrounds and


The second group of respondents is randomly interviewed people who surround me. The age

range of the respondents is 120-60 years. Formations of the second group can be: with secondary

with secondary vocational, incomplete higher and higher education.

4.1.4 Base population

The people who took part in the survey, as noted above, are ordinary residents of the city and

residential areas of Bishkek. They have different social statuses and incomes. As a result, they

could perceive the pandemic differently.


5.2 Data collection methods

Two data collection methods were used to collect data for the study. It is quantitative and

qualitative. And about the data source - primary, generated for the first time with new


And for data collection and subsequent analysis, 2 groups of people were interviewed, because.

aforementioned. An electronic survey form (Google forms).

In my survey, respondents were asked the following group of 12 questions:

1. How old are you?

2. What are the benefits of quarantine?

3. What have you learned from this global crisis?

4. How has this disease and quarantine affected you personally?

5. How do you think society has changed as a result of this crisis?

6. How did you introduce yourself during the quarantine period?

7. And how did society introduce itself into the covid period?

8. How did you feel spending every day at home, without interacting with people?

9. Did you feel lonely?

10. Were you scared?

11. How much did you follow the instructions to limit yourself in contact with the masses of


12. How much do you think the society followed the instructions to limit itself in contact with

the masses of people.


The total number of respondents was 33 participants.

What conclusion and analysis can I make after reading all the answers.

Most of the respondents were from the return group from 15 to 25 years old, the percentage is

54.5%. Further from 25 - 45, the percentage ratio is 33.3%, and so on.

From each question, I was able to get specific information and a conclusion. For example, from

the question "What are the benefits of quarantine?" the most frequently answered options were:

● "Adaptation to online study"

● "Saw new opportunities earnings",

● "Found something interesting for myself and mastered it. "

This confirms my previously mentioned words that from this quarantine, sitting at home, people

began to think differently. Their worldview changed and they began to come up with something

new. self-actualization and learning new skills.

To support the fact that people began to change and changed their priorities in life, the question

"What have you learned from this global crisis?" Since frequent answers were similar to "We

need to appreciate life and every moment, as well as family and freedom"

Since people did not encounter such a crisis and were disappointed in life in general. And what

gave value to the word "life and freedom".

"How has this disease and quarantine affected you personally?" This question has received many

different answers and each has its own story. And the main answer was about the value of health.

That most people began to value health and devote more time to it. There is also a confirming

question for this conclusion: "How do you think society has changed as a result of this crisis?" to

which 57.6% answered, "Steel treats his health more carefully". This fact is very encouraging.

Since this is the only wealth that is given to us from birth and cannot be bought for any money.

To this question "How did you feel spending every day at home, without interacting with

people?" people are divided into two camps.

To whom it was terrible and lonely, and to whom it was comfortable and good. Well, I think it

depends on the temperament of the person and how social he is. Everyone feels their comfort in

different ways. It was hard for a person who constantly needs attention and society to sit at home

and feel lonely. And the person who is closed is the opposite.

And with my last two questions, I wanted to convey one thing. During the coronavirus period,

there were specific instructions for people to keep their distance, limit their in contact with

people, and so on. I wanted to understand to what extent people followed these instructions, to

what extent they were responsible for their lives, and, first of all, for the lives of other citizens.

And the answer is not entirely positive. Since many came out of the pulp, attended large events,

and could be a carrier of the virus. Which is very sad.

This quarantine has greatly changed the consciousness and ordinary life of people. And even

now, many cannot recover from the consequences of those times. But I think for every thrust

comes development. And that's what it is. People began to care more about each other and began

to see other opportunities for earning. This is very important in the age of automation, where

machines replace labor.



1. Mohammad Amiri, Behzad Pagheh, Maziyar Amiri. The impact of the coronavirus crisis

on human social life. Online meeting related to the COVID-19 crisis. - June 2020.

2. Yarovova Tatyana Viktorovna, Sidyakov Danila Yurevich. Social effects of the new

coronavirus infection pandemics quality development of modern Russian society.

Eurasian Union of Scientists – 2020.

3. ISA Digital Platform. A plea for global sociology in times of the coronavirus. –

April 2020.




7. Как проявляется сущность людей в трудные времена | Задумка (

8. Социальная сфера общества — что включает в себя, понятие, примеры


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