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Anastasia Nadkevych

Systematic and philosophical analysis CoVid 19

Department of Higher School Pedagogy and Social Disciplines
Scientific supervisor: Ph.D. Taras Kadobnyj
I.Ya.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University


To show the positive and negative consequences of coronavirus infection.

Materials & Methods

Information from books and interviews was used.


The COVID-19 pandemic, which has spread to almost the entire world, is
causing people fear, anxiety and even panic. However, there is a more
optimistic view of the situation from a philosophical point of view.
An unexpected break in the usual fast-paced course of life gives us the
opportunity to think and perhaps change our society for the better. It's time to
"slow down", turn to our inner world, reconsider their attitude to social values.
In his interview, he says: "People are now keeping their distance from each
other - as it should be. Even when the pandemic was just beginning, we stopped
shaking hands. The culture of greeting and communication is undergoing
significant changes. " And after reading this, the question arises; How can we
compensate for this?

The pandemic has made it clear that the virus affects people, regardless of their
social status. The rich and the poor are sick, because no one is insured. This
makes it clear to society that health is the most important thing we have.
Therefore, you need to monitor it, take care of yourself and those who need it,
because the consequences can be unpredictable.

Scientists believe that the coronavirus is the biological response of Mother

Nature to the situation caused by human actions. Global warming, mass
pollution, mass tourism, huge shops, hygiene - all this has allowed the virus to
spread rapidly around the world. As a result, the whole world is in quarantine.
On the one hand, it is very good for nature and people, because people began to
spend more time at home with their families, pollution decreased, people began
to worry more about their health and hygiene, water bodies became cleaner,
because people traveled less. The air has become cleaner as emissions from
transport have decreased. In addition, there has been a critical increase in carbon
dioxide over the last decade, and atmospheric air balance is currently being

However, on the other hand, there is a negative consequence for society. Most
countries are experiencing declining gross domestic product and declining
economic growth, with tourism, culture and the restaurant industry suffering the

The first thing that comes to mind about the current situation is Michel
Foucault's book "Watch and Punish." The French historian and philosopher
wrote in it about prison and discipline and carefully studied the events of the
early seventeenth century associated with the plague. He believed that the fight
against the spread of infection was more than "exclusively" medical measures.
In his opinion, these are, rather, the first steps towards disciplining society,
because we are isolated from each other, atomizing social life, being watched,
controlled. The same thing is happening now. All public places where people
met, such as the theater, are closed. Nobody meets anyone. Everyone is forced
to stay at home and not leave "personal space".

It can be concluded that the pandemic can be passed through the collective
cooperation of all nations of the world. We need to protect nature so that it does
not give us such a sharp response to our actions as various pandemics. After all,
she has repeatedly warned society to think about our actions. COVID-19 is a big
exam and depending on how people pass this exam, the fate of the whole planet
will depend.

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