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because a dead body do not have any heart beat and what he was hearing was

only the figment made by his mind. None of the officers understand anything
about the crime but he has conflicts with himself which I will talk more about it.
This was a general overview of the story and I will talk more about elements of
short story.


The story starts by a person talking but we don’t know exactly where he is. Having
a careful look in the story, we can get that the whole story is in a big house. The
house should be in an urban area because after the narrator kills the old man, he
even does not have time to rest and immediately the officers come. We can infer
that the city is in a place that the crime rate is somehow high. The main part of the
story happens in the bedroom where the old man used to sleep.


The actors in the story are:1- the narrator 2- the old man 3- the three police
officers and 4-the neighbor.

1-The narrator:

First and foremost we will have a quick look in the narrator character. This
character is the protagonist of the story and he suffers from a disease which has
sharpened his senses. The narrator is anonymous and we even do not weather it
is he or she and he just start telling the story. The story actually is from his point of
view-which we will talk more about it in the point of view part-and he describe the
very moment of the crime. This character is a representative of people who have
the same problem. In our everyday life we can see people who have problems
with people around them, they even do not no why this hatred exists in them but
they think the only way to get rid of them is destroying that person weather by
killing them or doing some thing that makes them leave their place. As we can see

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