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considering them as insolvable problems and do stupid reactions that just

aggravate the situation and have big consequences.

Point of view

The point of view of this story is first person as we see that the narrator is talking
about his story with the old man. In some parts of the story the narrator is trying to
show that his point of view is also omniscient and we can find it when he is behind
the door of the old man and spying on him, here the old man feels someone’s
presence in his bedroom and he says who is there. Here the narrator says that I
know he is terrified and he calms he knows what the old man is thinking, as we
can find it in these lines:” he had been saying to himself it is nothing but the wind
in the chimney-it is only a mouse crossing the floor or it is merely a cricket which
has made a single chirp. Yes he had been trying to comfort himself with these
suppositions; but he had found all in vain.”. This is not usually for the first point of
view to go through the character’s mind. The narrator is not reliable since he is
hypocrite. He had deceived the old man and achieved his trust but he killed him at
the end so it is expected that he is not telling the true story.


About the motive of this character we can say that it is not just the old man’s eye
that resents the narrator but this eye has some kind of symbolic meaning beyond
it’s surface. The eye is likened to a vulture eye. This is an important point, why is it
like a vulture eye? The answer is that vulture is a bird that is fed by the dead body
of animals and totally the corpse. So we can say the narrator is already dead and
he tries to change this situation by doing what the old man has done to him. There
is also some specific feature about this eye that is significant in this story. The eye
is not a normal eye and it is totally different from other people’s eye. For instance
we have a part in the story which shows how unique this eye is. After that the
narrator kills the old man he hides the corpse under planks in old man’s bedroom
and he says:” I then replace the boards so cleverly, so cunningly,that no human
eye--not even his--could have detected anything wrong.” This line shows how
significant the eye is. If no human eye can detect where the corpse is buried how

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