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MTH101 Grand Quiz Question Collection

Grand Quiz Preparation 2021

1. What is the value of (Cosx.Tanx)/x as x approaches to zero. (None of these) or 1
2. Derviate of cos 4x by using chain rule is (-4 sin 4x)
3. If a truck travels 100 miles over a straight road in a 5-hour period, then the average velocity of
the truck will be (20miles per/hour)
4. The derivative of y=Cosecx at x=0 is (0)
5. if f(x)=secx and g(x)=csc(x),then the derivate of f(x) x g(x) is
(-sec x csc x cot x+csc x sec x tan x)
6. If y=x^2 then average rate of change of y with respect to x over the interval {1,2}
Note:x^n means x to the power’n’
7.Finding the derivative dy/dx of sins (xy) +2xy+In(xy)=10,is compound using-----------
differentiation. (Implicit)
8.The derivative of a variable with respect to itself is equal to ---------- (1)
9.usually the number which signifies the idea of
F(x) being as close to limit L as want to be must be a/an-------------- (Integer)
10.45 degrees corresponds to -----radians. (pi/4)
11.Which of the following is x –intercept of a parabola represented by the equation=x2+2x
(1 and -2)
12.let a car ,moves from lower mall with the average velocity of 100km/h and after covering the
distance 50km.the car reach at the airport Lahore. The time elapsed is(1/2)
13.In the graph of equation
Y =4x+3
Symmetric about origin? (no)
14.The interval (-3,2) denotes the set of all-----------------between -3and 2 .(Integers)
15.The derivative of 5 sin(x+1)by using g chain rules ------------ 5cos(x+1)
16.A function is continuous on an interval if it is continuous ---------------of the interval.
(At every point)
17. What is the derivative of (21x-1/2)
18. The base ‘e’ of natural logarithm is --------------- (irrational)
19. If a slope of the line is Zero then that line is -------------------- (Parallel to x-axis)
20. The set {x: 1<x<2} cab be expressed by which of the following interval?
(-infinty,1)U (2+infinity)
21.If two lines have slopes -5 and 1/5 respectively, then these two lines are ----------------
(perpendicular to each other)

22.The inequality:
Can be simplified to which of the following? (1-x)<0
23.60 degrees corresponds to-----------radians. (pi3)
24.φ is differentiable function if it is differentiable on the interval -----------------(-infinity,
25.What is derivative 3cot(2x)? (-6cosec2(2x)
26.What is the derivative of cosec(11x)? (-11 cos ec(11z)cot(11x))
27.x0 where x ≠ 0 is equal to---------------------------- (1)
28.What is derivative of cos(45)?(-sin45)
29.Every real number corresponds to-------------on the co-ordinate line. (Infinite numbers of
30.If f(x) =x and g(x) =x2 Then (fog) x is (x2)
31.The derivative of (x2+1)2 is ---------------(4x(x+1)
32.if f(x) =x2 and g(x)= tan2 x,then the derivative of f(x) X g(x) =(None of these)
33.A function f(x) = x/{x} is (continuous at x=1)
34.(f.g)=f’.g –f.g’(True)
35.Graph of f(x+c) will be the same as the graph of
F(x) by shifting f(x) on ----------by c units. (left side)
36.Which of the following is solution of equation :
[4x +7]=-3
Answer=x =-1 and x=-5/2
37.If y = sin(10x+5) then its derivative by chain rule is ---------- 10(sin(10x+5)
38.What is the derivative of (sinx+ cos(2x22))22?
22(cos x -2 sin 2x)21

if f ( x) = x and g ( x) = 4 x , thenthe derivation off ( x) X g ( x) is

39. (none of these)

d x
( b ) = − − − (bx )

41.If (0,0) and (2,2) are any two points on a curve then the average speed of a particle passing
through this curve from (0,0) to (2,2) is-----------------(2)
42.If a slope of line is undefined then that line is --------------- (Parallel to x-axis)
43.Value of the derivative of ‘f(x)=tanx’ at
X=pi=180 degrees (0)
44.Which of the following point satisfies the equation:2x+5y-15? (5,1)
45.if f(x)=x^(3/2) then f’(1)=
Note:x ^n means ‘x’ to the power ‘n’(1)
46.If xy=3,then dy/dx=-3/x (True)
47.When knowing ‘x’ does not lead directly to ‘y’ then the function is said to be ------------
48.When knowing ‘x’ doent not lead directly to ‘y’,then the function is said to be ----------
49.In xy-plane both x and y are positive in ------quadrant. (First)
50.if f(x) =x5 and g(x) =x2 ,then the derivative of f(x)/g(x) is (none of these)
51.If x =f(y) and y =x then df/dx =------------------ (Cannot be evaluated)
52.0.121212 is an example of------------------ (rational numbers)
53.If we =f(x) and x=g(t) then dw/dt is giving by--------------- (df/dx)(dx/dt)
54.If Y=3x, then instantaneous rate of change of ‘y’ w.r.t at ‘5’ is (2)
55.What is the derivative of 3sec(x)
56.The slope of the tangent line to y=x^2+5 at x=2 is--------------
Note: where x^n denotes the nth power of x. (4)
57.What is the value of the sin3x/6x; as x approaches to zero? 1/2
58.If the slope of the line is zero ,then Angel of INCLINATION of that line is-------------degree.
59.Let f(x)=x+5 and g(x)=x2 -3 then (f-g)(x)? -x2+x+8
60.A function f(x) is differentiable on (a,b) if it is differentiable at----------pointin
61. Derivative of straight line parallel to X-axis is------------(Zero)
62.If the function f and g are continuous at c,then
f o g is------------at c.(continuous)
63.If y = f(u) and u =g(x),then dy/dx =-----------(using chain rule)
64. If f(x)=x sin(x), then which of the following is the derivate of f(x)
65.which of the following option describes the graph of equation: x2+y2=1
Answer: A circle centered at origin and its radius is 1
66.The derivative of Sin(3x) at the x=0 is ---------------- (3)
67.if as x approaches 1(lim2x-2)= 2
Then by the definition of limits, for any positive numbers e(epsilon)we can d (delta) such that----
--------- (I (2x-2) <e if x satisfies 0<{x-1}<d
68.Derivative of absolute value function:
F(x)=Abs(x)={x} at x=2 is Answer is “1”
69.The equation ,y =f(x)=logb(x),is read as------------- (log base b of x)
70.Value of x at which the derivatives of both function f(x) =sinxand g(x)=cosx are equal ,is :
Note: π=180 degrees answer----------- (-π/4)
71.If f is continuous on [a,b] and if f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs, then there is-------------one
solution of the equation f(x)=0 in the interval(a,b)(at least)
72.What is derivative of sin(x) at x=π/2(0)
73.Slopes of secant line joining points (2,3) and (3,2) is ------------- (-1)
74.Derivative of sin(u5)is---------------- (5u5 cos u5)
75.Slopes of secant line joining points (1,1) and (3,4) is------------- 1.5 answer
76.the set{x:1>x>2} can be expressed by which of the following interval? (1,2)
77.the function has f(x)=[x] has no derivative at x=0 because there is a ---------at that point
78.If a car travels 75 miles over a straight line in a 3-hour period, then we say that the average
Velocity of the car is-------------miles per hour .(75/3)

79. if f ( x) = x and g ( x) = x, thenthederivativeof f ( x) / g ( x) is

(none of these)
80.If the slope of a function is zero, then which of the following is true about it. (The function
should be constant)
82.Which of the following is equation of circle centered at origin and radius 1 ?(x2) +(y2)=1
83.Wich of the following describes the equation:
Y=2? (A point (0,2)
84.if the function is differentiable at a point then it is also -----------------at that point.
85.A functions f is continuous at a point x=a if f(a) is defined, lim f(x) as x approached to ‘a’
exists and----
[lim f(x)=f(a)]

86. let f ( x) = x + y then f (−2) = − − − − (not defined in R)

87.let f(x) =2 and g(x)=x2+1 then (f-g)(x)=? (1-x2)
88. Graph of the equation x2+y2=9 represents a(circle)
89.If f(x)=(107)^2 then f’(2)=
NOTE:x^n means ‘x’ to the power ‘n’…. answer “0”
90.If g(x)=8 tan x – 5 cot x, then g(x) is
(8 sec2 x+5 cosec2x)
91.At each point of domain, the function ------------ (is defined)
92.Let f(x) =√x+y then f(-2) =---------------------------- (not defined in R)
93.The Inequality,
{(5x+1) /x} < 1
Can be simplified which if the following. ((4x+1) <0
94.Value of the derivate of g(x)=8 10 cosx at
X=0 is (0)
95.Which of the following is y –intercept of a parabola represented by the equation: y=x2+2x-3
Answer (f6.If f (x) =sinx and g (x)=x2, then the derivative of f(x)/g(x) is([x2 cos(x) -
97.what is the derivative of (3x2 +1)52?
ANS====52(3x2 +1)51
98.log10 1 = answer “0”
99.The derivative of (x+1)^1/2 is------- (1/2{(x+1)^-1/2
100.If y=x+1 ,then average rate of change of ‘y’ w.r.t ‘x’ over the interval [1.5,2.5] will be -------
---- (1)
101.d(tanx)/dx=--------- (square of secx)
102.whatis the derivative of sin(x2)? (2x cos x2)
103.To differentiate xy=1 is an example of ---------------differentiation . (Implicit)
104.At a ---------to any graph, a tangent line does not exist because the slopes of the secant lines
do not have a two sided equal limits. (Corner point)
105.Derivative of difference equal to------ (Difference of the derivatives)
106.If(x)=xcos(x),then which of the following is true about it?
ANS: Its derivative with respect to x is -xsin(x) +cos(x)
107.The graph of equation of a -----does not represent a function (Line)
108.Derivative of x w.r.t cos ecx is ---------------- (-cos ecx.cot x)
109.Let f(x) =1/x+3,which of the following is domin of f(x)?
(-∞,-3) u (-3,∞)
110.If f(x)=cosx and g(x)=x2.Then (g.f)x is(cos x)2
111.The inequality,
Can be simplified to which of the following?
112.The value of ‘e’ is approximately equal to (2.71)
113.logbM+Logb N=--------------- (Logb MN)
114.Whicho fthe following is y –intercept of a line represented by equation, 5y=-2x+16(16/5)
115. A function f is called continuous from the right at point c if f(c) is defined and right hand
limit f(x) exist and ====== Lefthand limt f(x) =right hand limit f(x)=f(c)
116. Let f(x)=x+5 and g(x)=x2 -3 then f(g(x))=?(X2+2)
117.The point 4 lie in the interval (-infinity,5)==== false
118.let g(x) =3x-5f(x) where df(x)/dx=3
The derivative of g(x) t x=3 is (9) or -12
119.The derivative of (1/sinx) is------------ Cosec(x)

120.The derivative of f(x)=Sin(cos(4x)) by u sin g chain rule is-------------(-4 cos(cos(4x))sin(4x)

121.Inx^2 can be written as (2Inx)
122. A function f is said to be continuous on a closed interval[a,b] if it is continues from the right
at 'a' and 'f' is continuous from the left at 'b' and 'f’ is continuous (a,b) or [a,b]
123.If a function is differentiable at a point then it is continuous at that point. The converse is
124.What is the derivative of sin(xπ)? (π(x)x-1 cos(xπ)
125.If(0,0) and (2,2) are any two points on a curve then the slope of a line parallel to the secant
though these points is-------------- 1 answer
126.Let y=x^2+1
Then the average rate of y with respect to x over the interval [2,1] is (((3))))
127. What is the derivative of tan(3x2+1)? (6x sec2(3x2 +1)
128. . A function f is called continuous from the left at point c if f(c) is defined and left hand
limit f(x) exist and ====== Left-hand limit f(x) =right hand limit f(x)=f(c)
129.Derivative of 9y+1) w.r.t ‘x’ is -------------- (dy/dx)
130.If f(x) approaches to L as x approaches to a from left and right then f(x) is in the interval
(l-e,l+e) where e is a small positive number
131.Drivative of sin 4x by using the chain rule is --------------- (4 cos 4x)
132.d(-2x+3cosx)/dx= (-2+3sinx)
133.if f(x)=x2 sin (2x), then the derivative of f(x) is============= 2x cos(2x) +2x sin(2x)
134.The slope of horizontal line is (zero)
135.if y=c (a constant0then the average rate of change of y with respect to xover the
interval[0,1] is NONE OF THESE
136. Value of the derivative of ‘f(x)=tanx’ at
Note pi=180 degrees (0)
137.if y =f(sin t) and y=t then(df/dy)=-------------------------- cos y
138.The inequality L_e<f(x)<L+e can be written as----------------------|f(x)-L|<e
139.Graph of the f(x) is the same as the graph of cf(x)--------------vertically if c>1
140.Let f(x)=x-3 and g(x) =2x then +g)(x)=? 3x-3
141.pi radians corresponds to-----degrees. (180)
142.Graph of the equation y=x2-9x+5 represents a (parabola)
143.if f(x) =tan2(x5), then the derivative of f(x) is----------------- 10x4 sec2 (x5)tan(x5)
144.Let f(x) =3/x, which of the following is domain of f(x)? (-00,0) u (0,00)
145.In Implicit differentiation dy/dx involves variable of (both x& y)
146.An ordered pair corresponds to-----------------in the plane (A unique point)
147. Which of the following is slope of a line segment joining the points (4, 3) and (−2, 3)?)?
148.Value of derivative of f(x)=sin(sin x) at x=0 is ((1)))
149.if f(x) =sin4(x2),then the derivative of f(x) is--------------------- (x sin3 (x2)cos(x2)
150.The implicit differentiation of y2=gives dy/dx=--------------- 1/2y
151.Graph of y=f(x) and y= -f(x) are reflection of one another about the---------- y axis
152.To each point on a co-ordinate line, there is associated----------------- (A real numbers)
153.If y=f(sin t) and y =t then (df/dy)= cos y
154.Graphically the function y=c represents -------line. (Vertical)
155. If F(x) =(sec x + x4)5, then the derivative of f(x)is-----------------
5(sec x+x4)4(sec(x)tan(x) +4x3)
156.. Let f(x)=x-3 and g(x) =x3 then (f+g)(x)= (x3+x-3)
157.The derivative of compostion of functions can be found by using------------
(Generalized derivative formula)
158.If f(x)=ax+bx+c,then its derivative with respect to x is-------- (a+b)
159.-let f(x) =x+a then f(-1) = 0
160.The cotangent function is defined by cot x= cosx/sinx (True)
161. The derivative of (sin(cos x)) is------- -cos(cos x).sin x
162.velocity is the rate of change of positive w.r.t----------TIME
163.Average rate of change in ‘y’ w.r.t ‘x’ represents the slope of------line on the
164.If a secant line is drawn between two points P and Q on a curve, then the slopes of this
secant line =
165.Which of the following is midpoint of the lines segment joining points (1.3) and (1.5)? (1.4)
166.Log with the base ‘e’ is called---------------log. (Inverse)
167.If g(x)=3x2 theng’(2) will be-------? Answer 12
168.At a corner a tangent line does not exist because the slopes of the secant lines do not have a
(two sided)limit (True)
169.Usually the numbers that signifies the ideas of f(x) being as close to limit L as want to be
must be a/an------- (Integer)
170.What is the derivative of cos ec(x4)? (-4x3 cos ec(x4)cot(x4)
171.the derivative of 1/-x+1 with respect to x is 1/(1-x)2
172.The derivative of 1/-x+1 with respect to x is-------- 1/(1-x)2
173. Let f(x)=x-5 and g(x)=2x then f(g(x)) =? 2x-3
174.if y=2x then instantaneous rate of change of ‘y’ w.r.t at x=2 is------- (2)
175.If y=9cos(3x) then value of y at x=π Is (-9)
176.If f(x)=8x,then f(2) is-----(8)
177. The function has f(x)=[x] is differentiable at x=0 (True)
178.g(x)=[x+3] is the composition of two is (x+3) and the other is------------------
179.If f(x)=1/x then which of the following is true about it.(Its derivative with respect to x is (-

180. Which of the following is solution of equation: [x-3]-4=3(X=10 and x=-4)

181.What is the derivative of cos ec(x4)? (-4x3 cos ec(x4) cot(x4)
182.On the straight line the tangent at any point coincide with line------- (nowhere)
183.If f(x)=x^2+2x+3 then which of the following is true about it.
Note:where x^n denotes the nth power of x.(its derivative will be equal to 2x+2)
184.[x-3]<1 implies(2<x<4)
185If f(x)=x5+10, then which of the following is true about it? (its derivative is 5x4)
186. If two lines have slopes -3 and 1/3 respectively, then these two lines are ----------------
(perpendicular to each other)
187.How many real number exist between any two integers? (Infinite)
188.If y(x) =tan x, then y”(x) is----------------- 2sec2(x)tan(x)
189.If y=x^2 then which of the following is true about it over the interval [3,4]
Note: where x^n denotes the nth power of x. (The slopes of the secant line is 9)
190. What is the average rate of change of y with respect to x over the interval [0,1] if y=6x^2
Note:x^n means ‘x’ to the power ‘n’(6)
191. Derivative of a graph of straight line bisecting the second and fourth quadrants is------- (-1)
192. If f(x)=cosx5, then which of the following is true about it (Its derivative w.r.t x is -5x4 sin
193.If a body in the time interval of five minutes. Covers the distance of five hundred meters
then its average speed is------ 100 meter/min
194. If f (x)=1/x ,then which of the following is NOT true about it.
NOTE: where x^n denotes the nth power of x (it is not differentiable at x=0)
195.Let f(x)=x-3 and g(x)=2x then f(g(x)=? 2x-3
196. Which of the following is equation of a line that passes through the point (5.-3) and whose
slopes is -1? Y=-x+2
197. Chain rule says that if 'g' is differentiable at a point x and'f' is differentiable at the point g(x)
then composition of f(g(x) is differentiable at the point ‘x’. True
198. The derivative of f(x) = sin (cos (4 x)) by u sin g chain rule is........ (-4cos (cos (4x) sin
199. Let y=x^2+1
Then the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x at the point -2 is -4
200.On the geometrical figure like square, the points where the derivative does not exist are
201. The average velocity of any object can be represented geometrically by-----------------the
slope of the secant line
202.Sinx.Cosx and Tanx are called---------functions (Trigonometric)

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