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I go to, is called Meet House. There's a peer support worker they called Fiona.

She's on
Instagram, FionaPSW. I told her about it because she's been doing a weekly Zoom chat because
the allotment group obviously were not meeting at the allotment, so she's just been doing a
weekly Zoom chat.
I joined that and I told everyone about Wakey and about the quiz because all the people that go
to the allotment they like the socializing part of it, and then, who doesn't love a quiz? I told her
about that, I knew Fiona would love it, I sent her the link to the Wakey page on Instagram.
Hopefully, she'll share it with more people because she reaches out to people that need help. I'm
hoping it'll be something that she can recommend to people.
Interviewer: Okay, that's really really nice of you.
Interviewee: Well. It's nice of you guys for making the show.
Interviewer: It's a win-win situation.
Interviewee: Yes. I'm happy to spread the word because it's just upbeat, it's fantastic.
Interviewer: Few other things I wanted to ask about the content. one is related to the reading
material, let's call it this way. Have you read any articles in the app?
Interviewee: I don't think so. I'm trying to think.
Interviewer: Are you aware of the articles?
Interviewee: No, well, they just post it on Instagram.
Interviewer: I know that they put it to the app, I'm not sure about posting on Instagram
regarding the articles.
Interviewee: On the actual app?
Interviewer: Yes, actual app, yes.
Interviewee: There's articles in them?
Interviewer: Yes, it should be basically the second icon from the right, I think. It looks like a
small paper.
Interviewee: I didn't even know that was there.
I like to read articles [inaudible 00:28:33]. I didn't even know that was there.
Interviewer: Well, that's something for us to write down that, how can we make it more visible?
Interviewee: Maybe, if Ginger just mentions it. In the morning chat just says, "Don't forget to
have a little look on our left, we've got an article section." I find it funny that I just totally didn't
notice it.
[unintelligible 00:29:14]
Interviewer: What about newsletters? Have you received any?
Interviewee: What? Via email?
Interviewer: Yes.
Interviewee: Well, unfortunately, I need to clean up my emails because I was playing this game,
and basically you get in-game currency if you do these surveys. I was signing up my email, so I'd
get a tonne of junk and all this. Basically a lot of my emails get lost, so I need to sort that out. I
just get overwhelmed by the amount of emails I get, I don't really read them. That's why I was
late to replying to your email because
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I didn't see it straight away. I just get a lot of rubbish. I did actually get an email from you guys.
Interviewer: Today?
Interviewee: No, on the 9th of April and it was about the not-a-pub quiz and it said about my
issue with signing in, somebody did actually email me. Yes, I'm going [unintelligible 00:30:31]
at some point.
Interviewer: But you should get another newsletter today because Wednesday is our newsletter
day. Usually it's my colleague Holly who sends the newsletters, so if something comes from
Wakey [unintelligible 00:30:51] Holly then it's us.
Interviewee: Yes, I did get that, "Don't forget to set your alarm." Yes, it just breaks down what's
on for the week. I think that's why I don't read it because it's basically reiterating the stuff that I
know. Because I'm on Instagram I'm usually checking it most days, I think I've got notifications
switched on for the Q&A with Doctor Iain anyway, so I don't really read the newsletter because I
skin through it. I don't read it, I just skin it.
Interviewer: The last question about the content relates to the progress page. Are you aware of
the progress page?
Interviewee: Yes, I'm not a fan of that.
I'm not a fan of it. I've put feedback in before, I've said, "I love the show, but I don't like that it
comes up with a survey" because the whole thing of, "How are you feeling", or, "How easy was
it to get out of bed?" It's not dependent on the show and it's not as easy as a naught to 10. There's
so many different factors. Yes, I'm not a fan of that.
Before, when I was filling it out, I was just filling out how entertaining I found it, I gave it a 10
and then I ignore the rest and just submit it. I'm happy to give feedback about the show, but as
far as how do I feel after watching the show, I always feel better after watching the show, but it's
not going to drastically improve my mental health. It's more complex than that. You can't
Because I get it, I've filled up many questionnaire on mental health and they always, "How are
you feeling on a scale of naught to 10", I get it, but, I don't know, it's too basic because these
questionnaires that you fill out on mental health it's not just one or two questions. I find it a bit-
not insulting, but almost insulting.
Interviewer: Yes, that's a very good point to bring up. But for example, the six questions you
can answer on weekly basis, what do you think of these ones?
Interviewee: Yes, it's the same. Because the thing is my mood is always low, I'm always
anxious, even when I'm having a good day. You can't really get it across in a naught to 10, not as
often. And as well, it doesn't equate to the show, there's no correlation between my mood and the
show, because the show always makes me feel better, the show is always entertaining, but there
could be many factors that day to why I'm giving it a naught. I might not have slept well or I've
had nightmares. I don't find the quiz helpful at all. I'd like it if it was optional, if it automatically
comes up and you can swipe it away, but I'd like if there was an option that you could close it or
choose not to answer it.
Interviewer: That's a good point. As you briefly mentioned about changes, can you tell me
about any changes there might have been to your daily life or morning routines since you started
using Wakey?
Interviewee: It's made me more positive about getting up in the morning. I don't know if that
coincides with me being on increased medication, but I do think even before my meds went up I
was watching the app and it really helped me get out of bed. I've noticed a positive impact
because it's a nice bit of good cheer to start the day, even if I'm not feeling great.
Especially sometimes when I've been in bed and I've not felt good at all and I'm finding it really
hard to get up, then I'll be the bed aerobics thing. I can't help but join in because it's so simple,
but so effective. It's fun, just that little bit of movement helps. You're doing it in unison, so they
encourage you to get up and go. It really does work.
Interviewer: Have you noticed any other changes -can be positive or negative- that might relate
to using the app?
Interviewee: With depression I struggle getting washed and dressed, so I've noticed when the
quiz is on a Wednesday I like to be washed and dressed for the quiz. Even if I've been in my
pajamas or even if I feel like crap. I look forward to the quiz, I think it's great.
Interviewer: Anything else that comes to your mind?
Interviewee: No, I can't think of anything now.
Interviewer: Okay.
Interviewee: So-
Interviewer: Yes?
Interviewee: Sorry go on. I was just saying, what was the question again? Specifically
[unintelligible 00:37:32].
Interviewer: It was, have you noticed any positive or negative changes that might relate to using
the app? Besides the things that you already pointed out.
Interviewee: That might relate to using the app. Yes, just the issue with signing in. One thing,
one question I do have and it's probably because of the lockdown, but where's that lovely lady
gone that used to present the show?
Interviewer: Do you mean AJ?
Interviewee: I can't remember her name. She was on it before Chris. It used to be Ginger and a
lady, a woman. She used to present it.
Interviewer: I think it is AJ. I have to--
Interviewee: AJ?
Interviewer: Yes, AJ Odudu.
Interviewee: She's got that bit of a Nothern accent.
Interviewer: Yes. I have to tell you that I don't know exactly what happened.
Interviewee: Because she was great as well, she had such a positive energy, she's so much fun.
Yes, I really liked it when she was on it as well. It'd be nice if you could get her back.
I think Chris and Ginger are great and her as well, it'd be nice to rotate all three.
Interviewer: Good point. Now, the very last part is about the future.
Interviewee: Quick. While I think of it, also, there's a good female to male ratio because we're
very much limited, we're supposed to be smashing the patriarchy and all that and at the moment,
you've got Chris, which is the man, Iain, which is the man, Ginger, which is the man dressed as a
woman, so it'd be nice to get a female back on the show. Otherwise, what kind of message does
that send to young women?
It's like, "You can be on the show if you're man, and we'll let a man dressed as a woman on. We
won't let a woman on".
Interviewer: This made my morning.
Interviewee: Yes. A female [unintelligible 00:39:53] would be nice. But get that lady back, she
was great, AJ.
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Interviewer: Okay. The last part is about the future of Wakey. I have two scenarios, imagine-
Interviewee: The future is female.
Interviewer: Imagine that Wakey was going to be changed and you can decide on upto three
things that stay unchanged. What would you keep?
Interviewee: Ginger Johnson. You can't have Wakey without Ginger, I will [unintelligible
00:40:33] in every riot in the streets.
I'll protest, I'll actually go outside with placards. What else? I think it'd be what cannot change. I
know Ginger Johnson, I do like Chris on it as well and Dr. Iain, I like all three of them. But there
are little things I'd like to keep as well, obviously the logo, it's iconic. The music, the bing bong-
bing bong, and also the dog, the little dog, I'm used to the little dog. Is it OB?
Interviewer: Oddball?
Interviewee: Oddball, that's it.
Interviewer: Now, when you mentioned the music I just remembered as you said it before we
started the recording, you said that Wakey reminds you of the Big Breakfast Show, right?
Interviewee: Yes, totally. That's what I said when I recommended it to the Peer Support worker
that I know. I was telling all the people in the room chat, I said, "Do you remember that show
The Big Breakfast?" I said, "It's like that, but it's a 10-minute micro breakfast show and it's on
your phone, it's an app that you can download. You set an alarm, it wakes you up and it helps get
you out of bed".
Yes, it's got the same kind of energy, got that fun. I could see it going on Channel 4, that would
be amazing. I think the world needs that, you see daylight on your phone, go off and wake you
up. That would be great. Well, we've all got a smart tv now, so there must be a way to do it.
Interviewer: Yes, that's true. As you pointed out that it's like a micro Breakfast Show, what do
you think of the length of the show?
Interviewee: It's perfect, but sometimes I wish it was longer.
Interviewer: What would be the ideal length for you?
Interviewee: I'd happily watch at least half an hour of it. Even 20 minutes. If you're going to
keep it as a micro breakfast show so that people can fit it in because obviously people are
watching it before they go to work as well. Maybe you could up it to 20 minutes, ideally.
Because you think about shows like This Morning, even The Big Breakfast, The Big Breakfast,
what was that? Like an hour long? Or an hour and a half?
Interviewer: Yes, it was quite long.
Interviewee: Yes. One day I like to think it would be that long.
Interviewer: Well, there's always room for improvement.
Interviewee: Yes. It has that fun anarchic, chaotic, positive energy. You never know what's
going to happen, it's just pure entertainment.
Interviewer: As I described a situation where you can decide on up to three things that stay
unchanged. Now, imagine the opposite, that you can exclude up to three things while everything
else stays the same. What would you exclude?
Interviewee: What would I exclude? Probably the Q&A thing. The daily survey, the weekly
Interviewer: By Q&A you mean the survey part, not the Q&A with Dr. Iain?
Interviewee: No, not the Q&A with Dr. Iain, not that. He's one of the things I'd keep.
No, it's the survey isn't it? What would I exclude? Don't make Ginger make an omelet again?
Yes. I don't think there's anything I would exclude apart from that survey.
Interviewer: Can you think of any other ways that we can make Wakey better in the future?
Something that we haven't discussed yet?
Interviewee: I think have guests on. At the moment that's a bit tricky, but any good morning
show's always got a good guest on. You could get people with knowledge about mental health,
you could get entertainment guests as well just for fun. Get Holly Stars on, Holly Stars is
amazing [laughs]. Yes, I think having guests on would be fun.
Also, obviously the internet loves animals, dogs and cats everybody loves Oddball. You could
have some sort of animal section, I don't know, have a random animal on? Have someone from
an owl sanctuary come on? I don't know. Yes, maybe more broad chats of different- because I
like learning as well, so any sort of random facts are always fun, like, "Did you know that the
hedgehog." Random facts.
Interviewer: That's a really good point.
Interviewee: I think guests would be a good one. What else? You could get people with mental
health knowledge and maybe practical advice. I think explore that side of things a bit more. Yes,
that's it.
Interviewer: The last question I have is about adding any features to Wakey or combining
Wakey with some other apps. What do you think of this? When ask about features, is there
anything that comes to your mind that would improve Wakey from your perspective?
Interviewee: I don't really know, I'm not sure. I'm not really clued up on how it could work with
other apps.
Interviewer: Or there might be some features from other apps, let's say something that some
other app has that we could also have?
Interviewee: Okay, like a sharing platform or something. You know how Instagram has- you
can share your pictures or whatever. Not in the same way. Because one thing that I've seen on
Instagram, which I thought was brilliant was they had a weekly art challenge that it was
exclusive to these five people and I thought it was really fun. The challenge was, I don't know,
Draw Ginger Johnson, everybody would have a go at drawing Ginger Johnson. They'd show the
different pictures that people drew and then they'd have a winner.
There's no prizes, it's for fun. Your art is shared, it's a fun thing to do and it brings people
together as well, it's a good giggle. I think art's very helpful, it's a good way to express yourself.
If you could, more interactive things.
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They've got the quiz, which I think is brilliant. Carry on with the quiz.
The other thing, you said, "Three things that you'd keep." I'd keep the presenter, that would be
one, all of them. I'd keep the quiz and keep old news. Some interactive thing like that, little
competitions for fun. Not really competitions, but I don't know if you've ever watched
Interviewer: No, I haven't.
Interviewee: Basically it's a TV show, they get comedians on and they have to do these tasks,
it'sthinking out of the box and it's the absurdity of how will they get it done. Obviously, with the
lockdown, they've opened the challenge up to everyone so that everyone is given a specific task,
like being a superhero. They film themselves and they all show the clips of people doing it.
It's a fun way for everyone to interact, be creative, do something as well, constructive and
positive. In a similar way, you could do that but without, "Make this", or, "Do this", and then
everybody puts forward what they've done. Even if you did it weekly, fortnightly, monthly even,
I think you'll be just something fun and different.
Interviewer: That's a really good point. Is there anything else that comes to your mind that you
haven't discussed, but you would like to point it out?
Interviewee: No, I just think you're all doing a great job. Well done [laughs].
Interviewer: Thank you. In that case, I'm going to stop the recording.
[00:52:14] [END OF AUDIO]

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