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Additional Perspectives articles for Influenza: The Cutting Edge book collection are available

The Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

Michelle Wille1 and Edward C. Holmes2

WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection
and Immunity, Melbourne 3000, Australia
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, Charles Perkins Centre, School of Life and
Environmental Sciences and Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, Australia

The patterns and processes of influenza virus evolution are of fundamental importance,
underpinning such traits as the propensity to emerge in new host species and the ability to
rapidly generate antigenic variation. Herein, we review key aspects of the ecology and evo-
lution of influenza viruses. We begin with an exploration of the origins of influenza viruses
within the orthomyxoviruses, showing how our perception of the evolutionary history of these
viruses has been transformed with metagenomic sequencing. We then outline the diversity of
virus subtypes in different species and the processes by which these viruses have emerged in
new hosts, with a particular focus on the role played by segment reassortment. We then turn
our attention to documenting the spread and phylodynamics of seasonal influenza A and B
viruses in human populations, including the drivers of antigenic evolution, and finish with a
discussion of virus diversity and evolution at the scale of individual hosts.

F rom an evolutionary perspective, more is

known and more sequence data have been
generated about influenza viruses than arguably
drift and help choose vaccine strains (Smith
et al. 2004; Koel et al. 2013; Bedford et al. 2014;
Neher et al. 2016).
any other group of pathogens. These data have Herein, we review key aspects of the ecology
provided a general understanding of the extent and evolution of influenza virus, taking a strong
and structure of virus genetic diversity, the evo- genomic perspective. We will consider the evo-
lutionary processes that gave rise to it, from lutionary behavior of the virus in different host
where influenza viruses originate, and the mu- species and the commonalities among them
tations that underpin host adaptation, antigenic and highlight areas where uncertainty remains.
drift, and antiviral resistance. We also know
much about how human influenza viruses spread
and evolve on a seasonal basis. Human influenza PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY AND ORIGINS
A virus was the focus of one the first large-scale OF INFLUENZA VIRUSES
pathogen genome-sequencing projects (Ghedin
The Origins of Influenza Viruses
et al. 2005), and influenza virus genomes are
regularly used to test methods of evolutionary The reservoirs of influenza A viruses are tradi-
analysis, and these evolutionary analyses are in- tionally considered to be waterbirds of the or-
creasingly employed to understand antigenic ders Anseriformes (ducks) and Charadriiformes

Editors: Gabriele Neumann and Yoshihiro Kawaoka

Additional Perspectives on Influenza: The Cutting Edge available at
Copyright © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a038489
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M. Wille and E.C. Holmes

(shorebirds, gulls); these animals are commonly present at low prevalence and/or only establish
infected, reaching prevalence levels of >20% in short-lived infections such that the chances of
the autumn migration season (Latorre-Margalef detecting actively replicating viruses is slim. In-
et al. 2014), harbor 16 hemagglutinin (HA) and deed, the large gap in the phylogenies that link
nine neuraminidase (NA) subtypes, and usually bat influenza viruses to those in other species is
experience clinically asymptomatic infections. indicative of a very limited sampling of virus
Occasionally, influenza A virus leaves these diversity. It is, therefore, inevitable that more
aquatic bird reservoirs, overcomes a variety of mammalian influenza viruses, including from
host barriers (Kuiken et al. 2006), and jumps to bats, will be identified in the future.
either poultry or various mammalian species, More surprises on the host range of influen-
including humans, resulting in sporadic infec- za viruses arose from the large-scale metage-
tions, disease epidemics, or pandemics. Al- nomic ( particularly RNA) sequencing of diverse
though the interplay between the birds and vertebrate species. A large-scale metatranscrip-
mammals is critical for understanding the emer- tomic study of diverse vertebrate viruses revealed
gence of influenza A virus, our knowledge of that sequences clearly related to known influenza
influenza ecology and evolution in general has viruses were present in amphibians, fish, and
changed dramatically with the recent advent of even the hagfish (Eptatretus burgeri), a jawless
metagenomic sequencing. and basal vertebrate species (Shi et al. 2018b).
The first indication that the phylogenetic That these viruses were sampled from seemingly
diversity of influenza A viruses was greater healthy animals tentatively suggests that they
than in the bird–mammal 16HA-9NA model represent low-pathogenicity variants. Notably,
was the discovery of highly divergent and di- the (PB2) phylogeny of these viruses generally
verse viruses in fruit bats (Artibeus spp.) from matches that of the host species from which they

Central and South America (Tong et al. 2012, were sampled, albeit with obvious cases of host
2013). These bat viruses represented unique jumping (Fig. 1). This pattern strongly suggests
subtypes, H17N10 and H18N11, and possessed that influenza viruses and their hosts have likely
some internal genes with more genetic diversity coevolved for the entire evolutionary history of
among them than between all other known avi- vertebrates. If so, then many more influenza vi-
an and mammalian influenza viruses combined ruses will ultimately be identified from diverse
(Tong et al. 2013). These features are indicative vertebrates. Hence, although wild waterbirds are
of a long evolutionary association between these rightly considered the ultimate source of those
viruses and their bat hosts, as well as an ancient influenza Aviruses that eventually emerge in hu-
separation from the viral lineages found in birds mans, they are only milestones in a far older
and other mammals. Although it has been sug- evolutionary history. Host jumping, which un-
gested that bat influenza A viruses possess the derpins disease emergence, occurs on this back-
biological features necessary to infect humans, bone of ancient virus–host codivergence. Of par-
including the use of major histocompatibility ticular note here is that the closest relative of
complex (MHC)-II as an entry mediator (Kar- human influenza B virus identified to date is
akus et al. 2019), these viruses may only replicate from a fish (Mastacembelus aculeatus), again
poorly in some mammalian cell lines (Ciminski suggesting that a diverse array of influenza B–
et al. 2019). like viruses will eventually be found in other ver-
The remaining puzzle is why so few bat in- tebrate species (Shi et al. 2018b).
fluenza virus genome sequences have been iden-
tified, with the only other known bat virus, an
Metagenomics and the Orthomyxoviruses
H9N2-like variant, recently identified in Egyp-
tian bats and not as divergent as those from Metagenomic studies have been central to re-
South America (Kandeil et al. 2019). The most vealing the relationships between the influenza
likely explanations are that we have not sampled viruses and related orthomyxoviruses (family
the right populations and that these viruses are Orthomyxoviridae). Orthomyxoviruses appear

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Influenza viruses





a na
za A

Influenza A vir

l influenza vir











B vir






l flu



za en


Wu za




us - H17N10 man

2 hu rus


ng ru s Thogotovirus

c vi vi


s o ri viru irus
s v 5

Hu i orth
ch h virus

heng viru D Joogoto yxo -like
ortho s2 Th thom
myxo Hubei or
Wenling ortho
myxo-like virus
1 xo -like virus 2
Beihai orthomy

Changping ea
rthworm virus

uito virus 3 Tilap

Wuhan mosq us 1
ia lak
e viru
fly vir s 4 rus s
Jings v iru p vi s 1 Sa

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2020;10:a038489

uito am iru


sw ig v W Stee isavir
nm ry us

a r

h w uh lh


Wu ar

an ead

W ei or

ll v us
dq ie

ri v rus
ca tro


Ol q



Ato vir

H Is



av tho

ton anfil
xo my




s xo

Jiujie fly virus

1 vir



Wellfleet Bay irus




0.3 amino acid substitutions/site

Figure 1. Evolutionary relationships among the orthomyxo-like viruses revealing the position of the vertebrate-associated
influenza viruses (shaded green). The phylogeny was inferred using a maximum likelihood approach based on an amino
acid alignment of the PB2 protein that encodes the RNA polymerase (original tree kindly provided by Dr. Mang Shi,
University of Sydney). Influenza viruses A–D are shown in bold italic. Note the low levels of divergence among these viruses
compared to the orthomyxo-like viruses as a whole. Branches shaded red denote those viruses associated with vertebrates,
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whereas all other (black) branches reflect viruses associated with invertebrates. Documented orthomyxovirus genera, other
Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

than those associated with influenza viruses, are indicated. The tree is unrooted with branches scaled to the number of
amino acid changes per site.
Downloaded from on May 14, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

M. Wille and E.C. Holmes

to be relatively common in fish in which they antiquity is also supported by the observation
harbor enormous phylogenetic diversity, again that the HA and NA comprise highly divergent
indicative of ancient origins (Fig. 1; Shi et al. sequences that are difficult to align. The same
2018b). A good example is infectious salmon pattern of high divergence, and hence deep an-
anemia virus (now Salmon isavirus) that has tiquity, is also true of the A and B alleles (the
been known to cause disease in farmed Atlantic latter only found in birds) of the virus nonstruc-
salmon for >30 years (Rimstad and Mjaaland tural (NS) segment.
2002). More recently, an even more divergent A very different timescale emerges with
orthomyxovirus (Tilapia lake virus) responsible the molecular clock dating of influenza A viruses
for large-scale die-offs of tilapia (Oreochromis sampled from birds and mammals (excluding
sp.) was identified (Bacharach et al. 2016). bats). As expected, given its high background
Perhaps more surprising was the discovery mutation rate (Sanjuán and Domingo-Calap
that orthomyxoviruses (and RNA viruses in 2016), evolutionary rates are universally high in
general) are abundant in invertebrates, including influenza viruses at ∼10−3 nucleotide substitu-
mosquitoes, earwigs, earthworms, cockroaches, tions per site per year (Chen and Holmes 2006;
and a variety of fly species (Fig. 1; Li et al. 2015; Rambaut et al. 2008; Worobey et al. 2014a;
Shi et al. 2016). Although there have been mul- Vijaykrishna et al. 2015), although there is vari-
tiple and complex cross-species transmission ation among viruses, hosts species, genome seg-
events throughout orthomyxovirus evolution, ments, and subtypes of influenza A virus. In the
visible as vertebrate-associated viruses falling case of influenza A virus, these rates suggest that
in different phylogenetic locations within the circulating genetic diversity has a very recent or-
diversity of invertebrate viruses, the data sug- igin, only dating to the nineteenth century. In-
gests that the orthomyxoviruses originated in deed, it has been proposed that that there was a

invertebrates and have been associated with an- large-scale “selective sweep” (i.e., the selective
imals for perhaps the entire history of the fixation of an advantageous mutation that
Metazoa. This marks a major transition in our purged existing genetic diversity) of influenza
understanding of the orthomyxoviruses, from genomes that occurred in the late 1800s, such
predominantly a family of vertebrate viruses that all currently circulating avian and mamma-
to a largely invertebrate family with multiple lian influenza A virus lineages originated at this
jumps to vertebrates, including those that point (Worobey et al. 2014a). A complicating
gave rise to the influenza viruses and in which factor is that viruses evolve at different rates in
respiratory transmission evolved in some mam- different hosts (Worobey et al. 2014a), with poul-
malian species. Despite this antiquity, all try viruses evolving more rapidly than those in
orthomyxoviruses, irrespective of host, share a wild birds (Fourment and Holmes 2015). How-
segmented genome structure, although segment ever, even accounting for such variation, all esti-
numbers vary from 6 to 10 (Shi et al. 2016). mates for the divergence times of avian and
mammal viruses are recent, generally falling in
the nineteenth century. Either these dates are real
The Timescale of Influenza Virus Evolution
and virus evolution has been characterized by a
One of the most complex topics in influenza complex series of cross-species transmission
virus evolution has been revealing the timescale events and selective sweeps (Chen and Holmes
over which its genetic diversity has been created, 2010; Worobey et al. 2014a) or they are wildly
particularly those influenza A viruses that infect erroneous and the timescale of virus evolution is
humans. As discussed above, metagenomic uncertain. Likely the best way to resolve this key
studies strongly suggest that influenza viruses question is through the analysis of “ancient” influ-
have existed for hundreds of millions of years enza viruses sampled from earlier time points. At
(Shi et al. 2018b), and it seems reasonable to the time of writing, however, the only available
assume that Anseriformes and Charadriiformes samples of this kind are those of the H1N1 pan-
have similarly been infected for millennia. Such demic of 1918/1919 (Taubenberger et al. 1997).

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Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

There has similarly been debate over the visaged as being infected by a single and
timing and nature of the H1N1 virus associated common pool of influenza viruses, where geo-
with the global pandemic of 1918/1919. The graphical subdivision may play a more impor-
key issue here is how long the virus was present tant role than host species in shaping virus
in humans before the 1918 pandemic began population structure. The most striking pattern
(Reid and Taubenberger 2003). Despite the here is that influenza A viruses from wild birds
availability of samples from the pandemic (Tau- fall into independently evolving Eurasian and
benberger et al. 1997, 2005), it is difficult to North American lineages, regardless of subtype
determine which of the various scenarios for (Fig. 2; Donis et al. 1989). It is possible that these
the origin of the 1918 virus are correct: that geographically segregated lineages are some-
the entire virus, or at least some of its segments, times antigenically different, offering a compet-
originated in birds shortly before the epidemic itive advantage to lineages/viruses introduced
began, that it emerged earlier in pigs before into the mismatched host population (Bahl
crossing to humans (Smith et al. 2009a), or et al. 2009; Vijaykrishna et al. 2013). More con-
that it emerged earlier in humans and evolved troversial is how avian influenza viruses are
increased virulence through time (Worobey structured within the continental scale, and the
et al. 2014b). Again, more ancient samples will precise role played by “flyways” or the specific
be critical to answering this question. migratory routes used by birds. Despite some
counter suggestions (Bahl et al. 2013), there is
relatively strong evidence that influenza A virus-
es in North American birds tend to spread in
patterns that loosely respect the geographical
boundaries imposed by avian flyway (Lam

Like many RNA viruses, influenza viruses regu- et al. 2012; Fourment et al. 2017).
larly jump host species. Although many of these It is also apparent that subtypes of influenza
cross-species transmission events only result in A virus differ in the specificity or generality of
transient spillover infections, occasionally they the hosts they infect. For example, H13 and H16
result in sustained epidemic transmission. The have, to date, almost exclusively been detected in
phylogenetic distance between hosts appears to gulls, whereas more generalist subtypes like H3
be an important general predictor of the evolu- can be detected in numerous wild bird species,
tionary success of cross-species transmission poultry, humans, pigs, horses, and dogs. Host
events (Longdon et al. 2014). Hence, the most specificity appears to be dictated by a number
common cross-species transmission events oc- of factors, including cellular receptors, pH, and
cur within a specific host class, particularly temperature. The successful emergence of virus-
within the Aves, and more so within different es in new host species likely involves adaptive
waterfowl of the genus Anas (Ren et al. 2016). evolution to overcome these intrinsic barriers,
There is also strong evidence for the cross- although in some cases this process may be bio-
species transmission of influenza A viruses be- logically subtle (Feng et al. 2015). Experimental
tween humans and swine, although the role studies, in which avian influenza H5N1 virus
played by pigs in human pandemics prior to was serially passaged in ferrets, greatly illumi-
2009 is unclear (Nelson and Worobey 2018), nated the mutation types needed for cross-spe-
and reverse zoonoses from humans to pigs likely cies transmission from birds to mammals
occur at a higher rate than virus transmission (Herfst et al. 2012; Imai et al. 2012; Linster
from pigs to humans (Nelson et al. 2012; Nelson et al. 2014). With respect to sustained (and air-
and Vincent 2015). Interestingly, however, borne) transmission in mammals, key muta-
swine (and bovines) are key hosts for influenza tions were associated with changing receptor
D virus, first detected in 2011 (Hause et al. 2013). specificity from avian-type (α2,3) to mammali-
Cross-species transmission is best docu- an-type (α2,6) receptors, increased thermosta-
mented in wild birds. These animals can be en- bility and pH stability, increased replication of

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H4 N8
H3 Clade H3
H14 Europe
Group 2 H4 Australia
H10 North America
H7 Clade
South America
M. Wille and E.C. Holmes


H11 Clade H11

Group 1
0.5 H9 Clade
North/South America
Eurasia/Africa/Oceania H1
H1 Clade


0.06 0.06

Figure 2. The phylogenetic diversity of avian influenza A viruses. There are 16 different hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes of
influenza A virus circulating in wild birds, falling into two main HA groups and further subdivided into a series of clades
(Latorre-Margalef et al. 2013). Within each subtype, there is clear genetic structure based upon avian geography, such that
sequences sampled from birds of the Americas or Eurasia fall into two distinct and independently evolving clades regardless
of subtype. This phylogeographic division is demonstrated in a phylogeny containing all currently available H4 sequences
(right panel), and is also observed in all nine neuraminidases (NAs) and the internal gene segments. Occasionally, there is
spillover across these main lineages, as demonstrated by the N8 tree (right panel) in which virus sequences originating in
Asia cluster in a clade dominated by North American sequences.
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Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

viruses at temperatures in the mammalian respi- the host population. For example, reassortment
ratory tract, and modified polymerase activity to may be most frequent in the Anseriformes as
increase transcription. these harbor the largest number of subtypes
Importantly, not all host-jumping events (Lu et al. 2014). In addition, reassortment is
are successful, and the evolution of stable tran- not random, because segmental mismatch en-
sition transmission cycles in new hosts likely sures that only some genomic constellations are
depends as much on host ecology as the acqui- viable. Indeed, segment mismatch, which en-
sition of genetic changes that enable productive compasses both RNA- and protein-based in-
replication. Canine influenza A virus provides a compatibilities between coinfecting viruses, is
useful illustration. This virus has emerged twice an important determining factor of the out-
in dogs: once with horses the reservoir species comes of mixed influenza A virus infections
(H3N8; Crawford et al. 2005) and another when (White and Lowen 2018). For example, packag-
the viruses were derived from avian hosts ing signals may restrict or bias reassortment,
(H3N2) (Parrish et al. 2015). Although in both decreasing the efficiency with which reassortant
cases the virus was able to establish local trans- genotypes form (Essere et al. 2013). Similarly,
mission chains, particularly in dog shelters in there is a complex network of RNA–RNA inter-
the United States, these chains eventually died actions among segments that impacts the fitness
out, and the H3N8 virus went extinct in dogs. of reassortant progeny (Dadonaite et al. 2019).
Although the avian-derived H3N2 outbreak is Examples of protein incompatibility include the
ongoing, there has been continual local fade- HA avidity/NA activity imbalance that occurs
out in the United States, and this epizootic because the HA mediates attachment, whereas
may also ultimately suffer extinction (Voorhees the NA facilitates release of virions, making
et al. 2018). Because canine influenza A virus these proteins functionally interdependent (Ka-

seems well-adapted to replicate in dogs (Feng verin et al. 1998; Mitnaul et al. 2000). This may,
et al. 2015), the most likely explanation for the in part, explain why only 117/144 possible HA/
high extinction rate is that there is an insufficient NA subtype combinations have been observed
density of susceptible hosts in many localities to in wild birds (Olsen et al. 2006).
sustain host-to-host transmission (Dalziel et al.
Reassortment in Avian Influenza A Virus
As wild birds support a large diversity of avian
influenza subtypes and lineages, with both in-
fection and reinfection commonplace, it is no
Genomic reassortment is central to the biology surprise that influenza viruses from wild birds
of influenza viruses and occurs frequently in all experience frequent reassortment. For example,
hosts studied (Steel and Lowen 2014; Lowen Dugan et al. (2008) showed that 26% of 167 wild
2017, 2018). The consequence of reassortment bird samples carried more than one HA/NA
is that, following coinfection, viral progeny con- subtype, and that four different genotypes
tains various gene segment combinations from were present in five H4N6 isolates collected
the different parental viruses. Reassortment is of from mallards (Anas playrhynchos) at the
evolutionary importance because it creates new same location on the same day. Similarly, of 96
genomic constellations: Although the majority virus genomes from mallards isolated in 2011,
of these will be deleterious (as most single mu- 56% were reassortants (Wille et al. 2013), and
tations are deleterious), some may facilitate ad- using a natural experimental system it was dem-
aptation to new hosts, help evade host immune onstrated that 10 individual sentinel mallards
responses, and assist in the generation of antivi- were infected with at least three different sub-
ral resistance. types within an autumn season, with 15 HA/NA
Reassortment rate is shaped by a number of subtype combinations (Tolf et al. 2013; Wille
factors, including the extent of viral diversity in et al. 2013, 2017). Reassortment in the wild

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M. Wille and E.C. Holmes

bird reservoir is most easily observed when the and a double reassortant swine/human geno-
viruses comprise a mosaic of Eurasian and type virus and a triple reassortant swine/hu-
North American origin gene segments, and are man/avian virus emerged shortly after (Fig. 3;
most often detected in gulls and seabirds that Zhou et al. 1999; Karasin et al. 2000b). The triple
move across continental margins (Fig. 3; Ramey reassortant was rapidly established in North
et al. 2010; Wille et al. 2011; Lang et al. 2016). American pigs (Webby et al. 2000) and was
Reassortment is central to the emergence of subject to further reassortment such that nu-
highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in merous lineages now exist, each carrying the
poultry. For example, the emergence of H5Nx internal genes of the established triple reassor-
and H7N9 viruses are closely tied to reassort- tant virus (Karasin et al. 2000a, 2006; Webby
ment, such that the internal genes of H9N2 vi- et al. 2000, 2004; Vincent et al. 2008). Because
ruses reassorted with different HA/NA subtypes of the highly reassorted nature of influenza A
to generate both the gs/GD lineage H5N1 virus- viruses in swine populations, there is great con-
es and contemporary H7N9 viruses (Fig. 3). The cern that some of these viruses may have pan-
H7N9 virus that emerged in China in 2013 re- demic potential (Ito et al. 1998). However, with
sulted from numerous reassortment events, with the exception of the 2009 H1N1 human pan-
the six internal protein genes derived from at demic, there is no concrete evidence that swine
least two separate H9N2 virus lineages, H7 played a role in the 1918, 1957, and 1968 human
and N9 gene segments of wild bird origin (Gao pandemics (Nelson and Worobey 2018).
et al. 2013; Lam et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2013; Pu
et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2016). Since emergence,
Reassortment of Human Influenza Viruses
and across all seasonal waves, the H7N9 virus
has experienced high rates of reassortment, gen- Reassortment has undoubtedly played a starring

erating multiple genome constellations. For ex- role in the emergence of human influenza A
ample, Cui et al. (2014) documented 27 H7N9 viruses, although the lack of contemporary vi-
genotypes within 3 months of emergence. This ruses from other animal species complicates
high reassortment rate is likely a result of the analysis. For example, the H2N2 pandemic virus
very high diversity of avian influenza A virus that emerged in 1957 was a reassortant between
circulating in poultry markets and farms (Shi previously circulating human and avian viruses
et al. 2018a), and it is not surprising that there with the novel H2, N2, and PB1 genes acquired
has been reassortment among H5N6, H6N6, from the Eurasian avian reservoir (Smith et al.
and H7N9 viruses (Wu et al. 2013; Jin et al. 2009a). Similarly, the H3N2 virus that emerged
2017). in 1968 was a reassortant between H2N2/1957
virus and an influenza virus with novel HA and
PB1 acquired from the avian reservoir. Finally,
Reassortment of Swine Influenza Viruses
the H1N1pdm09 virus was the result of complex
The evolutionary genetics of swine influenza vi- and numerous reassortment events: the PB1,
ruses are complex; this is the result of numerous PB2, PA, HA, NP, and NS segments were ac-
cross-species transmissions, introductions, and quired from the North American swine triple-
reassortment events occurring independently in reassortant viruses described above, whereas the
different continents (Vincent et al. 2008; Brock- NA and M segments had their origin in the
well-Staats et al. 2009; Steel and Lowen 2014). Eurasian avian-like swine H1N1 lineage (Garten
For example, in North America, one major virus et al. 2009; Smith et al. 2009b).
lineage of influenza A virus, denoted the classi- Reassortment also occurs in seasonal influ-
cal swine lineage, was introduced into pigs from enza viruses, both within and among subtypes.
humans during the 1918 pandemic where it was Despite the cocirculation of H1N1 and H3N2
stably transmitted for ∼70 years (Brockwell- viruses since 1977, inter-subtype reassortment
Staats et al. 2009). There was evidence for the occurs infrequently, which is likely a result of the
cocirculation of H3N2 human viruses in pigs, lower fitness of reassortants compared to the

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Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

Within-species reassortment
North American lineage Segment

Virus genome constellation

Not H13/H16

Eurasian lineage

Cross-species reassortment


Virus genome



Triple reassortant H1N1

North American
avian HxNx
Cross-species reassortment

Triple reassortant H1N2

Classical swine H1N1

Double reassortant H3N2 Triple reassortant H3N2

Triple reassortant H3N1

Human seasonal H3N2

Classical swine H1N1

Figure 3. Reassortment and emergence of influenza viruses. Within the wild bird reservoir, reassortment is most
recognizable when viruses contain gene segments with a mosaic of geographic lineages (see Fig. 2). These
intercontinental reassortants are most often of the H13/H16 subtype and found in gull species (Wille et al.
2011). Reassortment in birds can cross host species barriers, such as the H7N9 viruses in China that involve
viruses isolated in wild birds, domestic ducks, and poultry. According to the model proposed by Wang et al.
(2014), an H7Nx virus from a domestic duck reassorted with an HxN9 from a wild bird. This H7N9 virus, once
introduced to poultry, reassorted with an H9N2. More recent literature suggests this virus has segments from
more than one H9N2 lineage, suggesting additional reassortment events. Following the emergence of this virus in
poultry, it continued to reassort, continually producing new genotypes. Cross-species reassortment may also
involve mammals. North American triple reassortant viruses in swine populations emerged following a number
of reassortment events; segments have been traced back to classical swine lineages, and human seasonal viruses
as well as North American avian viruses.

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M. Wille and E.C. Holmes

parental wild-type viruses (Phipps et al. 2017). major sampling biases, this theory is compatible
However, important examples include the ap- with the number, density, and movement of
pearance of H1N2 viruses detected sporadically people that live in this region that together fa-
in humans (Guo et al. 1992; Xu et al. 2002; Ellis cilitate virus transmission and evolution. In-
et al. 2003; Al Faress et al. 2008). In contrast, deed, expansive HA phylogenies have shown
intra-subtype reassortment occurs frequently that viruses from East and Southeast Asia tend
(Holmes et al. 2005; Nelson et al. 2008; Rambaut to fall toward the central trunk of the phylogeny
et al. 2008; Westgeest et al. 2014; Berry et al. as expected from a source population (Lemey
2016) and likely far more so than detected et al. 2014). However, other phylogeographic
through phylogenetic analysis as it may involve studies have suggested that regions like southern
parental lineages that are difficult to distinguish China may not be global sources (Cheng et al.
on evolutionary trees and/or the inclusion of 2013), such that the phylogenetic data may bet-
internal gene segments often not included in ter fit a “shifting metapopulation” in which vi-
analyses. ruses can emerge in any geographic region (e.g.,
Asia, Europe, North America), with the location
of the source population regularly changing
(Bahl et al. 2011).
The distinctive seasonality of influenza vi-
Influenza virus is a hugely successful global ruses complicates analyses of global scale mo-
pathogen that causes epidemics of varying mag- lecular epidemiology. Although influenza is
nitude every winter season in the temperate largely a winter disease in the temperate regions
parts of both the northern and southern hemi- of both the northern and southern hemispheres,
spheres, with rather more continual circulation tropical regions are characterized by more con-

in the tropics (Viboud et al. 2006). Influenza A tinual virus transmission, sometimes with mul-
and B viruses therefore spread globally each tiple peaks during the year (Viboud et al. 2006).
year, although in a complex and unpredictable For example, whereas there is a single seasonal
manner, with multiple introductions (and con- peak of influenza in northern China, there are
sequent cocirculation) into individual geo- often a major and minor peak in southern China
graphic regions, often undergoing antigenic (Cheng et al. 2013). Similarly, the tropical re-
drift during the process (Nelson et al. 2007, gions of northern Australia typically have longer
2008; Bedford et al. 2015). Despite the apparent influenza seasons than the more temperate re-
regularity of influenza, considerable uncertainty gions in the south of the country, despite a far
remains over the patterns and drivers of virus smaller population density in the north (Geo-
spread and of the possible existence and location ghegan et al. 2018). Hence, influenza seasonality
of a global “source” population. likely reflects a complex interplay between tem-
A variety of models have been put forward to perature, humidity, and mode of transmission.
explain the global spread of influenza virus, These factors, combined with increasingly fre-
largely based on the phylogenetic analysis of quent global transport (Brockmann and Hel-
genome sequence data. Most attention has bing 2013), ensure that influenza viruses can
been directed toward H3N2 influenza A viruses, appear in any locality at any time, and whether
with influenza A/H1N1 and B viruses exhibiting they lead to outbreaks depends on the local com-
less frequent global movement (Bedford et al. bination of climatic and epidemiological factors.
2015). A common idea is that both seasonal
and antigenically distinct variants of influenza
The Phylodynamics of Influenza Virus
A virus regularly appear in East and Southeast
Asia (including mainland China) from where The array of influenza viruses that circulate in
they spread globally (Smith et al. 2004). Al- human populations differ in their evolutionary
though both genomic and prevalence data behavior (Bedford et al. 2014). These differences
should be interpreted with caution because of are reflected in so-called “phylodynamic” pat-

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Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

terns: the structure of viral phylogenetic trees is not completely cross-protective, natural
produced by a combination of evolutionary selection will predictably favor antigenic vari-
and epidemiological processes (Grenfell et al. ants that allow the virus to evade immunity
2004). Most notably, the H1N1 and H3N2 (Fitch et al. 1997). Hence, antigenic drift enables
subtypes of influenza A virus that dominate escape from antibody-mediated neutralization
seasonal influenza have markedly different dy- acquired following infection or vaccination. De-
namics (Fig. 4; Bedford et al. 2014, 2015; Vijay- spite a name easily confused with “genetic drift,”
krishna et al. 2015). H3N2 viruses experience a which in marked contrast describes the random
strongly selectively driven evolution, with fre- sampling of mutations through time particularly
quent selective sweeps, strong antigenic drift, in small populations, the defining feature of an-
and major seasonal crashes in genetic diversity. tigenic drift is strong positive natural selection
In contrast, epidemics and selective sweeps are (adaptive evolution).
both less common in H1N1 viruses, with mul- A complete understanding of antigenic drift
tiple lineages persisting across seasons. Parallel is central to the design of effective vaccines, par-
patterns are observed in influenza B virus. ticularly if it can be inferred through genomic
Whereas the Victoria lineage viruses undergo analyses alone. Although there has been consid-
punctuated fluctuations in genetic diversity in erable attention given to revealing which HA
the same manner as H3N2 viruses, the Yama- residues are the most important in antigenic
gata lineage viruses experience fewer seasonal escape (Koel et al. 2013; Li et al. 2016), there
peaks, lower rates of amino acid change, and are still major uncertainties in our understand-
slower epidemics (Vijaykrishna et al. 2015), al- ing of antigenic evolution and whether it exhib-
though multiple lineages persist across influenza its any predictability, particularly in the face of
seasons in both influenza B virus lineages (Fig. complex epistatic interactions (Koel et al. 2019).

4). Possible explanations for these distinctive Mutations in the HA1 region of the HA protein,
patterns include differences in receptor-binding particularly in or around the receptor-binding
preferences shaped by HA structure or the age site, are thought to drive antigenic evolution
structure of those infected, which also differs (Wiley et al. 1981; Fitch et al. 1997; Bush et al.
among subtypes and likely impacts patterns of 1999; Koel et al. 2013). It is interesting that there
cross-protective immunity (Bedford et al. 2015; is a correlation between antigenic drift and the
Vijaykrishna et al. 2015). incidence of influenza viruses, highlighting its
There is now an effort to use these phyloge- epidemiological importance (Bedford et al.
netic patterns to predict which virus variants 2014; Neher et al. 2016).
will dominate in the future and hence should A central issue is whether antigenic drift is
be incorporated into vaccines, with online tools continuous, involving the gradual generation
able to depict viral evolution in near real time and accumulation of antigenically distinct mu-
(Hadfield et al. 2018). Specifically, lineages with tations through time, or if it is punctuated, such
higher rates of branching, and hence that are that the virus makes “jumps” in antigenic space
producing more descendants, are in theory because some mutations have greater phenotyp-
more successful (Luksza and Lässig 2014; Neher ic effect than others, followed by periods of an-
et al. 2014). tigenic stasis (Smith et al. 2004; Koelle et al.
2006; Wolf et al. 2006; Koel et al. 2013). In par-
ticular, the use of antigenic cartography, which
The Evolution of Antigenic Drift
explores the pattern of pairwise hemagglutinin
Arguably, the defining process of influenza virus inhibition (HI) distances, has suggested that an-
evolution, at least in humans, is antigenic drift, tigenic drift is punctuated with major jumps in
which is the fixation, by natural selection, of antigenic space roughly every 1–5 years, corre-
mutations in the HA and NA that enable the sponding to instances when vaccine efficacy is
virus to evade the human immune response. especially poor (Smith et al. 2004; Koel et al.
Indeed, because the human immune response 2013). Less clear is whether these jumps in an-

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M. Wille and E.C. Holmes

H3N2 H1N1 H1N1pdm09 Influenza B


0.01 subs/site 0.01 subs/site 0.01 subs/site 0.01 subs/site

Influenza B/Victoria Influenza B/Yamagata


Relative genetic diversity



H3N2 H1N1 and H1N1pdm09

10 3






Figure 4. The contrasting phylodynamics of human influenza viruses. (Top) Left-to-right: Phylogenetic trees of
globally sampled hemagglutinin (HA) gene segments (∼1200 sequences) of influenza A H3N2 virus, 2002–2013;
H1N1 virus, 1998–2009; H1N1pdm09 virus, 2009–2013; and the Yamagata (red) and Victoria (black) lineages of
influenza B viruses, 2002–2013. Note the different tree shapes that reflect the impact of differing evolutionary and
evolutionary pressures. (Bottom) Left-to-right: Relative genetic diversities through time, a marker of changing
population sizes, in the influenza B virus Victoria lineage; influenza B virus Yamagata lineage; H3N2 influenza A
virus; H1N1 influenza A virus 2003–2008; and H1N1pdm09 influenza A virus (orange) 2009–2013. Again, note
the differences among subtypes. The analysis only utilized viruses sampled in Australia and New Zealand. (From
Vijaykrishna et al. 2015; adapted, courtesy of Creative Commons Attribution Licensing.)

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Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

tigenic space have any predictability, as this of coinfection and reassortment. However,
would greatly enhance vaccine design, and it is “mixed” influenza virus infections, in which dif-
notable that no antigenic jumps have been ob- ferent influenza viruses (A or B), subtypes
served in recent years. (H1N1 and H3N2), or lineages/antigenic vari-
There is also evidence for antigenic drift in ants of the same subtype are relatively common-
H5N1 viruses in poultry (Chen and Holmes place within single hosts (Ghedin et al. 2009)
2006; Dugan et al. 2008), which may contribute and frequently observed in avian populations
to increased evolutionary rates in this virus com- (Dugan et al. 2008; Wille et al. 2013, 2017), pro-
pared to the subtypes sampled from wild birds vide the raw material for reassortment. Al-
(Fourment and Holmes 2015). In addition, un- though it is possible that these mixed infections
like other avian influenza viruses, H5N1 viruses result from relatively “loose” population bottle-
are under vaccination pressure because of large necks in some cases, such that multiple viruses
veterinary vaccine campaigns in many coun- are transmitted between hosts (Murcia et al.
tries, and it is possible that poor vaccination 2010), they may result from the “superinfection”
implementation and efficacy may contribute to of individual hosts in the face of relatively weak
its continued antigenic drift (Lee et al. 2004; protective immunity.
Chen et al. 2006; Swayne and Kapczynski The most convincing data suggests that
2008; Eggert et al. 2010; Cattoli et al. 2011). Sim- most, although not all, influenza A virus infec-
ilarly, after initial suppression of H7N9 viruses tions are initiated by a single virion (McCrone
following mass poultry vaccination in China, et al. 2018). Importantly, such a severe popu-
new strains have begun to emerge that are able lation bottleneck also reduces the occurrence
to escape the vaccine (Shi et al. 2018a). of “cooperative” interactions between virus par-
ticles, in which different variants contribute

different functions, explaining why these coop-

erative effects have only been observed at a rel-
atively high multiplicity of infection in cell
The rapidity of the evolutionary process that culture (Xue et al. 2016) and not natural in in-
seemingly characterizes all RNA viruses ensures fluenza A virus infections (Xue et al. 2018a). A
that genetic and phenotypic variation is gener- substantial transmission bottleneck may also
ated and accumulates within individual hosts mean that antigenic drift is heavily dependent
infected with influenza virus, although human on the chance transmission of particular viruses
influenza B virus may exhibit less intrahost di- between individuals, rather than the selectively
versity than influenza A virus (Valesano et al. mediated transfer of advantageous variants.
2019). There is, however, considerable uncer- Although it is tempting to ascribe great im-
tainty as to how influenza virus evolves over portance to intrahost virus evolution, the infec-
such short timescales, and what this means tion period associated with influenza is general-
for the long-term evolution of the virus (Xue ly so short that natural selection is usually
et al. 2018b). unable to radically alter mutation frequencies
A key issue of contention is the number of (Han et al. 2019). Indeed, recent studies suggest
viruses that are transmitted between hosts and that the intrahost evolution of influenza virus is
hence that establish new infections (McCrone dominated by stochastic processes, including
and Lauring 2018). In other words, how large those following frequent population bottlenecks
is the population bottleneck associated with host (McCrone et al. 2018). The exception may be
transmission? Although there is clearly a sub- cases in which the hosts are immunocompro-
stantial reduction in population size as the virus mised and shed virus for extended time periods.
moves between hosts, there is debate as to Studies of these patients have revealed evolu-
whether single or multiple virus particles initiate tionary behaviors that differ from hosts infected
new infections. Critically, the narrower the for far shorter time periods, with the limited
transmission bottleneck, the lower the chance immune response resulting in variant patterns

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The Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses

Michelle Wille and Edward C. Holmes

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2020; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a038489 originally published online
December 23, 2019

Subject Collection Influenza: The Cutting Edge

Original Antigenic Sin: How Original? How Sinful? Human Susceptibility to Influenza Infection and
Jonathan W. Yewdell and Jefferson J.S. Santos Severe Disease
Robert C. Mettelman and Paul G. Thomas
Influenza Polymerase Inhibitors: Mechanisms of The Epidemiology, Virology, and Pathogenicity of
Action and Resistance Human Infections with Avian Influenza Viruses
Emi Takashita Dayan Wang, Wenfei Zhu, Lei Yang, et al.
Influenza Reverse Genetics−−Historical Influenza Therapeutics in Clinical Practice−−
Perspective Challenges and Recent Advances
Gabriele Neumann John H. Beigel and Frederick G. Hayden
Swine Influenza A Viruses and the Tangled Immunity to Influenza Infection in Humans
Relationship with Humans David J. Topham, Marta L. DeDiego, Aitor Nogales,
Tavis K. Anderson, Jennifer Chang, Zebulun W. et al.
Arendsee, et al.
Pathobiological Origins and Evolutionary History Bat-Borne Influenza A Viruses: An Awakening
of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Kevin Ciminski and Martin Schwemmle
Dong-Hun Lee, Miria Ferreira Criado and David E.
Canine and Feline Influenza The Two Sides of the Same Coin−−Influenza Virus
Brian R. Wasik, Ian E.H. Voorhees and Colin R. and Intracellular Signal Transduction
Parrish Stephan Ludwig, Eike R. Hrincius and Yvonne
Influenza in Children Influenza in High-Risk Hosts−−Lessons Learned
Jennifer Nayak, Gregory Hoy and Aubree Gordon from Animal Models
Rebekah Honce, Nicholas Wohlgemuth, Victoria A.
Meliopoulos, et al.
Experimental Approaches to Identify Host Factors Synthetic Virology: Building Viruses to Better
Important for Influenza Virus Understand Them
Grace A. Schaack and Andrew Mehle Benjamin R. tenOever

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