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Raising Energy & Grounding


Class #2: Raising Energy & Grounding

This class will include: Raising Energy & Grounding.

Technique-wise this class will include: Raising Energy, Raising Earth Energy &

Raising Energy
Raising Energy is the process of gathering energy into yourself and containing it so
you may use it in spells, charms, etc. This class will teach you how to raise and
contain your own energy as well as raise Earth energy.

Grounding is the process of getting rid of excess energy by pouring it into the Earth.
It also creates a connection to the Earth, stabilizes, centers and calms you.
Grounding can be done at anytime. It is useful not only in magick but as an exercise
for calming yourself during emotional and stressful times.

Click Here For Illustrations

It is best to do the Relaxation exercise before trying these techniques since it helps
you to become more focused and stills your mind.
Relaxing before all techniques will make them easier.

Raising Energy: After you have learned to sense and move your personal energy,
(which is what you learned in Class #1), start focusing the energy in your stomach. To
do this visualize the waterfall of energy going inward to your stomach forming it into
a ball. You might get a full or bubbly feeling in your stomach. This is normal as this
is the energy ball forming in your stomach. Now you have a resevoir of energy within
your center to draw upon. Take your time and spend however long you need to fully
visualize everything as clearly as possible. Practice no more then twice a day.

Raising Earth Energy: This technique explains how to raise energy from the Earth
into yourself. Drawing energy from the earth will help connect you closer to the
Earth. To draw energy from the Earth, clear your mind and then visualize energy

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Raising Energy & Grounding

coming up through the Earth as a green or bronze colored ball. See it rise slowly each
time you inhale until it reaches your feet. Then visualize it enter through your feet
into you and travel up to your stomach. From there, visualize it dispersing
throughout your body and mixing with your own personal energy. After it mixes a
few moments, bring it back to your stomach where it forms a multicolored ball.
Again you might feel a full or bubbly feeling and this is natural. If it bothers you too
much you can Ground the energy back into the earth. Take your time and spend
however long you need to fully visualize everything as clearly as possible. Take your
time and spend however long you need to fully visualize everything as clearly as
possible. Practice no more then twice a day.

Grounding: Clear your mind, and concentrate, on the earth. Visualize energy coming
up through the earth as a green or bronze colored ball. Bring the energy up through
you to your stomach then visualize it dispersing throughout you body and mixing
with your own personal energy then draining back into the earth anchoring you to it
like roots anchor a tree into the ground. Feel the earth's energy pulsing strong and
steady into your "roots" then up through you, making you feel stable and strong and
sturdy. This Grounds you and helps you attune to the earth. If you start to feel light
headed or shaky when doing any techniques etc. Ground yourself. This is caused by
your body not being used to raising energy and containing it. Take your time and
spend however long you need to fully visualize everything as clearly as possible.
Practice as often as needed, however, since you are just learning this exercise try not
to practice more than twice a day for now.

It is recommended for you to take AT LEAST ONE week to practice and learn the
above before continuing on with the classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I tend to picture Earth energy flowing like magma, is that okay?
Answer: Yup, use whatever works for you.

2. Why do you choose to draw from the Earth instead of the sky or the Water?
Answer: Because this is a Beginner Class, drawing from other sources comes later.

3. Does grounding also work with fire, water, air (and anymore if there are any) as
well, or are there separate techniques for those?
Answer: I would not recommend doing that as each element has their own
properties. The purpose of Grounding is to anchor you, calm you, relieve you of
excess energy. For instance, fire would make you hyper; water would make you over

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Raising Energy & Grounding

emotional etc. You want to be calm and relaxed, not hyper etc. Only the Earth can
ground you hence the word "Ground". *points to the Ground*

4. What if you are naturally attuned to one of the other elements besides Earth?
Could you use them for Grounding instead?
Answer: Attuning to the elements and grounding are not quite the same thing. You
Ground with Earth.

5. When one's thoughts are in silence, does it mean one is grounded?

Answer: Yes and no. If you are Grounding and that happens yes. If you are just
sitting and being quiet, it means your sitting and being quiet.

6. You said a ball of brown or bronze energy coming up through the ground. I can't
picture it coming up through me unless it came up through my legs. Wouldnt that be
two energy balls, or would that not work? Also, what if I'm more comfortable seeing
the earth energy as green or golden?
Answer: If it helps you to divide the energy while absorbing it, that is fine. As for
color, yes, imagine the energy as you are most comfortable imagining it. Use
whatever works.

7. Does it matter if my feet are together or apart when Grounding?

Answer: Nope, do what feels right.

8. What do you mean when you say "see" the energy enter me in the exercises?? Am I
supposed to see this physically??
Answer: See = Visualize.

Sensing and Moving Energy: There is energy all around us, within us, etc. Energy exsist in
almost everything. If you can sense the energy you can learn to move and use it. Learning to
sense and move the energy that is naturally within you is a good place to start. If you can not feel
and move the energy within yourself, how can you move the energy around you? Here is the
technique for moving your personal energy:

Relax and clear your mind. Visualize like a lake within your head and a lake at the bottom of
your feet. Let this lake in your head pour water down, like a waterfall, to the lake below in your
feet. You may feel this as a pull downward or tingles when you do it. After a few moments of this
visualization, reverse the waterflow so it is like a water spout coming from the bottom lake up to
the top lake. You may feel lighter or tingles when you do this. Now just have the waterfall from
the top of your head go down your right side, hit the bottom lake and then come up your left side
up to the lake in your head. Now you have a circular energy flow pattern going on here. After a
few moments of that, reverse the circular energy flow pattern so it goes in the opposite direction.
Take about 5-10 minutes twice a day with this technique.

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Manifesting Energy/Energy Balls

Class #3: Manifesting Energy/Energy Balls

This class will include: Manifesting Energy to Create Energy Balls

Technique-wise this class will include: Manifesting Energy to Create Energy Balls.

Manifesting Energy to Create Energy Balls

To Manifest Energy simply means to move that energy within yourself to the outside
world, outside of your body. When the energy is outside of your body you can form it
into energy forms to use in spells and other things.

Click Here For Illustrations

Manifesting Energy To Create Energy Balls: Relax, clear your mind and than gather
energy into your stomach, when you feel like you can hold no more energy in your
stomach. Now place your hands parallel to eachother. They should be facing
eachothers palms. Next, visualize the energy moving from your stomache to your
arms, through your arms, then out your hands. Try to feel the energy moving
through your body. Once it reaches your hands, your hands might start to feel tingly,
or warm, or cold, etc. Remember everyone experiences things differently so if you get
a different feeling in your hands than someone else that doesnt mean your doing it
wrong. As it flows out of your hands mold the energy into a ball as if you were
molding clay. At this point most peopel feel a pressure building between their hands.
This is the energy. If you move your hands together slightly and back apart, this will
help you feel the energy gathered between your hands. If the energy seems to
disapear that's because it is. It is dissipating and losing it's form. To correct this you
might want to visualize a glass ball surrounding the energy ball keeping the energy
together and in a ball shape. You can control the size and density of the ball through
visualization also. After working on creating energy balls for awhile you can try
stretching and shaping the energy into different things. For now it is best to start with
softball size balls. When you're finished with the exercise it is best to reabsorb
the energy to prevent more energy loss than necessary. To do this just visualize the
energy stream back into your hands, up your arms, and back down into your stomach
until the ball is gone. If you start feeling dizzy or spaced out it might be from the

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Manifesting Energy/Energy Balls

energy you reabsorbed. If this happens just ground yourself.

It is recommended for you to take AT LEAST ONE week to practice and learn the
above before continuing on with the classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I make energy balls do specific things?
Answer: Yes, eventually. For now just worry about being able to create them.

2. Why should I reabsorb the energy back into myself? What does it matter if I just
let it go?
Answer: Because if you do not reabsorb it or Ground the energy it will be floating
around and that can be bad as the floating energy can dirty your energy up or others
around you. Also, if it's neutral energy it can be programmed accidently through
emotions and thoughts and cause unintentional problems. It's best to just reabsorb
or Ground the energy when you are done.

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Incorporating Color Into Energy

Class #4: Incorporating Color Into Energy

This class will include: Incorporating Color Into Energy and Basic Color Meanings In

Technique-wise this class will include: Incorporating Color Into Your Energy Balls.

Incorporating Color Into Energy

Incorporating Color Into Energy will help you in your energy control as well as
further assist you in generating different kinds of energy for spell work etc. Different
colors have different attributes and do different things.

Basic Color Meanings In Magick

Different colors have different meanings in magick etc. For example red symbolizes
passion, fire, sex, energy in general. Green symbolizes fertility, life, money etc. Below
is a list of the basic meanings of colors in magick:

Red: Energy, Strength, Passion, Courage, Fire, Quickness, Sex, Driving Force, Love,
Yellow: Intelligence, Accelerated Learning, Memory, Logic, Breaking Mental Blocks,
Green: Earth, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Abundance, Fertility, Flora,
Growth, Personal Goals, Life, Money.
Blue: Wisdom, Protection, Calm, Water, Soothing, Relaxation.
Purple: Psychic Abilities, Divination.
Brown: Friendship, Animals, Ecological Healing, Stability.
Orange: Ambition, General Success, Vibrancy.
Copper: Professional Growth, Success in Business, Career Maneuvers.
Gold: Wealth, Masculine Energy, Happiness, Humor.
Silver: Intuition, Dreams, Astral Energies, Feminine Energy.
Pink: Romantic Love, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Affection, Caring, Nurturing.
Black: Protection, Repelling Negativity. Contains no Color.
White: Spirituality, Higher Self, Purity. Contains All Other Colors.


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Incorporating Color Into Energy

Click Here For Illustrations

Incorporating Color Into Energy Balls: The technique is the same as the previous
class thought with some changes. Gather energy into your stomach, when you feel
like you can hold no more energy in your stomach; visualize the energy moving from
your stomach to your arms, through your arms, then out your hands like you did
before. Try to feel the energy moving through your body. Once it reaches your hands,
your hands might start to feel tingly, or warm, or cold, etc. Remember everyone
experiences things differently so if you get a different feeling in your hands than
someone else that doesnt mean your doing it wrong. As it flows out of your hands
mold the energy into a ball as if you were molding clay but now add color to your
energy. See the energy ball as red or blue or green etc. Try to incorperate sensation
with this such as red feeling
warm or hot, blue feeling icy or cool, green feeling stable and fresh like earth etc.
Sometimes you will feel sensations like this without even trying to incorperate them,
this is normal! Moving your hands together and then apart will help you feel the
energy gathered between your hands. If the energy seems to disapear it is dissipating.
To correct this visualize a glass ball surrounding the colored energy ball keeping the
energy together and in a ball shape. You can control the size and density of the ball all
also. After working on creating color energy balls for awhile you can try changing the
color of the ball once it is formed. For example making a red energy ball turn blue.
This can be difficult as you must change the color of the ball COMPLETELY. Usually
people only change the color partially, it takes practice. For now it is best to start
with 1 color at a time. When your finished with the exercise reabsorb the energy by
visualizing the energy stream back into your hands, up your arms and down into your
center until the ball is gone. If you start feeling dizzy or spaced out it might be from
the energy you reabsorbed. If this happens just ground yourself. Practice this no
more then 10 mins a day twice a day. You should practice will all the colors
mentioned above.

It is recommended for you to take AT LEAST TWO week to practice and learn the
above before continuing on with the classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it necessary if your drawing on an energy outside of yourself?
Answer: If it is a foreign energy ground it or reabsorb it (if it's earth energy). If you
start feeling weird after absorbing simply ground yourself.

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Incorporating Color Into Energy

2. Can other people see the balls or do they need to have abilities devceloped to see
them as well?
Answer: To see the energy balls, generally speaking, they would need to be able to see
clairvoyantly. Most anyone can feel them if they put their hand in it though! (If the
creator of the ball can make them strong and dense enough)

3. Can the creator of the energy balls see them?

Answer: You can see them in the minds eye through visualization or through
clairvoyant vision. The purpose of the exercise isn't to see it though. The purpose is
to produce a stable ball of energy that keeps a stable form, color and density.

4. Could you define 'foreign' energy?

Answer: Foreign energy as in it does not come from yourself.

5. Why is the energy ball always coming up white?

Answer: Probably because that is an easy color for you to visualize. Through
repeated practice you will become better at visualizing and generating other colors.

6. What if I cant see colors when I visualize?

Answer: Work more on visualization and then come back to colored energy balls and
that should clear the problem up. Or, get a piece of small paper and color it a certain
color with markers. Then study it and do the visualization technique given in the first

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Charging & Sensing An Object

Class #7: Charging & Sensing Objects

This class will include: Charging & Sensing Objects.

Techniqe-wise this class will include: Charging An Object, Charging An Object For a
Specific Purpose & Sensing An Object.

Charging & Sensing Objects

To charge is to infuse something with energy, usually, for a specific purpose. You can
charge an object for pretty much anything; attracting money, protection, luck, or just
charging a piece of jewelry you wear often so you have an extra reserve of energy to
draw upon if needed. Many forms of magick rely charging such as candle magick and
stone magick etc. Sensing is feeling energy within objects and things.

Click Here For Illustrations

Charging An Object: Take the object to be charged in your hand(s). Open the
chakras. Raise personal energy and center it in your stomach as usual. Direct that
energy up your chest and down your arms to your hands where the object is.
Visualize the energy seeping from your hands into the object. Visualize the object
glowing brighter and brighter as you place more energy into the object. When you
have put as much energy as you want into the object, see the energy stop going into
the object and recenter your energy. Leave the objects energy alone; you may wish to
put it down before recentering. After you recenter your energy, ground. Sense it, feel
the difference in the objects energy? Do a test. Sense the object before charging and
then after, have fun with it!

Sensing An Object: Get an object such as a stone or key or piece of jewelry. Place it
on a flat clean surface. Open the chakras of the hands. Put your hand over it and see
if you can sense the objects energy. Pass your hand over it and see if you can tell a
difference from when your hand isn't above the object to when it is. It could feel like
a pressure, magnetism-like effect, tingling, coldness, etc. Try this with both hands.
See if you sense better in one hand then the with the other hand. Try with different
objects. Note how the different objects' energy feels. Does it vibrate fast? Slow?
Cold? Hot? Warm? Piercing? Etc. Keep track of all you sense.

Charging An Object For A Specific Purpose: Take the object to be charged in your

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Charging & Sensing An Object

hand(s). Open the chakras. Move personal energy to the stomach and center it there.
Direct that energy up your chest and down your arms to your hands where the object
is. Visualize the energy seeping from your hands into the object. Visualize the object
glowing brighter and brighter as you place more energy into the object. When you
have an energy flow into the object turn your visualization to it's purpose. For
instance, if you are charging the object for protection you might visualize fire coming
from the object and surrounding and protecting you whenever you carry it. When
you have put as much energy as you want into the object, see the energy stop going
into the object and recenter your energy. Leave the objects energy alone; you may
wish to put it down before recentering. After you recenter your energy, ground.

It is recommended for you to take AT LEAST ONE week to practice and learn the
above before continuing on with the classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there any limit as to how much energy can be put in an object?
Answer: Yes, when you have reached that limit you will notice a resistance to sending
energy into it. It might feel like the energy was pushing back.

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Shielding & Quick Words

Shielding & Quick Words

This class will include: Shielding & Quick Words

Technique-wise this class will include: Creating a Shield & Creating and Using a

Shielding & Quick Words

Shields protect us psychically from all kinds of harmful energies including psychic
attack, negative entities and even from free-floating energy that could collect on us
and dirty our aura and chakras. There are numerous kinds of shields and numerous
ways of creating them. In this class we are discussing basic shielding of the self.
Quick words are words or phrases that instantly perform one or multiple tasks such
as opening the chakras, raising energy and grounding just by saying them to yourself.

Click Here For Illustrations

Creating A Shield: To create a shield, relax, open the chakras, raise and center your
energy. Then ground. Visualize very clearly a white protective energy surrounding
you and your aura entirely in a sphere shape. Spend however long you need on this
until you can actually 'feel' yourself being surrounded in this protective light. Know
that nothing harmful can get through it after you have created the shield. After you
have mastered this shield you can move on to other kinds of shields. You can add
textures to your shields to give them certain properties. For instance, to create a
shield that reflects all the harmful energies sent at you, you could visualize the shield
as a mirror surrounding you completely. Then visualize it reflecting all unwanted
energies away from you. Or for another kind of shield you could visualize yourself
stepping into a suit of armor that protects you from all harm. Use your imagination!
If you find your psychic senses are dulled or are shielded FROM sensing things you
can do this: Visualize a shield and construct it. Visualize nothing unwanted being
able to but you can freely sense and send things out from yourself from your shield.

Creating & Using A Quick Word: A quick word is created by programming your mind
to do the tasks whenever the word is spoken. For now, start with a single word. After
you get one word down you may, perhaps, prefer to use phrases.
First think of what you want the quick word to do. For these classes I suggest you

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Shielding & Quick Words

have your quick word automatically relax you, open your chakras, raise and center
your energy and then ground. To create the actual quick word choose a word you do
not use often. Also, it will make the word stronger if it has a connection to it's task.
For the tasks above you may choose "balance" or "equilibrium" or choose any word
that describes the task in your eyes. Next, using the example above, start to breathe
deeply and relax yourself. When you are fully relaxed say your quick word to
yourself. Then open your chakras and when they are fully open repeat the quick word
to yourself. Next, raise and center your energy and when you have finished that
repeat the quick word to yourself. Finally, ground yourself and repeat the quickword.
It will take a week or two to get your quick word fixed in your mind. When you think
your quick word has been programmed into your brain, just say it to yourself and see
what happens. You will instantly relax and feel your energies moving etc. So,
something that took you maybe 10-15 minutes to do before takes you less then a
minute or two now. For phrases, use the same technique except use a phrase instead
of a word.

It is recommended for you to take AT LEAST ONE week to practice and learn the
above before continuing on with the classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. You mentioned Free-floating energy. What is it, how is it caused?
Answer: Let's say someone gets in an argument, they produce energy.. which is why
you can feel 'tension' in a room.. now if you weren't there for the fight and came in
later the energy residue and stuff would still be floating around and it could get onto
and into your energy, a shield protects against this.

2. Could you actually destroy negative energy (instead of deflecting it) by visualizing
a shield that absorbs it?
Answer: You could. You can also create a shield that transmutes negative energy into
positive energy.

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