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MCA-2021,1st Sem M.C.A.

,Assignment Questions (C3 Component)

1 a) Explain the following terms:
i)Abstract Class
ii)Virtual Functions
iii)Pure Virtual Functions.

2 a) Write a C++ program to implement bubble sort algorithm using templates on

any two data types.

3 a) Differentiate between virtual constructor and virtual destructor.

4 a) Explain different order of invocation of Constructors and Destructors in

inheritance with some examples.

5 a) Write a C++ program to demonstrate the order of overloading of new and

delete operators in C++.

6 a) Write a C++ program to demonstrate try, catch and throw keywords for
implementing exception handling.

7 a) What are the ambiguities which arise in Multiple inheritance and diamond
shaped inheritance (Hierarchical inheritance). How they can be removed.

8 a) Explain how new and delete operators manage memory allocation and de
allocation dynamically including one,two and multidimensional arrays.

9 a) What is function overloading. Explain with C++ program to overload the

function add (s1,s2) where s1 and s2 are integers and floating point values.

10 a) Explain the following functions in file handling concepts.

i)seekp() ii)tellp() iii)setw() iv)setprecesion().

11 a) What is Diamond shaped inheritance. Explain with examples(Program).


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