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A little history

Over 4000 years ago, the Egyptians shut all kinds of instruments up inside their
sarcophagi, which in turn were buried at the very heart of the pyramids,
instruments which they may have used to help them in their research and
practice of the art of divining. Thus, their rods and pendulums were locked
away forever…

Then there were the Chinese, 2500 years before Jesus Christ, who knew a lot
about the methods to find mineral sources and deposits. If many texts from
Greek mythology are to be believed, the people in Classical Times seemed to
have perfect skills with a rod, which helped them to find treasures.

In the Bible there are many people who uses pieces of wood, rods or other
instruments which evoke the art of divining to guide the ancient peoples along
the path of discovery.

As it was considered to be an occult practice, rods disappeared for centuries,

and did not surface again until around 1650, where it was used to search for
minerals and mineral deposits. Of course, all the sorcerers keep quiet about their
personal use of their instrument and their most prolific method.

Some time later, the well-known example of the Beausoleil couple allowed King
Louis XIV to obtain a full map of France, which showed the exact locations of
several dozen mines and sources. As their powers became a threat, the
Beausoleils spent the rest of their lives in prison…

In conclusion, we can say that our ancestors mainly used pendulums for finding
treasures which had been hidden or had disappeared, to locate sources of
waterways, to find traces of people who had gone missing, and later, for
meteorological research. The same was true for the preparation of battles in
famous wars, as they could detect the position of armies, before coming up
with a battle plan which could lead the troops to victory. The Romans also made
good use of pendulums, raising those who practiced the art of divining
successfully to the ranks of «sages».

The Pendulum

This is an object which is made from brass or from wood, or even a mix of both.
You can even make one yourself, but a pendulum must always have either iron
in them, or a material which conducts magnetism.

The shape usually looks like a spinning top, but they can also be in the shape of
a diamond, a hexagon or another geometric shape. A pendulum, is usually
attached to a brass chain, but it can also just be attached to an ordinary piece
of string or a small chain, which allows you to hold it with the tips of your fingers
and thus to swing the object more easily.

Using a pendulum

I now have a lot of experience in this area, and I believe that a Pendulum has
nothing to do with Chance or Destiny. First an foremost, it is a gift from God,
which makes it is possible to develop through a profession of faith, in an area
as vast as Prayer or Meditation, and also by believing in and practicing Justice,
a Moral Code and Honesty.

It’s not enough to buy a Pendulum and a book and start using it, you need to
develop a pure heart and to lead a good life, in contact with nature and the

Now the time has come for me to give you the secret of my method and the
way to get the best possible results when handling a pendulum… your

The use of a Pendulum
applied to the lotto

A - Preparation

First of all, you need to choose a place in your house where you feel
comfortable, a place which is far from any hustle and bustle, so that you can
work in a peaceful atmosphere.

In order to be able to concentrate properly, you also need to feel totally relaxed,
your mind needs to be free from any worries, and you need to learn to empty
your mind.

Take a few lotto tickets, and write down the lottery numbers from 1 to 49 on a
sheet of blank paper (1 to 42 for Belgium). Then cut the sheet of paper into little
pieces with the 49 numbers that you have written on them (or the 42 numbers
in the case of Belgium), and then place them on the surface you are working
on, with a little space between them.

Take care, you need to position them exactly as they are on a lotto grid!

B – Focus your pendulum

Take hold of the string or the chain of the Pendulum between your index finger
and your thumb. Whether you are right-handed or left-handed does not
matter, the main thing is that you get a good feel for what you are doing during
the preparation phase.

Now you are ready to start your research: you can test the lotto numbers that
you have set out on the table one after the other… in no particular order, you
can assess the intensity of the vibrations of the Pendulum over each number,
thinking very hard about the next lotto draw. This thought is absolutely vital,
because it will allow you to choose one number over another.

In order to best test each number, position your pendulum above a number –
for example 9 – for the draw due to take place on 25th February, and as kit the
following question, as you continue to think very hard about the date of 25th

«Will number 9 come up on 25th February ?»

C – First attempts and first results

When you ask a question which interests you, your concentration should never
drop off. You need to stay focused until the Pendulum gives you a first answer.

You will receive the first answer from observing what happens, whether the
Pendulum swings in one direction or the other, according to the mental
agreement you have set.

If your Pendulum turns clockwise, or anti-clockwise, in a circle in any case, that

means the answer is positive.

In a lateral, horizontal or vertical direction, the answer is negative.

Then take this number – for example, number 9 – and write it down on another
sheet of blank paper, in order to come back to it later for further analysis.

D – Further analysis

Let’s suppose that you have found 12 positive numbers and 37 negative
numbers (30 for Belgium). You will need to go over the positive numbers
again, position the Pendulum over each of them, concentrating even more
intently on the date of the next draw.

Then, ask the same question again:

«Will number 9 come up in the draw on 25th February ?»

And so on, until you have gone through all the positive numbers, so that are
left with just six numbers to complete a single grid with.

For players who prefer to play with more than six numbers and can afford to
do so, this operation of further analysis should be done until you have the 10
numbers maximum bet left.

E - Refining

Suppose that you have found 6 to 10 numbers which could be winning

numbers in the next draw. Now you need to do a little more work refining them
before you confirm them. Place all the positive numbers on another sheet of
white paper, then pass your Pendulum over the entire combination, asking it:

«Is my entire combination right for the draw on 25th February ?»

When this sorting work is finished, you will have selected around 4 correct
numbers out of the 10 which are in the game, when you bring together the
preselected positive numbers.

If you are short of numbers to complete your game (minimum 6 numbers and
maximum 10 numbers), you really need to start again from paragraph B on
«focusing your pendulum», but only after a period of rest, which may vary
depending on how you feel at the time. It is vital that you do not force yourself
to work when you feel tired, because this state of tiredness could skew all the
results. In general, avoid all kinds of stress, which are not at all compatible with
the movement of the Pendulum…

F - Confirmation

Now it is a matter of confirming the figures which are likely to appear in the
winning numbers. The four numbers which remain after the last sort need to
be analysed separately, passing the Pendulum over each of them, asking the

«Is this number definite? Or is there attraction to another number with the same

For example, in the case of number 9, is it a winner as it stands, or has the

Pendulum attracted to other figures which end with a 9, like 19, 29 or 39?

The second possibility, which is even more subtle:

«Is this number 9 attracting the pendulum because of other numbers close to
it, such as 8 or 10?».

So, you will need to do the same analysis for each number which has been
selected in the first and second rounds, bearing in mind that the longer we do
this search for winning numbers, the more we need to develop strong

If this tires you out, don’t hesitate to stop your work for a while in order to rest !
After relaxing, you search will be all the more effective and the more precise…

G - Inversion before the final results

Depending on how the person who is working feels, and on how

concentrated they are, sometimes the figures which are detected as being
possible do not come out in the draw. This is when we need to ask the difficult
question of inversion, and at the same time, to question all the information we
have received beforehand…

So, for example, you might ask:

«Am I in the presence of a 21 or its opposite, a 12?»

«Am I in the presence of a 23 or its opposite, a 32?»

Frankly, I can tell you that this final analysis before fixing definitive results can
sometimes be very difficult.

Why? Because the figure 12, after a swing of the Pendulum, becomes a 21,
and then you need to check all the new attractions, as explained in the
paragraph above. However, if after analysis, the figure 12 becomes its inverse,
a 21, and there is also its inverse, a 12, which may not replace it, you can
conclude that all the attractions around these two figures become possible.

Thus, a 12 can become a 2, 22, 32 or 42… but also 11 or 13. As for a 21, it can
become a 1, 11, 31 or 41… and also a 20 or a 22!
As you can see, the number 22 comes into play with both opposite figures: 12
and 21.

H – Quasi-definitive results

Once you get to this point of the analysis, you can line up the definitive
numbers, which are part of a combination which could come out as the
winning numbers in the next draw. However, you need to bear in mind that
only calm preparation, allied with good concentration, will make your first
attempts a success.

If you don’t miss out any of the stages, if you scrupulously follow the instructions
from the first attempts, to the preselection results, the further analysis and the
refining stage, you will most likely – slowly but surely – ultimately be successful.

Take care, because sometimes certain numbers, which you have picked out in
the initial selection for an upcoming draw, may come up the week after or two
weeks later. So, it is essential to keep all your analysis work, so that you can study
them again if needs be…

Finally, when you feel like you have done good work, and you have finished
your analysis, that is when your concentration has gone back to zero, the
Pendulum will stop spinning and then you may mark the numbers that you
have found on the lotto grid…

Patiently wait for the results of the draw, and whatever they may be, keep total
faith in yourself and in your Pendulum.

Never forget that any results you get, even modest results, only help to better
refine and perfect your method. A method which, I’m sure, will become more
and more effective, and your efforts will be rewarded with great success.

And that’s a little like how it happened for me…

Horse racing

I just had one question: «Why would what I had succeeded to do with the lotto
not work with horse races?»

To start off, I wondered what I should base my pendulum’s focus on.

After I had the number of people involved in horse racing explained to me in

detail, I soon realised that the owners of the horses pay one or more trainers on
a fixed basis, which does not take into account the percentage of extra
winnings that they receive if the horse wins.

As for jockeys, they receive an amount for each race, as well as a percentage if
they win.

Other than this information, I don’t think I know much about the world of horse
racing… But that has not stopped me from passing my Pendulum over the
owners’, the trainers’ or the jockeys’ names.

Right away, I realised that it would be difficult to concentrate my Pendulum on

the name of the owner, because since I don’t know them, I can’t establish any
mental link with them… Likewise for the trainers and the jockeys!

So, I concentrated on the names of the horses and their numbers in the next

This is my way of working with my pendulum when I look for the winning

1 – First of all, I buy a newspaper, just an ordinary newspaper, not a specialised

one, a newspaper I like, and in which the columns which list the horses look
easy to read and to understand.

2 – Then, I do the same concentration and preparation work as with the lotto.

3 – I lay the newspaper flat on a table, the same table, in the same room of the
house where I feel most comfortable.

4 – After having taken a large enough sheet of paper, I take my Pendulum.

It’s now time to review horse number 1.

5 – I ask the following question:

«Is horse number 1 going to finish in the race on such-and-such date?»

Of course, if the race is due to take place that day, I ask the question about the
placement of the horse number 1 for the same day...
This is an important detail: you really need to think about how the race will pan
out while you wait for the answer.

6 – Then I ask the same question for horse number 2, and so on, until I get to
the last number assigned for the race as it due to take place.
In general, there are between 16 and 20 runners.

7 – On the blank sheet of paper, write the date, place and time that the race
you are interested in is going to take place.

8 – When you pass the Pendulum over the name of a horse and it gives a
positive answer, i.e., the Pendulum turns clockwise, then consider that this
number should be retained.

If the Pendulum gives a negative answer, you should set aside the horse with
that number – at least for the time being.

9 – You should take the numbers of the horses that your Pendulum retains and
write them on the sheet of paper beside each other, with a little space between

10 – I usually take 8 to 10 numbers of horses which are positive and which I
then work on one by one with the Pendulum.

This second round will be enough to eliminate between one to three of them.
Now I don’t need the newspaper any more, I work entirely on the sheet of

11 – I take my Pendulum and start analysing the first number which is written
on the right of the sheet of paper.

That way I can continue my analysis on each number of a horse which could
win, moving from right to left.

12 – Then I ask the Pendulum, which I position over the first number, the
following question, using the corresponding number of horse.

«Will horse N° 3 finish in the Flat Run Stakes of 16th September 1997?»
(of course, you can also change the question for different kinds of races!).

I wait for the Pendulum’s answer, thinking hard about that day’s race, or the
next day’s race if I am working at this the day before, the whole time.

13 – If the Pendulum gives a positive answer, I put a cross by number 3, or I

write an «R», which means «Return».

If the Pendulum gives me a negative answer, I put number 3 on standby.

14 – I review all the numbers of horses written on the sheet of paper this way.

I think it’s worth telling you that it is sensible to do this as close as possible to the
time when the bets will close, in order to have the best chance over elements
that you do not and unfortunately cannot control, which can occur before the
race. This betters’ «tip» is unfortunately not possible for some people, especially
if the races are held at night.

As soon as you have passed your Pendulum over the numbers of all the horses
selected for the race you are interested in, and when you have carefully written
them down on the sheet, I would suggest that you focus hard and carefully
study all those which have an «R », which you kept in the previous selection.

Let’s suppose that you have kept 8 and need to eliminate some now, then you
need to again write on the sheet of paper the 8 numbers to look at, spacing
them out.

Then I pass the Pendulum over each number of a horse again, asking for

«Will horse N° really finish the today?»

I recommend that you do this for the 8 figures, and try to keep 5 or 6 to place
a small bet on.

Personally, if I feel like betting more, I know that I can keep 7 horses.

Let’s imagine that I have kept 7 horses at this stage, I know that I still need to do
some work to try to find out what order they will come in.
So, I pass the Pendulum over each number again, in order to find out its
positions, by asking:

«Will horse N° 3 be the first to finish?»

I wait for the reply.

If the answer is no, horse number 3 will not be the first to finish.

If it is yes, horse number 3 may be the first to finish.

I ask the same question over each number, in order to find the second to finish,
and so on until I have the first five horses to finish.

In conclusion, once I have written down the five horses that I have found in the
possible finishing order, I ask my Pendulum:

«Do I have the first five horses to finish here in the right order?»

If the answer is yes, I choose the numbers of the horses I have found on a
betting slip.

If the answer is no, I have to start again, asking the questions above, until I am
sure that I have found the right combination.

But in order to be totally honest, I do need to say that there is a margin of error,
even if some people like me very regularly win money on horse racing bets.

Just as the method for the lottery, which I described to you in detail, the
preparation for horse races, the focus of the pendulum and the analysis by
narrowing down again and again, as well as the confirmation, will be more or
less easy depending on your mood, how well you are looking after yourself and
how available you are to commit to this.

I’ll say again that I know absolutely nothing about the world of horse racing,
and I am only rarely to be found at the race courses where the races take place.

It’s just my work with the Pendulum which gives me results, which are often
exceptionally clear and very successful.

I happened to meet a person who explained to me un detail why the draw –

if there is one – is important if you want to win more easily. Thanks to this
person, I understand that the horses placed beside each other could spur each
other on, and in the spirit of animal competition, they could arrive at the finish
line together.

This revelation seemed to me to be a good «tip», but it seems to be even more

valid for well-informed professional racegoers.

For me, this trick is not very important, because I don’t use it in my approach
with the Pendulum. I would say that at best, it reminds me of the attraction
which I use when searching for right and wrong numbers for the lotto, because
there appear to be some similarities in the calculations between the lottery and
horse racing, at least in this aspect.

As for the rest, it doesn’t really have much to do with me...

Winning duos with the numbers of horses

As further analysis, I want to mention here the option of choosing between the
numbers of horses which have the same last digit, such as a 3 or 13, 3 and 13,
4 or 14, 4 and 14 etc.

You can use the following method to choose between playing the numbers of
horses together or separately, or with one replacing another:

Let us imagine that you have written the numbers of horses 4 and 14 on your
blank sheet. You will need to pass your Pendulum over each number and ask
the following question:

«Will both these horses ending in number 4 be placed in the race on 22nd
February 1997 at 3:00 p.m. at Vincennes race course?»

Careful, always remember to specify the date, time and place of the race in your

If the Pendulum gives you a positive answer for numbers 4 and 14, you will
need to retain these two numbers as possible winners in the placement.

To complete your analysis, once you have chosen the horses selected, you need
to confirm whether these numbers 4 and 14 remain on the list of winners, or
whether you should replace one number with the other.

So, here is the kind of question you should ask:

«Will number 14 really be placed, along with 4, in the 3 :00 p.m. at Vincennes
race course on 22nd February 97?».

Wait for the answer from your Pendulum.

If there is any doubt, you can even ask the question again:

«Will number 14 be the only one to be placed, or will number 4 be the only
horse to be placed, or even does number 14 replace number 4; or does
number 4 replace number 14?»
«Are numbers 14 and 4 really winners in the 3 :00 p.m. at Vincennes on 22nd
February 1997? »

Depending on the definitive answer that your Pendulum gives, you will need
to select either 4 and 14, or just 14, or even just number 4.

Some final refining will give you the finishing order to the horse you keep in
your list.

This calculation of duos is only for numbers above 10, because a 10 can make
a 1, as can a number 11.

And as it is possible that number 11 is placed as well as 1, number 10 can also

finish along with number 1.

The most difficult to detect is indeed this trio with a 1, a 10 and an 11.

Next, number 12 can become 2, and so on with the numbers up to 20,

depending on the number of horses in the race...

Practice with patience and perseverance, and I am sure that like me, you will
succeed with some work, to find the numbers of the horses which will bring
you in the most profit!

At the Casino… Roulette

Roulette is one of the best-known games in the world of casinos.

In this game, you cannot use a magnetic object at the table, so don’t count on
your Pendulum to give you any clues!

However, you can do a calculation at home beforehand, which will allow you
to make a list of winning numbers which you can test at the roulette table once
you get to the casino.

Personally, I have experimented quite a lot like this, and I have always had good
results! I have even at times been able to give a few numbers to friends who
were going to casinos, and to their great surprise, they won.

Do you want to know how I do it?

To start off, I visualise the roulette table in my mind, with the green baize, its
yellow lines, the red diamond-shape on one side, the black diamond-shape on
the other side, and also the even numbers, the odd numbers and all the little
individual squares with a number in the middle.

I also visualise the numbers that I would like to play in the next hour or two.

I don’t see the roulette wheel or the little ball, nor the bets on the table.

On a blank sheet of paper, I write down all the numbers on the wheel from 1
to 36, as well as the 0, just like in the casino.

It is also possible to work directly on the cards that the casino croupier gives to
the players.

Then I pass the Pendulum over the wheel, and taking the numbers at random,
usually not more than 6 to 8 numbers at a time, I ask the question:

«Should I play number 16 when I get to the roulette table this evening?»

I wait for an answer from the Pendulum.

Then I ask the same question for the number 1, 3, 22, 25, 35, 36, and finally 33.

Once I have set aside all the negative answers, I note the winning numbers,
which I will play that evening or the next day, but no more than two days after
having selected them, that is actually the maximum time to leave between your
reading and going to the casino tables...

The final experience I attempted in this area actually brought me in a sum of

33,000 €, for a 300 € or 400 € bet... Not bad, don’t you think?

So, don’t waste any time! Place your bets...


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