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Before going further allow me to greet our dear leaders, resource speakers and my colleagues in the

academe a pleasant afternoon..

If I am asked about my impressions about this splendid break I would certainly tell many.

First and foremost, I am quite afraid and hesitant at first in attending this training, If I will have my way I
could have skipped this great opportunity. But then, just like all of you, we already made a pledge to
work for our nation with all might amid challenges.

I never knew that this training is so significant until Ma’am Carmina mentioned earlier that the
participants here are cream of the crop. I felt honoured and privileged hearing that, and I am quite sure
all of you feel the same as well.

A day ago I was so happy to see two of my colleagues not very long time ago. Sir Carl Michael Bandong
and Sir Juilus Cezar Reyes, two hardworking teachers back then who exhibits enormous passion for the
mathematics hugged the limelight and served as resource speakers. I am tipping my hat on the two for
sharing your time and showing your expertise in math. I am also happy to see some of my teacher-
friends here: Sir Jesus, Sir Eugene , my tokayo and Ma’am Sheila.

I am so elated that I have learned a lot of things from here, from different mathematics apps to best
practices of math teachers to assortment of techniques in getting things done fast and right.

The speakers were equally impressive as they showered us with enormous knowledge that will surely
benefit us and our respective district in the days to come. During the third day of the training, Sir
Raymund Molano unleashed his fine form in boosting further our arsenal in dealing with mathematics
problems. I am so happy that he had delved into statistics, since many of you is teaching or have taught
this subject.

The Excel platform already have an add-in in dealing with statistical problems by using various inferential
tools such as t-test, z-test, chi-square, and the list goes on. But Sir Manalo made mincemeat of statistics
and shared his rich knowledge about MegaStat.

Sir sadyang dinagdagan nyo ng todong todo and aming kaalaman sa subject na heto. Alam kung uwing
uwi na tayong lahat, so I am ending my impression speech.

Thanks a lot po aming mga superiors and to my colleagues. Kita kits sa susunod with God’s grace.

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