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Today we’re talking about the tragic year 2020, I’m talking about all sorts of things that
happened. We had corona, Kobe Bryant, BLM, global warming became worse and there was
way more. I’m talking about this, so we can realize all things that happened and not just
forget about all of it. It started all with corona, which made everything in 2020 even worse. I
hope you like my speech so let’s get into it.

We started the year with corona, this moved me because many people lost their jobs, many
people got the virus and we weren’t really allowed to go somewhere. We could only go to
the supermarket or other stores. The restaurants weren’t closed yet, but it was
recommended to not go/eat there. Then a man with the name George Floyd got killed by a
cop, there were big protests about this and people said it was racism, which it was. The
protests kept going for almost 2 months, this moved me because a lot of people were scared
because of their skin colour and corona became more and more because people were too
close to each other while protesting. there also was a helicopter crash with the basketball
hero. Kobe Bryant, his daughter and the other people on the helicopter died in the crash.
The world was shocked of this, this moved me because so many people were shocked or sad
about this. And again, corona became more because many people were very close to each
other while honouring Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi. Global warming was a big problem
in this year but the thing that moved me is that we weren’t really aware of it and we didn’t
talk about it at all. We also had Australian fires, many firefighters and animals died, luckily
we stopped this in the same year. There were huge locust swarms in Africa and it took a long
time to take all of them away. This moved me because the people that lived close to locust
swarms or fires could not really live their normal life anymore. And then it finally happened,
it was the 31st of December and we got rid of 2020. But 2021 wasn’t a big change…

In conclusion 2020 was super bad, probably the worst we had in our lives yet. So far 2021 is
still a lot of covid. But not as much as last year.

Thanks for listening to my speech, I hope I interested you with my story.

The end.

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