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Explain two different views of employer branding (based on presentation of


The two different views in Spain were S.A “Sociedad Ano´nima” and Cooperative.

Cooperative can be further explained and formed by two that is social economy and

S.A (Sociedad Ano´nima)

S.A represents a type of public company that employs civil law. It mainly depicts a joint
stock company. In S.A the shares of the company were divided. Decisions depended on the
shares. The partners involved the members within the administration of the company. Each
shareholder owns a stock of the company.


This view comprised of socially responsible, democratic, innovative, associative and

collaborative values. The decision made were given prior thought and discussion before
arriving to the final outcome. Everyone involved had a fair share of participation in
knowledge creation.

Social economy – explains the formation of cooperative type wherein the rich diversity of
organization having common values come together. The main features include primacy of the
individual and social objective. It is not compulsory and is open membership. Benefits from
this are shared among partners, or put to social benefit such as improving working conditions,
helping those other companies in need in the group.

Participation – refers to the process of making a decision in co-operative. Unlike S.A, here
the participation is not depended on shares but rather on the partners of the company.
Everyone has equal power. One partner can have only one right to vote. These major
decisions take place in a general assembly which occurs once a year.

2. Give one example of company which employer branding is designed well in your
opinion (based on presentation of Jeremiah) – need screens from your internet research.

Employer branding is defined as the method of marketing the company to desired job
seekers. The top 5 factors that determine the quality of employer branding are

1. Testimonial of employees

2. Benefits

3. Company Culture

4. Company Events

5. Social Media Involvement

In my opinion, the employer branding that is designed well is Google. This conclusion was
based on the above 5 factors mainly.

Google mainly scores the top most for the culture.

Google also tops first in the employee testimonial factor

Microsoft on the other hand scored 77 percent and is next place to google. Just did a
comparison to prove that google is in the top place.

Third factor is benefits

Google ranks top most in this category as well.

The data obtained in these screenshots are from the US. Since Google is famous worldwide, I
have filtered the other companies that outbeat google in terms of perks and benefits in San
Francisco. I am taking this data to represent google as it is world-wide.

Company Events

The reviews from employess at google explain that their events pave the best platform for
socialising. These ratings are from glassdoor.

Social Media Involvement

Google is in itself an online seach engine. The company also plays an important role in social
media, they post pictures of their employees, office campuses, conduct live chat
sessions.They are present in all social media platforms. Apart from social media platforms
they also have their very own google doodle. These doodles represent remakable days in
every culture and the whole world gets a peak of it. Anyone accessing the google webpage
would feel drawn towards joining their company.

Now especially, with the pandemic occuring, google puts up videos on facebook on
educating and creating awareness among people. Hence the social media involvement by no
doubt, Google tops all of the other companies.


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