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A/V Course Outline

This project based class will allow students to capture your school community, tell your story
and interact on a world stage with a high quality product and to connect with people all over the
world. Much of our focus will involve observing professional video and learning the appropriate
technique to improve our own video making abilities.

Typical Day
Two groups shooting footage
One group serving as actors
One group editing footage

Roles for each project:

Camera Operator/ Video Editor
Audio Designer/ Editor

Major Course Projects

Commercial Shoot
Video Competition/School Promotional Video
Solo YouTuber
Plastic Bag
Movie Reboot
Final project

Attitude and Attendance

Group based projects require that you bring your absolute best attitude every day. Real life
demands that we work with people that we like, don’t like, are good at their jobs and are not.
You must learn to deal with that in a professional manner that allows your group to succeed.
Missing classes will not only hurt your own work but drastically affects others. Deadlines will be
imperative to meet and work will most likely already be required outside of class time. Please be
sure to attend all classes!

20% Technical Exercises- Individual display of techniques
60% Projects- Group based larger assignments
-projects will be graded as a team
-individual assessment will be done based on your assigned role (director,
videographer/cinematographer, audio editor, etc.)
-self and peer assessment, work log
20% Final Project-Pitch your best idea and use the techniques learned over the course of the
semester to create a work that summarizes your best abilities.

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