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International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards


Debrief Cards are a multi-use tool designed to help you process experiences with

Printing Debrief Cards

Debrief Cards have a front and back (2 pages). I suggest printing them on card
stock for durability. Laminate the cards for ultimate durability.

One set of Debrief Cards is designed to be used with discussion groups sized
between 4 and 8 people.

There are 8 cards per set of Debrief Cards. Supply a group of 4-8 people with
one set of cards. If your group is larger than 8 people, divide this larger group
into “small discussion groups” of 4-8 people and give each small discussion
group their own set of cards.

If you’re working with a group of 12 people, divide this group into two or three
small discussion groups. If you’re working with 60 people you would need 10
sets of Debrief Cards so you could create ten small discussion groups with 6
people in each group.

How to use Debrief Cards

Debrief Cards are easy to use. Here’s a sample scenario...

You’re working with a group of 15 people. The group has just completed a team
building activity. Now you want the group to debrief (process) the activity.

Divide the group of 15 into three “small discussion groups” (5 people in each
small group) to debrief. Provide one set of Debrief Cards to each small
discussion group.

Give the following assignment to each of the small discussion groups:

“Using the side of the cards with the colored pictures, your discussion
group must come to agreement as to the picture that best represents the
most important lesson learned in the last teambuilding activity. Pick a

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards

spokesperson for your group who will be able to explain why you chose
the picture you did.”

Allow the small discussion groups enough time (5-15 minutes) to discuss and
reach consensus. During this time your job is to move amongst the groups to
listen in on conversations and be available to the groups to answer any questions
or to provide feedback.

Once each of the small discussion groups has reached consensus, ask the small
discussion groups to share their findings with the entire group. During this stage,
your job as the facilitator is to ask questions that will help everyone gain greater
understanding. If a group spokesperson provides an explanation that isn’t clear,
you must ask probing questions. The spokesperson may find themselves
needing help from the members of their small discussion group to explain their
position / choices (that’s fine).

Understanding the Debrief Cards

Side A




Card Number

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards

Side B




Inspirational Quote
• Suggested uses:
✦ Select a quote that inspires you and explain your choice to your small
discussion group.
✦ As a group, select the one quote that represents the direction your
group must move to become a stronger team.
✦ Select the quote that best represents how you feel about the team.

Metaphor Picture
• There are pictures on the front and back of the cards (color pictures on
one side and black & white on the other). You can require the group to
use pictures on just one side of the cards (example: colored photos only)
or use any and all of the pictures.
• Suggested uses:
✦ Select the picture that best represents how you feel your team did
during the last teambuilding activity.

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards
✦ As a group, select the picture that best represents where you’ve been
as a team.
✦ Each team member (in the small discussion group) select the picture
that represents what he/she learned in the last activity.

• These words appear in blue and have an arrow pointing to the right.
• The word on the left represents a lower energy thought form; the word on
the right represents a higher (more desirable) energy thought form. The
“Shift” words on a particular card are related and can be thought of as
representing a continuum. A shift requires one to recognize and
understand subtle yet powerful differences.
• Suggested uses:
✦ Find the Shift that, if made, will help your team have a breakthrough.
✦ Pick the Shift that you will focus on making over the next period of time
(24 hours, week, month, year, etc.).

Card Number
• The Debrief Cards are numbered so if one is lost you can quickly
determine which one it is. Also, if you’ve made lots of sets of Debrief
Cards and they get mixed up, the numbering system will help you
organized complete sets of cards.

Evolutionary Progressions
• Evolutionary Progressions (purple words with a vertical arrow on the left
pointing up) represent a 3-step “growth path”. The word at the bottom of
the list is considered low on the evolutionary scale. The word at the top of
the list is considered at the top of the evolutionary scale. The top word is
the preferred “destination”.
• For example, one of the Evolutionary Progressions is: Juggle >> Balance
>> Harmony. A person / team grows or evolves along this path. For
example, someone who is Juggling the responsibilities in their role as
leader hasn't really developed the ability to create Balance yet (personally
or professionally). And someone who has achieved a Balanced life really
hasn't found Harmony yet. So, currently, Harmony is the 'highest level' of
the progression. Someone operating at the level of Harmony is doing well
development-wise and evolution-wise.
• Suggested uses:
✦ Ask the group to find the Evolutionary Progression that most
represents the path of development their team is on. Now, identify

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards

which step along the Evolutionary Progression best defines your

team’s placement. If your team is not at the top, what will it take to get
to the top?
✦ Create your own 3-step Evolutionary Progression.
✦ Is there an Evolutionary Progression you wish your team would be on?

• Identifying a powerful question can be one of the most effective tools a
team can use to create the breakthrough (or insight) they’ve been looking
• Suggested uses:
✦ Place the cards on a table with the question facing up. Ask the small
discussion group to find the question that, if answered, will help
catapult the team forward.
✦ Identify the question that has been running your team. Now identify
the question that should be running your team.

More Ideas

Use the Debrief Cards at the beginning of the training event. Possible examples

• Ask people to find an image on a card that represents how their week is
going (has gone).
• In order for you to get the most out of this workshop / training event what
Shift will you need to make? (find that Shift on a card) Share with your
small discussion group.
• Introduce the concept of “Evolutionary Progressions” and then have
everyone find an Evolutionary Progression on a card that represents
where they are as a leader (manager, team member, employee, etc.).
• Find the quote that has the most significant message for your Personal
life. Explain why you chose this quote to your small discussion group.

Key Concepts

1. Debriefing (processing) the activity is a critical step in helping individuals and

teams learn from and through experiential teambuilding activities. Allow

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards

enough time to properly debrief the activity. Teach participants about the
value of debriefing. Think of debriefing as an activity!
2. You’ll notice that groups are more likely to talk at greater and more
meaningful depth as trust increases. Therefore, to improve the quality and
depth of conversations during debrief sessions you must constantly monitor
and build the level of trust.
3. Establishing group “ground rules” will go a long way in helping people feel
comfortable sharing at deeper (more valuable) levels. Prior to starting a
debriefing session, you can work with the group to create a set of ground
rules that will promote trust and growth. Sample ground rules can include:
• You can choose to pass. It’s OK to listen and not talk.
• Speak for yourself. Use “I” statements.
• One person speaks at a time (no interruptions)
• Everything is confidential unless someone specifically gives their
permission to share something they said outside the group.
• No put downs.
• Be 100% responsible.
• Respect others.
4. Asking good questions is 10x more powerful than talking.
5. Good debriefing can take you into unknown or uncharted territories. If you
encounter a situation you’re not comfortable with, tell the group. Be honest
and transparent. Trust your feelings.
6. Assist the group in discovering what they have experienced. Resist the
temptation to tell them what they have experienced (what they’ve learned).

Resources / Further Study

• Book: “A Teachable Moment -- A Facilitators Guide to Activities for

Processing, Debriefing, Reviewing and Reflection” by Jim Cain, Michelle
Cummings and Jennifer Stanchfield. 282 pages
• Book: “Processing The Experience -- Strategies to Enhance and Generalize
Learning” by John Luckner and Reldan Nadler.

Copyright Notice

The Debrief Cards and this set of directions are copyrighted material. You are
permitted to print as many of the Debrief Cards as you personally need for the

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Debrief Cards

groups you personally work with. . You are not permitted to sell, share, alter or
change this “print your own” (do-it-yourself) Debrief Cards document with others.

Teachings, Tools and Community to Leverage the Power of Connection for a Better World
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved
Do the thing you are afraid of, Setting an example is not the When we are no longer able
“Move and the way will open” to change a situation...we
and the death of fear is main means of influencing
-- Zen proverb are challenged to change
certain. others; it is the only means.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Albert Einstein ourselves.
-- Viktor Frankl

Complex - - - Simple Rigid - - - Flexible Control - - - Allow React - - - Respond

c-1 c-2 c-3 c-4

Truth is not introduced into Barn's burnt down. Now I A bird doesn't sing because When you feel grateful,
the individual from without, can see the moon. it has an answer, it sings you become great, and
but was within him all the -- Masahide because it has a song. eventually attract great
time. -- Maya Angelou things.
-- Soren Kierkegaard -- Plato

Symptoms - - - Source Closed - - - Open Unaware - - - Conscious Artificial - - - Genuine

c-5 c-6 c-7 c-8

Assimilate Breakthrough Know Choice
Integrate Improvement Believe Responsibility
Accept Movement Think Obligation

What is our next How can this be What do we What do we

evolutionary step? simplified? have faith in? really want?
Debrief Cards from Debrief Cards from Debrief Cards from Debrief Cards from
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved.

Harmony Connected Transform Wisdom

Balance Present Reinvent Knowledge
Juggle Attentive Improve Information

What is the Where is the What do we need What question should

truth here? perfection in this? to open up to? we be asking?
Debrief Cards from Debrief Cards from Debrief Cards from Debrief Cards from
© Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008 by Tom Heck. All rights reserved.

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