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‫الوحدة االولى –المحاضرة الرابعة‬

Expat tales


- Answer the questions about Ian or Thomas.

About Thomas

1. Where did he go to live abroad? Why?

He went to Seoul, Korea. His father is an officer in the US army, and his 'tour of
duty' took him and his brother to Korea.
2. How long has he been there?
Six years.
3. What does he do there?
He is a school student.
4. What do you learn about his family?
His father is an officer in the US army, his brother is in US army too and his
mother is a scientist.
5. What is the new home town like?
Seoul is 'cool'. It's bigger than Boston, crowded and busy.
6. Have there been any difficulties?
Yes. At first, he felt lonely because he couldn't understand what people said.
He was scared when he started school.
7. In what ways is he 'in the middle of nowhere'?
He felt lonely when he first arrived because he couldn't understand anything,
and people didn't smile at strangers.
8. Does he feel at home in this new home?
Yes He speaks Korean fluently, and has friends.
9. What does he like and dislike about his new life?
He likes soccer, the city, 'PC rooms', Korean books and stories, and the people.
He doesn't like learning Chinese characteristics.
10.What does he miss?
He misses American comics, with superheroes like Spiderman, and he wishes
people liked basketball.
Language work

Thomas in Korea

1. I'm really into soccer.

Is he a soccer fan?
He is a big fan.
Really into= big fan=very interested
2. a really big deal
What is a really big deal? Why?
Soccer (football) is a big deal because Korea co-hosted the 2002 World Cup .
Big deal=very important=of great interest
3. doesn't get it
Who doesn't get what? Why not?
Thomas' father doesn't get soccer because, as an American and a basketball
fan, it isn't part of his sporting culture.
Doesn't get it= doesn't understand it
4. a big shot
Who is a big shot? What makes him a big shot?
His father is a big shot because he is an officer in the US army
Big shot=with an important position
5. the bad guy is beating him up
Who is the bad guy beating up?
He's beating up Spiderman.
Beat up=hit repeatedly
We read about Ian who moved to Chile, and Thomas who moved to Korea.

Which of these lines from the articles do you think about Chile(C) and which about
Korea (K)?

1- (C).. As we're 2,600 m above sea level, I easily get puffed when I'm exercising.
2- (K)..Soccer is a really big deal here ever since they hosted 2002 World Cup.
3- (C)..We converse in what we call 'Espanglish'
4- (K)..Learning Chinese characteristics stinks.
5- (C)..It's surrounding mines are said to make more money than any other city.
6- (K)..I can eat spicy food like kimchee
7- (K)..It's also normal to roll out mattresses and sleep on the floor
8- (C)..We now have a pleasant walkway along the seafront.


House and home

Compound nouns and adjectives

Words can combine to make new words .

Look at the examples. Which are nouns and which are adjectives?

Lifestyle Noun ‫أسلوب حياة‬

Lifelong adjective ‫مدى الحياة‬
Life-size adjective ‫بالحجم طبيعي‬
Life expectancy Noun ‫العمر المتوقع‬
Life insurance Noun ‫التأمين على الحياة‬
Look at the texts on pp10-12 and find some compound nouns and adjectives.

Ian text Thomas text

Mining town Soccer fan
Two-hour World cup
12-strong Big shot
ground station PC rooms
Desktop Cross-legged
Itchy feet Elementary school
CV=Curriculum Vitae Superheroes
Tourist destination Basketball
Home town Slam dunk
Sea level Spicy foods
Seafront Leg cramps

1. How many new words can you make by combining a word on the left with a
word on the right? Which are nouns and which are adjectives?
Home house
Home work noun House work adjective
Home made adjective House wife Noun
Home sick Adjective House proud Adjective
Home page Noun House plant Adjective
Home town Noun Houseless Adjective
Home coming adjective House bound Adjective
Homeless Adjective House warming Adjective
home grown adjective

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