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On-line dynamic-security c ntingency scr


K.W. Chan
R.W. Dunn
A.R. Daniels
J.A. Padget
EH. Buxton

Indexing terms: Dynamic security, Power systems, Stability assessment, Contingency ranking

rity-assessment tools which provide guidance to power-

Abstract: An on-line dynamic-security contin- system operators to ensure the safety of the system
gency screening and ranking system for large against unexpected conditions.
complex power systems, online algorithms for Online security-assessment systems can be classified
system-instability studies (OASIS), has been into two categories: static and dynamic. Static security
developed which is intended to provide a list of assessors (SSA) are usually based on fast decoupled-
ranked contingencies for the current operational load-flow analysis and deal with steady-state-limit vio-
state of the power system every 15 min. A high- lations. They are in common use with modern energy-
speed power-system simulator is used to predict, management systems (EMS). On the other hand, a
in real time, transient and dynamic stability from dynamic security assessor (DSA) requires the analysis
any initial power-system state together with an of the system electromechanical dynamics from a snap-
appropriate contingency list. OASIS uses a client/ shot taken from the power system. Either time-domain-
server model and is designed to run on a simulation or direct-stability-assessment methods can
heterogeneous computer network to avoid any be used for this purpose.
limit to system size. The prototype of the assessor Compared with the static counterpart, dynamic secu-
was completed in mid 1994 and field trials were rity assessment is more computationally intensive.
carried out within an operational power-system- Attempts to incorporate an industrial-scale DSA within
control centre using real online data taken from an EMS would impose a very significant increase in
the system energy-management system. Imple- computing burden on the utilities’ online computing
mentation of OASIS and the results of the field resources and, as a consequence, the provision of a full
trials are described. DSA facility is rare [l].
The online algorithms for system-instability studies
(OASIS) is a distributed interactive oiiline dynamic-
security contingency screening and ranking system run-
1 Introduction ning across a heterogeneous computer network. OASIS
has been under development since 1992 in a collabora-
In response to increasing economic and environmental
pressure, many operators of large and complex power tive venture between the University of Bath and the
systems are seeking to extract greater efficiencies from National Grid CO in the UK. The OASIS project is not
only aimed at providing transient-stability assessment
their existing assets. One possible means of increasing
efficiency is to operate assets closer to their thermal but also includes a detailed analysis of the system’s
and stability limits. In addition to traditional offline dynamic performance with a target cycle time of 15
day-ahead planning, this calls for use of online secu- min.
In this paper, the security-analysis methods adopted
0IEE, 1997 by OASIS are described with an explanation and justi-
IEE Proceedings online no. 19970864 fication of why they are selected or developed. Rather
Paper first received 25th October 1995 and in revised form 20th August than describing each component of the OASIS pack-
1996 age, emphasis is placed on the details of its infrastruc-
K.W. Chan, R.W. Dunn and A.R. Daniels are with the School of ture and critical core components. Results and
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY
discussions of the trials carried at the National Grid
J.A. Padget is with School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath.
Bath BA2 7AY Control Centre (NGCC) are also presented.
O.A. Ekwue is with the Technology and Science Division, National Grid
Company plc, Kelvin Avenue, Leatherhead KT22 7ST, UK 2 Dynamic-security assessment
P.H. Buxton is with Grid System Management, National Grid Company
plc, National Grid House, Kirby Comer Road, Coventry CV4 8 J Y , UK The security of a power system can be defined as its
M.J. Rawlins is with the Control Technology Centre, National Grid ability to withstand a set of severe but credible contin-
Company Control Centre, St. Catherine’s Lodge, Beanvood Road, gencies and to survive transition to an acceptable new
Berkshire RGl 1 5BN, UK steady-state condition. In practice, this is assessed by
132 IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distuib., Vol. 144, No. 2,March 1997
detection of operating-limit violation and contingency mission system and the Scottish power system are rep-
analysis. resented by equivalents and simplified models,
Depending on the time scale, security monitoring is respectively. Every 5 min, an equivalent-network model
carried out on the basis of three models: the steady- of the complete system is built from the updated telem-
state, post-transient and transient stability models. etry readings and switch status. Two sequences of anal-
Fig. 1 is an overall flow diagram showing the opera- ysis tools are then triggered, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
tion of the security-assessment system. At every sam-
pling time, real-time SCADA measurements are
retrieved and then processed by the state estimator to NGC security-analysis outline fyJ;;;L 1
construct a real-time power-network model in which I) I

the best estimates of the current state of the system can DC-state DC externa
be evaluated. The measured values of various elements estimator estimator assessment
are checked against the preset operating limits and any t H
violation will produce an alarm.
-- - _DC- -sequence -- -5-min)
--- -(every - - -- - -
AC sequence (every 15 min 1
I contingency list
I I real-time
SCADAdata . I
transient and dynamic stability analysis
OASIS extension YI
dynami c-securi ty
assessment I

1 alarm pracessing I I contingenty ranking I Fig.2 Security-analysis application

I man-machine interface (MMI ) I The DC and AC security assessors are based on DC

load flow and fast-decoupled load flow, respectively
Fig. 1 D y n a m i c - s e c u r i t y - a e a t system
with 5 min cycle time for the DC sequence and 15 min
for the AC sequence. Security is assessed against poten-
The contingency list used is based on the operational tial thermal violations and voltage/reactive violations.
experience of the utility involved and is stored in the OASIS is designed to work alongside the existing
online database. To reduce the total assessment time, tools available from the RTNA application. At every
screening tools are commonly employed to select only a AC sequence cycle, a consistent real-time power-system
small subset of the full contingency list for evaluation. snapshot is obtained from the AC external estimator
As a spinoff exercise, a neural-network-based transient and fed to OASIS for detail dynamic evaluation, as
and dynamics-screening filter has also been developed
shown in Fig. 2. Being a complementary extension to
to use with OASIS. A paper on transient and dynamics
screening is still in preparation; preliminary results on the main AC-security assessor, OASIS is designed to
transient screening alone have been published in [2]. deal with transient and dynamic-stability analysis while
Any possible overloads and instability problems will leaving the task of static-security assessment to the
become an alarm and the contingencies will be pre- RTNA application.
sented to the operator in an order ranked according to
their severity. 5 Time-domain simulation

3 The national grid system A large amount of previous research effort [4] has been
spent on developing a set of power-system models
The national grid system [3] is the high-voltage trans- which are suitable for real-time simulation, using mini-
mission system covering England and Wales operated mum computation resources while being sufficiently
by the National Grid CO (NGC) plc which has an accurate to represent the electromechanical dynamic
installed capacity of 57GW. In 1993-94, a maximum and transient modes of operation of a large power sys-
actual demand of 47.74GW was reached on 4 January tem. The overall accuracy achieved from the those
1994. This system is linked to two major power models is consistent with that obtained using conven-
systems: 275kV and 400kV AC links to the Scottish tional offline software packages.
power system and a 2000MW DC link with France. Each machine group is represented by a fifth-order-
The system is at present controlled through four area voltage-behind-subtransient-reactance model with a
control centres and the National Grid Control Centre second-order excitation model and a fourth-order
(NGCC). This was commissioned in 1993 together with
prime-mover-and-governor model. Several nonlineari-
a new EMS supplied by the Empros power system con-
trol division of Siemens Energy and Automation Inc. ties are modelled such as control limits, nonlinear
This EMS provides a set of real-time network-analysis steam flows and magnetic saturation. The network
(RTNA) applications running on Cyber 960 computers equations model balanced three-phase conditions using
for power-system state estimation and static-security nodal-admittance analysis.
6 Stability assessment
4 Security-analysis application
In OASIS, system stability is assessed by using a com-
Within the EMS, the high-voltage transmission system posite severity index which consists of both transient
is modelled in full detail while the low-voltage trans- and dynamic components as described below.
IEE Proc -Gener Transm Distrib , Vol 144, No 2, March 1997 133
6. I Transient stability Such oscillations have been the subject of some discus-
Electromechanical transient-stability analysis concerns sion in the recent past [8].
the transient behaviour of the power system when mov- Although offline dynamic-stability assessment has
ing from the pre- to post-contingency operating point. traditionally been carried out by eigenvalue analysis, an
For the reason of computational economics, both alternative technique which is more amenable to a real-
direct methods [5, 61 and artificial-intelligence methods time environment has been adopted in OASIS. Con-
[7] have often been proposed for use in online tran- sider that the power-system dynamic conditions during
sient-stability assessment. However, it is not easy to a disturbance are described by a set of differential
apply these methods to larger power systems involving equations:
more complex models of plant and contingencies. li: = F(z,u) + EW (5)
At present, time-domain simulation appears to be the
preferred method for reliable transient-stability assess- where x is the system state vector, U is the control input
ment, since its online use is well within the capabilities vector, F is a vector valued nonlinear function, E is dis-
provided by current modern workstations. The effects tribution matrix and w is the system disturbance.
of cascaded tripping can also be included in the contin- The modal or free response due to the initial condi-
gency evaluation if protection models are incorporated tion xo is given by
within the simulation.
For simplicity, transient instability is defined, within
the context of OASIS, as any pole slipping detected where xj is the jth element of vector x and A,pi and qiT
within the simulation period. The time taken for the are the eigenvalues, right eigenvectors and left eigen-
system to pole-slip is used as an indication of the con- vectors of F.
tingency severity. If Ts!mand Tpsare the maximum sim- A linear combination of the states xj(t) forms the sig-
ulation time and the time to pole-slip, respectively, the nal s(t) which can be measured as the frequency devia-
severity index SI,, of the contingency belonging to the tion, rotor-angle swing etc., and expressed as
class of transient unstable cases is formulated as
where J; are the weightings. The signal s(t) is, in gen-
eral, a sum of damped or growing sinusoids, damped
where wtu is a constant scaling factor defaulted to be or growing exponentials and a constant. If sophisti-
10 000. cated signal-processing techniques are used, the modes
If no pole-slipping is detected within the simulation of oscillations (eigenvalues) can be 'reverse engineered'
period, OASIS uses the maximum magnitude of the from a given measured signal [9].
rotor swing among all generators as an approximation This idea of assessing the system behaviour by exam-
to the degree of transient instabilities. An alarm is be ining the observable signals is adopted in OASIS. As a
given in OASIS if swings greater than 100" are result of the time-domain simulation, the time history
detected, and this somewhat arbitrary limit can be fixed of the machine-rotor swings or accelerations is readily
using operator experience as a guideline. available for examination. However, because the main
In addition to the maximum swing, frequency devia- concern of interest is the dominant slow electromechan-
tions and generator active power output are used as ical-oscillation mode only, full Fourier analysis is not
supplementary measurements for assessing the transient required. Instead, the following simple but effective
effects of the contingency. As a result, the contribution method was developed for this purpose.
of the transient assessment SI, to the system severity For every machine, the envelopes of the rotor swing-
index becomes curve for all machines are extracted by identifying the
swing amplitudes. With the assumption that subsequent
SI,= W s w ~ s , + W f S I , + %"SJmva
(2) oscillations are dominated by a single mode of oscilla-
where as, is the maximum rotor swing in degrees tion, the swing envelope xe(t) can be approximated by
among all generators and an exponential function as follows:

= cc ( F )
all all

gens steps
f - fo
s e @ )= Aebt
A best-fit exponential function can then be found by
applying a logarithmic transformation and the linear-

SI,,, = -&.& ( active power

rated active power
regression method on the extracted data set. The result-
ing value of b can be used as a quantitative measure of
the post-contingency dynamic stability of this particu-
gens step
lar machine. In the present implementation, an alarm is
are the severity-index contributions of machine fre- generated whenever the appropriate decay-time con-
quency deviations normalised to 0.4% system frequency stant is greater than the recommended value. For the
and active-power generation normalised to machine purpose of this study, this time was chosen to be 12s.
rating, respectively. The weighting factors wsw, wf and The time history shown in Fig. 3 is a typical response
w,, are set to 1 as a default. of a machine rotor following a large disturbance. The
corresponding extracted rotor-swing amplitudes and
6.2 Dynamic stability their best-fitted exponential are shown in Fig. 4 to
Dynamic-stability analysis concentrates on the stability illustrate how well the fitting can be made. In fact, the
of the power system when subject to small perturba- quality of fit achieved by the regression can be meas-
tions about its operating point. Long-term oscillations ured with the regression coefficient of determination y2.
and limit cycles are of particular interest as these may By using the fit :Y of generator i as the weighting of
impair power-system security and lead to islanding. the approximated decay rates b, of generator i, the sys-
134 IEE Proc -Gener Transm Distrib I Vol 144 No 2,March I997
temwide dynamic-severity index can be formulated as Within each class, contingencies are ranked with a
descending system-severity index. The system-severity
(9) index SI is calculated as
where wd is the weighting of the dynamic-severity index
in the context of system-severity index and is set to
S I == { SI, + SId
if transient unstable
2000 as a default in OASIS to emphasise it against the Fig. 5 gives the overall flow chart of the contingency-
transient-severity index. ranking algorithm. The resulting ranked list of contin-
I gencies is obtained by combining all classes together as
110- shown in the flow chart. Since this algorithm is purely
numerically based, it is very efficient but may make the
p 100- ranking prone to masking effects. As a remedy, a
fuzzy-rule-based version of this algorithm is currently
GI 90- under development.
8 80 time-domain
e simulation

70- ranked list

pole -sli pped unstable

oscillatory unstable - iscillatory

uns table
25-, class


I I I ita ble- and

time, s
I well damped
SI = SIt + s&j t well-

Fig.4 Rotor decay-rate curves

0 rotor-swing amplitude Fig.5 Contingency-ranking algorithm
-best-fitted exponential

As this index is calculated based on extraction of the 8 Implementation

swing envelope from the time-simulation results rather
than linearised system approximation, it is capable of 8. I computing environment
dealing reliably with multiple-mode oscillations or limit It would be highly desirable for OASIS to be able to
cycling. support a wide variety of computers, either general-
7 Contingency ranking
purpose single-processor workstations or dedicated
multiprocessor computing servers, which are available
Numerous contingency-ranking algorithms have been now or which will appear in the future.
developed and, to a large extent, the algorithms which However, the main design goal of OASIS is the abil-
are used depend on the operating policy of the utility. ity to work in an online mode where a ranked contin-
Currently, OASIS adopts the following numerical rank- gency list must be provided in a time scale that would
ing algorithm primarily because of (a) its simplicity and allow an operator to take useful actions. Obviously, the
(b) the fact that it classifies contingencies into different size of the power system and its contingency list govern
operational categories. the required processing power needed for this purpose.
First, contingencies are classified into one of the fol- Equally, the scalability of the assessor as the size of
lowing four classes: power system changes is as important as its portability.
(i) transiently unstable: if pole slipping is detected dur- It is the authors' view that distributed processing would
ing the simulation; probably be the only viable option and the software
architecture of OASIS should be founded on the use of
(ii) oscillatory unstable: if growing or sustained oscilla- open-systems standards. ANSI C was used to provide
tions occur; portability for all pieces of code with POSIX (UNIX)
(iii) stable but poorly damped if the oscillation-decay- compatibility and X Window for all graphical displays.
time constant is greater than 12s; and Portable heterogeneous distributed processing environ-
(iv) stable and well damped: if the oscillation-decay-time ment was introduced using the Parallel Virtual
constant is less than 12s. Machine (PVM) system [lo].
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 144, No. 2, March 1997 135
8.2 ClienVserver model windows and was developed in conjunction with
On top of the POSIX and PVM environment, OASIS power-system engineers at the National Grid Control
is structured following the client/server model. Contin- Centre. The top section of both windows displays
gency evaluations are carried out by workers (evalua- information on the total system load, the percentage of
tion servers) distributed across the network. Online contingency processing which has been completed and
study and database inputs, contingency ranking and provides various buttons to control the processing. The
presentation are handled by an X Window-based front main window is shown in Fig. 7 and displays a ranked
end which also acts as the controller for job allocation list of contingencies. The condition of each contingency
and scheduling, as illustrated in Fig. 6. is highlighted with a red, green and blue colour scheme
to represent transient unstable, oscillatory unstable and
poorly damped, respectively. Poke points are provided
online power-system snapshots database whose activation changes the display to show the more
detailed information about a particular contingency, as
shown in Fig. 8.

contingency graphical

I ll

PVM controlLer with X-windows interface

PVM worker PVM worker PVM worker

transient transient transient
dynamic dynamic dynamic
evaluation evaluation evaluation
U Fig.8 Detailed contingency display
Fig.6 Functional structure of the OASIS system
The detailed display of a single contingency is split
Contingency allocation to the workers follows the into two areas. The upper area is for the information
first-come/first-served flood-fill policy. Experimental such as affected plant, breaker-operation times and
results showed that close to 100% utilisation was fault location while the lower is for detailed visual dis-
achievable if contingencies were allocated in groups play of up to four generators. Facilities are provided
and the controller task was allowed to run on the most for automatic selection of those four with the largest
powerful processing host in the network. Duplicated rotor swings in the system. Care has been taken to
contingency allocation was implemented to support ensure that only one machine is selected among those
automatic recovery from host/worker failure and to connected to the same busbar and having same or sim-
ensure the shortest cycle time since the need to wait for ilar responses in order to allow other machines else-
the last contingency result from the slower computer is where in the system to be selected. Precontingency
eliminated. power and reactive-power loadings, rotor angle and
terminal voltage are also given in this display.

9 Field trials
9. I Trial setup
Rank No Type Contingency Name
OASIS was installed on a Silicon Graphics Indy with
1 fl b L O S B A 4 1 NORT4-THT04K 1
access to the operational ethernet networks at the
2 r;?
Fig. 9 shows the EMS hardware configuration. The
0 main EMS computers are Cyber 9600; NC1 and NC2
are the operational and standby computers with NC3
6 IKEADQI-COTT42KEAD4J-COTT41 being used as the engineering backup computer, where
7 1
7 IFECKCWALH4 1 F E C K L M I T Y K I MELK4-MITV4K 1 software modifications are first implemented. The
remote-telemetry units (RTUs) provide the SCADA
interface to the power system. System reliability is
enhanced by having two independent operational EMS
computers each with dual communication, data-acqui-
Fig. 7 Contingency-ranking display sition and man-machine-interface buses.
The Indy was connected to one of the main commu-
8.3 Man-machine interface nication ethernet networks allowing the latest state-esti-
The man-machine interface provided through an X- mated power-network solution to be downloaded from
Window interface based on MOTIF comprises two NC3 every 15 min. System snapshots were built by
136 IEE Proc.-Gener. Tuansm. Distrih., Vol. 144, No. 2,March 1997
data acquisition bus ~2

man-machine-interface bus =2

EMS workstations-running X-windows wall diogram

Fig.9 Setup for OASIS trials

combining the EMS data with a static database of period between 0O:OO and 06:OO am. This is because at
machine, governor and AVR parameters and then this period the demands was low and the generation
stored in the snapshots database. was concentrated at only a few of large economical
remote sites.
9.2 Results
The equivalent power-system networks generated by well poorly oscillatory ~ tronsiently
damped domped uns ta ble unstable
the state estimator comprised about 900 busbars and
Contingency 1
the number of generators varied from 120 to 160 I
depending the system-loading conditions. Y
For evaluation purposes, a small set of contingencies e
was selected for the trials to demonstrate how the con- 10
tingency ranking may vary with the system conditions. 0: 00 6:OO l2:OO 18:OO
This was chosen by experienced power-system engi- contingency 2
neers to provide a number located throughout the sys-
tem which could result in stability problems. Those Y

contingencies were made artificially severe in order to e

ensure that stability problems were generated during 10
the trials. 0.00 6:OO 12:oo 18.00
Typical cycle times for OASIS were of the order of continaencv 3
2.5 min for ten contingencies. Each contingency was 1
examined with up to 30s of time-domain simulation. C
Individual cycle times may be shorter than the typical
one as automatic termination on the detection of a
transient-instability case has been built into OASIS. contingency 1
Note that the figure given above was taken without I J 1
any help of any sort of screening tools. If a neural-net- Y
work-based screening filter [2] was used, roughly about e
25 times speed-up would be expected. 10
Figs. 10 and 11 shows the ranking of ten artificially 0:oo 6: 00 12100 18:OO
severe contingencies at various time of day with their contingency 5
stability highlighted by the darker shade pattern. I j I
Except for contingency 3 which is so severe as to cause
pole slipping under any operating condition, both the
ranking and stability class of the contingencies changed
as the generation and load patterns were varied gradu- 0:oo 6(00 12100 laloo
ally throughout the day. It was found that the system time
was relatively prone to stability problems during the Fig. 10 Contingency-ranking chart: contingencies 1-5

IEE ProcGener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 144, No. 2, March 1997 137
well poorly osci llatoryo transiently free from thermal overloads after the fault. A possible
damped damped unstable unstable application of the OASIS facility is in the evaluation of
contingency 6 system stability against all possible tripping combina-
tions so as to determine the most effective tripping con-
figuration to any given security problem.
10 11 Conclusions
0:oo 6:OO 12:oo I8:OO
contingency 7
This paper has described an implementation of an
online dynamic-security contingency and ranking facil-
c - ity and the results on field tests on the NGC data. The
e : main objectives of the work being described were:
10 I I I ’

0:oo 600 l2:OO 18’:OO (i) to determine the requirements for interfacing the
contingency 8 DSA to the EMS;
(ii) to assess the performance of the DSA within the
L NGC’s online environment; and
e (iii) to assist in defining the MMI requirements.
10 I I I,H I I
0:oo 6:00 12:oo 18:OO The associated algorithms can be implemented on a
contingency 9 heterogeneous parallel-processing computer network
1 which allows the size of the system to be changed eas-
C ily. The output from the software is presented to the
2 operator as a ranked list of contingencies. This indi-
10 cates both the worst contingency and the nature of
0:OO 6.00 12:oo 18:OO those contingencies allowing the operator to take
contingency 10 appropriate action. Field trials have shown that it is

able to provide an analysis of the important contingen-
C cies in the NGC system within a 2.5 min cycle time.
12 Acknowledgment
0:oo 6:00 l2:OO 18100
time The authors thank the Engineering & Physical Science
Fig. 11 Contingency-ranking chart: contingencies 6-10 Research Council (UK) and the National Grid CO plc
for supporting this research project.
10 Discussion
13 References
The snapshots recorded during the trials were used to
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1995, 10, pp. 241-253
total SPECmark of about 600 and is about 10 times as EDWARDS, A.R., CHAN, K.W., D U ” , R.W., and DANIEL-
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60 SPECmark. The evaluation speed achieved in the works within a dynamic security assessment system’, IEE Proc.
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with four contingencies per minute obtained in the 1994
trial. As expected, efficiency was lost in interhost com- ‘Real time modelling of multimachine power systems’, ZEE Proc.-
munications as encoding is needed under a heterogene- C., 1993, 140, pp. 241-248
ous environment. FOUAD, A.A., and VITTAL, V.: ‘Dynamic security assessment
From another point of view, if the target cycle time utilizing the transient energy function method’, IEEE Trans.
was fixed to 15 min, the required computing power per Power Syst., 1986, 1, pp. 284-291
contingency would be about 1 SPECmark. To cover all SEAUX, P., PAVELLA, M., EUXIBIE, E., HEILBRONN, B.,
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and hence without any screening a 5000 SPECmark CAULEY, G., KUMAR, A.B.R., BRANDWAJN, V., and IPA-
virtual machine would be needed to accomplish this KCHI, A.: ‘Artificial intelligence applications in on-line dynamic
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task. It is expected that ongoing studies into the use of 88 1-887
ANN methods as filtering techniques will reduce this ERINMEZ, LA., HUMPHREYS, P., and GEEVES, S.S.:
‘Development of analytical techniques for system damping evalu-
SPECmark by a factor of over 20. ation’, IEE Proc.-D, 1988, 135, pp. 238-243
Following initial development of OASIS, the next OSTOJIC, D.R.: ‘Spectral monitoring of power system dynamic
performances’, ZEEE Trans. Power Syst., 1992, 6, pp. 445451
step was to develop it into an operational prototype. 10 GEIST, A., BEGUELIN, A., DONGARRA, J., JIANG, W.,
The National Grid CO plc has identified a particular MANCHEK, R., and SUNDERAM, V.V.: ‘PVM-parallel vir-
need for tools to help in the management of opera- tual machine: a users’ guide and tutorial for networked parallel
computing’ (MIT Press, 1994)
tional-tripping schemes [ 111. The schemes are applied at 11 BRADLEY, M.E., EKWUE, A.O., LI, F., CHAN, K.W.,
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138 IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 144, No. 2, March 1997

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