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Literature Review

Transportation and Logistics International (Tim O’ Connor): As part of that contemporary

strategy, McDonald’s is now testing self-order kiosks, digital menu boards, phone apps and table
service at restaurants. Increased visibility will also enable the company to react more quickly to
opportunities. It used to take 30 days to create and execute a marketing plan, such as a buy-
one/get-one offer, around a local event. But the integrated supply chain has made it possible for
McDonald’s to increase orders or even direct inventories to implement promotions sooner.
Logistics partnerships and tracking technologies allow McDonald’s to take the burden off its
franchisees and assure reliable supply.
McDonald’s and challenges of modern supply chain (Steve new ,2015): McDonald’s woes
offers three lessons for others about supply-chain transparency :
Transparency needs a long game; reputational problems don’t mend fast. Few firms have faced
such reputational challenges as McDonald’s. In the 1990s, an ill-judged legal case, the McLibel
trial, saw the corporation acting against a tiny environmental group in one of the longest civil
cases in UK history, with terrible reputational consequences
Global operations need consistent global standards. Despite the great strides that McDonald’s has
made in some markets, its progress and practices have not been uniform. Last year McDonalds
— and other major food companies — were plunged into a food safety scandal in China. This is
a case of your defense being as strong as your weakest point. Bad headlines about foreign
operations tell consumers, “This company still can’t be trusted.”
Sometimes transparency has paradoxical consequences. It may be that McDonald’s future lies in
yet further reinvention of the brand. The Corner, one of its experiments, is a “McCafé” that looks
and feels nothing like a McDonald’s restaurant. But even then, the provenance agenda is not
going away.
Sustainable logistical operations: the case of McDonald's biodiesel in Brazil ( Mauro
Vivaldini, Silvio R.I Pires), 2016: This article aims to describe and discuss the implementation
of sustainable actions in a closed-loop fast-food supply chain using a logistics services provider
(LSP) through the practical case of the use of biodiesel in McDonald's restaurants' supply
operations in Brazil. The research was designed and conducted through a longitudinal case study
approach and by selecting a representative case, i.e., based on intentional criteria.The research
findings suggest that the current role of LSPs in the leadership and management of sustainable
actions in a client's supply chain may be viewed as a significant competitive differential and it
may provide important contributions for companies seeking solutions to sustainable actions
related to supply chains, primarily in the fast-food retail industry.
McDonald′s: A Winner through Logistics: ( Peter Ritchie)1990
McDonald′s, the fast‐food restaurant chain, is a worldwide organisation. The logistics function of
McDonald′s Family Restaurants in Australia is detailed, being an adaptation of the tested systems
of the US McDonald′s operation to suit the geography and population patterns of Australia.
Supply Chain Management in practice- A case study at McDonald’s Sweden: (Marten
Fristedt, Andreas Hansson, 2010): The study describes a supply chain where its members to a
large extent collaborate as described in SCM literature. The report identifies and describes how
significant SCM characteristics, such as information sharing, joint planning, and the sharing of
risks and rewards are managed in the case. Finally, the report identifies market saturation and the
search for economies of scale outside the primary supply chain as a challenge for future SCM
McDonald's India: Optimizing the French Fries Supply Chain (Hau L. Lee, Sonali
Rammohan ,2013) : Double-digit food inflation in India had been putting cost pressure on the
company. McDonald’s had aggressive growth plans for the year 1996 . The company had 240
restaurants, and planned to more than double by 2014. The MacFry was the single largest
procurement item, so having a 100 percent local supply was critical to avoiding high import
duties. The study describes McDonald’s India and McCain India’s efforts to optimize the MacFry
supply chain by increasing local supply in a fast-growing emerging market using agronomy,
farmer relationship development and value chain innovation

McDonald’s and the Triple Bottom Line: A Case Study of Corporate Sustainability (Ben
Rowley, Mark E. McMurtrey, 2016): In summary, McDonald’s represents a company that is a
solid player in supply chain management. As a global company, they understand what it takes to
bring food from farm to fork effectively while still making a sizable profit. They also take
significant steps to promote and effect corporate responsibility in both their own actions and in
their respective supplier companies. While there is always improvement to be achieved, they are
a company with many positive attributes to analyze and emulate in the global business arena.

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