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Major depressive episodes (MDE), as determined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), no

different in the postpartum period compared to other times and includes at least 2 weeks of low mood
or persistent anhedonia, as well as at least the following four things: increased or decreased appetite,
sleep disturbances, psychomotor or backward agitation, low energy, feelings of worthlessness, low self-
esteem focus, and suicidal ideation. Actually postpartum depression symptom should detect during
prenatal care through risk factors that will expose them to get postpartum depression include genetic
predisposition to pre-pregnancy depression (family diagnosis), depression or anxiety at any time in the
life of the mother or pregnancy, socioeconomic status (e.g., low socioeconomic status), marital or
divorce disagreement, other mental health diagnoses including substance abuse, weak or non-existent
support systems, unwanted or unexpected pregnancies, and low levels of education. After determining
the family history and history of the new mother, providers should be aware during prenatal interviews
that new mothers experience 5 or more symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, a significant decrease in
participation in desired activities, sleep disturbances (outside of infant care), feelings of worthlessness,
changes in appetite, decreased focus, recurrent suicidal thoughts or suicidal thoughts, racing thoughts,
or psychosis, to name a few, may reassure providers to refer patients for mental health consultations or
to gather more information about his patients (Sophia D. Falana BSN, RN et al, 2019). Postpartum
Depression not only affects the mother but also affects the emotional, social and cognitive development
of the baby. In addition, it has a negative impact on the whole family. Therefore, Postpartum Depression
affects the global community. This also will leading to unwanted feelings about her family and baby. It
also causing physical problems such as delayed physical development along with cognitive, social and
psychological behaviors problem (Fatma Ay, 2018). Statistics in turkey showed that 10% to 20% of
postpartum mother experience a postpartum depression episodes (Adam Fiala et al, 2017).

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