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Be reconciled all you who enter here --

Parents, children, partners, friends, enemies;

Believers and those who cannot believe;
Christians and their fellow Christians;
Christians and those of other faiths.
Greeting outside the Church of Reconciliation, Taizé, France

Community Worship
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Davis Chapel
Today in Worship
 Singing: "Laudate Dominum" Laudate Dominum
Ostinato Refrain
3 �� �� �� �� �� �
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� � �
Lau - da - te Do-mi-num,
�� �� �� �� �� ��
lau - da - te
�� � ��
�� ��
om - nes
34 � � � � �

1. 2.
� �� � �� �� �� � �� �� �� � �� � ��
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gen - tes, al - le - lu - ia. al - le - lu - ia.
�� �� �� �� � �� �� � � � � ��
� � �� � � �
� ��
Text: Psalm 117, Praise the Lord, all you peoples; Taizé Community, 1980
Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994
© 1980, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

 Singing: "Bless the Lord"

Bless the Lord
Ostinato Refrain

Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God’s ho - ly name.


Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads me in - to life.
Text: Psalm 103
Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994
© 1998, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

 Welcome Lindsey Mullen, MDiv '15

 Singing: "Come and Domino
Fill Our Hearts" / Come and Fill
�� 3
Ostinato Refrain

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Con - fi - te - mi - ni Do - mi - no
Come and fill our hearts with your peace.
� � 34 �� �� �� �� �� � �� ��
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quo - ni - am bo - nus. Con - fi - te - mi - ni
You a - lone, O Lord, are ho - ly. Come and fill our hearts
� � �� � � �� �� �� � � �� �� �� �� ��
� � � � �

�� ��
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Do - mi - no, Al - le - lu - ia!
�� �� ��
with your peace, Al - le - lu - ia!
�� �� �� �� � � � � ��
� �
Text: Psalm 137, Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; Taizé Community, 1982
Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994
© 1982, 1991, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

 Bringing in the Light Vivian Jones-Johnson, MDiv '16
 Scripture: Psalm 79 Rayce Lamb, MDiv ‘16
[from Psalms for Praying by Nan Merrill]
 Silence
 Singing: "Come and Pray In Us"
Come and Pray in Us / Vieni, Spirito Creatore
Canon—4 voices

bb 4
& b4 œ œ ˙

œ œ œ œ œ jœ œ œj œ œ ˙ ˙
Come and pray in us, Ho - ly Spir- it, come and pray in us,
Vie - ni, Spi - ri - to cre - a - to - re, vie - ni, vie - ni,

bb œ œ œ œ Jœ œ Jœ n œ œ œ œ œ Œ .
œ œ œ Œ .
& b œ

come and vis- it us, Ho - ly Spir- it, Spir- it come, Spir- it come.
vie - ni, Spi-ri- to cre - a - to - re, vie - ni, vie - ni!

Text: Taizé Community, 1991

Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923–1994
© 1991, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

 Prayers of the People Lindsey Altvater, MDiv '16

...God, in your grace,

Hear our prayers.

 The Lord's Prayer

Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,

Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever. Amen.
In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful
 Singing: "In the Lord I'll Ever Be Thankful"
Ostinato Refrain
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� � � � �� �� �� ��

3 � � �� ��
In the Lord
I’ll be ev - er
�� �� � �
thank - ful, in the Lord
�� �� �� �
��4 � � � � � ��

� � ��� �� �� ��
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I will re - joice! Look to God,
� � ��
� � � �� ��

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do not be a - fraid; lift up your voic
� � ��
- es, the Lord is
� � � �� �� �� ��
� ��� � �
� � �� � � � � �

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near; lift up your voic - es, the Lord is near.
� � � �� �� � �� ��
�� � � �� ��
� � �� � �
Text: Taizé Community
Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994
© 1986, 1991, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

 Sung Benediction: "Give Da Pacem
Peace Cordium
to Every Heart" / Give Peace
Canon—3 voices

bb 4 Œ

& 4 œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. œ
Da pa - cem cor - di - um. Da pa - cem cor - di - um. Da
Give peace to ev - ’ry heart. Give peace to ev - ’ry heart. Give

& ˙.

œ ˙. œ w ˙. œ
pa - cem. Da
peace, Lord. Give
b ˙. ..
&b œ ˙

œ œ w ˙.
pa - cem.
peace, Lord.

Text: Taizé Community, 1991

Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923–1994
© 1991, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

Please depart in silence.

Notes for Today’s Worship
All of the music in today’s worship service is in the Taizé tradition. Taizé is a monastic
community in southeastern France. It was founded in 1940 with the mission of healing the
divisions between Christians and within the human family. This community seeks to create a
community where reconciliation could become a concrete reality every day. It is an ecumenical
community which includes 100 brothers from over twenty different countries.

Thousands of Christian people from all over the world, young and old, gather at Taizé every
week to pray, to search, to sing, and to find refreshment and renewal.

The worship of Taizé is marked by depth and simplicity, consisting of much singing along with
significant periods of silent meditation.

Singing is one of the most essential elements of worship. Short songs, repeated again and
again, give it a meditative character. As the words are sung over many times, this reality gradu-
ally penetrates the whole being and thus becomes a way of listening to God. It allows everyone
to take part in a time of prayer together in attentive waiting on God, without having to fix the
length of time too exactly.

To open the gates of trust in God, nothing can replace the beauty of human voices united in
song. This beauty can give us a glimpse of “heaven’s joy on earth.” And an inner life begins to
blossom within us.

Through these Taizé chants, little by little, our being finds an inner unity in God. The songs can
continue in the silence of our hearts when we are at work, speaking with others, or resting. In
this way prayer and daily life are united. They allow us to keep on praying even when we are
unaware of it, in the silence of our hearts.

All music is reprinted with permission under License #A-722959 or

CCLI License #11144687 unless otherwise noted.

Today's worship service was planned by Chris Copeland and Sally Morris.

Cover photo taken from

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