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We look a young sage hiding in plain sight as a beggar from people who are chasing him, the

police. This guy has always been awkward and this strangeness in his ethical look was
brought about in his childhood. He has been suffering from terrible anxiety issues and was in
the police. He was recently released from the force due to his mental health condition. He
lives alone and does nasty stuff to pass his time such as shitting in public, stealing whenever
possible and this rage he has comes out as his political and other philosophical opinions. Stuff
that goes again the moral fabric of the society.
We look at a sage who is a criminal hiding from the police. The psycho was on his case few
years back and destroyed his practical life structure completely. The young sage used to work
for a kidnapping gang and once he planned to destroy his social life and family through false
advertising and brochures and WhatsApp when he arrested his gang members who were his
family. He started losing his mental balance as we study how difficult it is to revise our views
and there is no such thing as truth in society. Although the sage has nothing to do with his life
now, he cannot take him out of his head, even after having good money and so on. He is well
educated but deeply hurt. He joins Krishnamurti group discussions and they talk about the
story of two monks and a beautiful lady.
He feels uneasy all the time and leaves to the hills where he cannot find peace either. He
comes back and starts drinking and losing himself in different things but this image of the
person would not go out of his head. He has panic attacks with which he cannot deal
anymore. He starts dreaming about his mother and father. His father says “Whatever we
taught you was wrong. You have to live yourself.” He slowly begins to form his own
understanding of things. He begins from sensation and goes to thought processes and social
conditioning as to how he felt when he was rewarded and punished. “there must be something
good in you”. He takes JK books and inquires deeply.
The young sage who had hurt him deeply was talking about these topics with other people
and makes money. The mental image of this sage did not dissolve itself and he remembered
the doctor telling when his daughter was born that the kid needs, proper balance, hygiene a
silent energy. These exact words he was reading in JK book. He enquired into his
conditioning and the conditioning of other human beings and he started feeling some changes
in his physical system and eating habits. The young sage was hustling and created another
family while listening to emo songs and making tiktok videos and smoking.
The man started reading Upanishads and other spiritual books but gets caught up there just as
the young sage gets caught in his stuff. He reads that this thing choses by itself. He meets
many sages and claimants to enlightenment. He even started talking to other people as if he
knew what was going on. As he gets caught up in all this business, he realizes how he did not
move one bit. He has made a group of friends who have similar interests and he is playing the
same game all the time. The mental image of his crimes and so on are gone but these new
miracles and other stuff is taking up his space and energy in the same manner.
He does not really know what to do and deletes all the WhatsApp groups and so on. He
realizes he is doing time pass and that is when he reads about U.G. Krishnamurti. He gets
interested in what he has to say and finally goes to meet him and is first greeted by
Sabyasachi Guha at the entrance door. He was talking the exact things he was interested in
and so on. He said, “Energy problems can be solved only by you!” U.G. died in a few months
and he could not meet him again. On the same day, the young sage committed suicide as ‘a
grand maha samadhi’ while U.G.’s last words were completely that of dismissal as he heard
about it from the book excerpts of Mahesh Bhatt.
He wrote an email to Guha: “Whatever he said was so damning and his presence is not
available now but the last I saw him, I remembered you. How could someone be happy
around him? I wish to meet you.” They met in seven days.

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