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Internal Strength

1. Provide quality
education at
affordable price
2. Dedicated and
adept faculty
3. Diverse students
4. Low-cost living
expenses inside the
5. ICT adoption
7. Name of the school
8. Pleasant climate
8. Peace advocate
9. Cultural integration

Internal Weakness
11. Aged facilities and
lacking equipment
13. Weak internet
connectivity inside
the campus
14. Poor administrative
15. Lack of
transparency in
university funds
19. Security threats
Mindanao State University has embedded a well-established reputation of producing competent
graduates, that the name itself rings a bell. MSU is known for having high caliber faculty which warrant
high quality education yet at an affordable price. Also, MSU celebrates diversity and advocates peace. All
of these set apart MSU from other existing and rising universities. However, the unexpected coming of
COVID 19 virus has tested the educational system of the Philippines including MSU. The pandemic has
changed the education paradigm completely. Now that schools are forced to shift to online classes, it
targeted MSU`s achilles heel, the slow internet connection inside the campus. This sort of inherent
weakness of MSU due to its geographical location would hurt the University in the long run if not
addressed immediately. Even if things would return to normal face-to-face classes, the demand for
stable, strong internet connection is still present and even increasing. Yet, technology evolves and the
pressure to improve current slow internet is high. This may be the best time for MSU to use that
pressure as fuel to continuously seek betterment, solutions.

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