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Sumber :
Metamorphic rock is rock formed from the metamorphism of the rocks earlier due to
changes in temperature and pressure. Metamorphism occurs in the solid state (solid to
solid) includes a crystallization process, reorientation and formation of new minerals
and occurs in a completely different environment to the environment native rock
formed. Many minerals that have a certain stability boundaries which, if imposed
pressures and temperatures that exceed these limits, there will be adjustments in the
rock to form new minerals stable. Besides, due to the influence of pressure and
temperature, metamorphism is also influenced by the fluid, wherein the fluid (H2O)
in an amount varying between mineral grains or rock pores, which generally contains
dissolved ions would accelerate the process of metamorphic metamorfisme.Batuan
have diverse characteristics. This characteristic is influenced by several factors in the
formation of the rocks; The mineral composition of rocks origin Pressure and
temperature during the process of metamorphism Effect Effect fluidaPada tectonic
style classification based on the structure, metamorphic rocks are classified into two,
namely: oliasi, planar structures in metamorphic rocks as a result of the influence of
differential pressure (different) during the process of metamorphism. Non foliasi,
metamorphic rock structures that do not show the alignment of minerals in the rock.
Types of metamorphism
Contact metamorphism / termalMetamorfisme by high temperatures in the
intrusion of magma or lava extrusion. Metamorphism regionalMetamorfisme by the
increase in pressure and temperature that are, and occurs in a wide area.
DinamikMetamorfisme metamorphism due to high differential pressure due to fault
movement plates.
Here is an example, and the characteristics of metamorphic betuan:
1. Gneiss (Ganes)
Is a rock formed from the igneous rocks metamorfosisme in high temperatures and
pressures. In Gneiss can be obtained by recrystallization and foliasi of quartz,
feldspar, mica and amphibole.
Origin: regional metamorphism siltstone, shale, granite
The grain size: Medium - Coarse grained
Structure: foliated (Gneissic)
Composition: Quartz, feldspar, amphibole, mica
The degree of metamorphism: High
Characteristic: Quartz and feldspar appears alternating with thin layers of rich
amphibole and mica.
Ganes is matemorf rocks with coarse crystals, usually layered due to the separation of
different minerals that form secondary foliasi rough. Formed in place in and on the
level of metamorfise, high
igh together with the structure of the mountain folds. In
principle gneiss silllicaous derived from igneous rocks such as granite, quartz
monozit, syenite and granodiorite, but also from rhyolit, tuff, sandstone arkosa and
feldspatik. Main minerals are quartz
quartz and feldspat gneis, while other minerals are,
biotite, horblende and augite. The color varies depending on the color of the existing
dominant mineral. Here coating produced by the turn of the colors of light and dark
mineral or by differences in grain size with a thick coating and coarse or thin. Often
contain metamorphic minerals such as garnet, epidote, tournaline, graphite, and
silimanite. If the igneous rocks (mostly bahn parent) is an extract of certain mafic
rocks, maybe they can thrive widened gr
eiss serpentine olivine, augite, horblede and
biotite. If the frozen material (mostly parent material) can be known, the name of
rock can be determined, such as: gabbro gneiss, syenite gneiss or granite gneiss.
Gneiss derived from sedimentary rocks, for ex
ample: quatzite gneiss conglomerate
gneiss, politics gneiss (of sedimentary clay) and calc gueniss (from cilliceous
limetone and dolomite) gneiss shaped by breakthrough minerals igneous rock into
folisasi will produce a mixture of rock in the form of dike thin from materials
quartzfeldspathic. This is called "injection" gneiss. These rocks are widespread and
may occupy a major share of other types of gneiss.
2. Schist

Schist (schists) is a metamorphic rock that contains layers of mica, graphite,

nde. Minerals in rocks is generally separated into bundles of corrugated
shown with shiny crystals.
Origin: metamorphism siltstone, shale, basalt
Color: Black, green, purple
The grain size: Fine - Medium Coarse
Structure: foliated (schistose)
Composition: mica, graphite, hornblendeDerajat metamorphism: Intermediate -
TinggiCiri typical: foliasi sometimes bumpy, sometimes there is a garnet crystal
3. Marble

Formed when limestone under pressure and heat so that changes and recrystallization
of calcite. Composed
mposed primarily of calcium carbonate. Marble is solid, compact and
without foliasi.
Origin: metamorphism of limestone, dolostone
Color: Varies
The grain size: Medium - Coarse Grained
Structure: Non foliasi
Composition: Calcite or Dolomite
The degree of metamorphism:
tamorphism: Low - High
Characteristic: The texture in the form of granules such as sugar, sometimes there are
fossils, reacting with HCl.
Marble is the metamorphism of limestone, either calcite limestone and dolomite
limestone. The formation is mainly caus
ed by reksistelisasi calsit. (dolomite), which
usually is more coarse grained than the original limestone. Marble formed by
dolomitc called dolomite marble (dolomitic marble). Metamorfos and
recrystallization due process, the coating is often twisted or even
even not visible at all.
Danmarmer dolomite marble generally formed by contact or regional metamorphism
and found together with phyllite, slate, schist, and metakwarsa. Limestone structure
greatly varies from very fine grained to very coarse grained. On cont
act metamorfose
types shown on the orientation of the crystals that extends as a direct result of
pressure. Meneral-marble
marble mineral in many kinds of accessories include: tremolit,
forserite, periclose, diopside, wollastonite, brucite, spincl, feldspar and garnet,
g all of
this depends on the kind of rock material origin. Ditimbulakn colors ranging from
clear or white if composed of calcite and dolomite, but can be gray, red, brown or a
combination of colors depending on the minerals aksesornya. Examples of the marble
rocks: breccia marble, tremolite marble, graphite marble, marble talcose, phlogopite
4. Quartzite

Is one of the metamorphic rock hard and strong. Formed when sandstone (sandstone)
under pressure and high temperature. When sandstones metamorphosed
metamorphosed into
quartzite, quartz grains of recrystallized, and usually the texture and structure of the
original sandstone erased by the process of metamorphosis.
Origin: metamorphism sandstone (sandstone)
Colour: Grey, yellow, cokela
Structure: Non foliasi
Composition: Quartz
The degree of metamorphism: Intermediate - High
Characteristic: Harder than glass

Milonit a compact metamorphic rocks. Formed by dynamic recrystallization principal

minerals resulting in a reduction in the size of gr
ains of rock. Grains of these rocks is
more subtle and can be cleaved like schistose.
Origin: dynamic metamorphism
Color: gray, black, brown, blue
The grain size: Fine grained
Structure: Non foliasi
Composition: Possible different for each rock
The degree of metamorphism: High
Characteristic: Can be split apart

6. serpinit
Serpentinite, rock consisting of one or more mineral serpentine wherein the mineral is
formed by the process of serpentinization (serpentinization). Serpentinisasi is a low
ure process of metamorphosis process that includes pressure and water, a
little silica mafic and ultramafic rocks oxidized and ter-hidrolize
ter hidrolize with water into
Origin: alkaline igneous rocks
Color: Green light / dark
The grain size: Medium grained
Structure: Non foliasi
Composition: Serpentine
Characteristic: Gloss greasy and tougher than fingernails

Hornfels formed when shale and claystone metamorphosed by freezing temperatures

and intrusions, formed near heat sources such as magma
magma chamber, dike, sil. Hornfels
is solid without foliasi.
Origin: contact metamorphism shale and claystone
Color: gray, blue-black,
black, hitamUkuran grain: Fine grained
Structure: Non foliasi
Composition: Quartz, Mica
The degree of metamorphism: contact metamorphism
Characteristic: Harder than glass, uneven texture
8. Sekismika

Sekismika produced by regional metamorphosis at a higher level than the phyllite,

has foliasi and crystalline. Ummnya more coarse grained than slate and phyllite but
more subtle than gneias. Foliasi are formed by plate-shaped
plate shaped crystals (play) and
prismatic crystals. Plate--shaped
shaped minerals include: chlorite, sericite, Muscovite,
biotite, and tolc, while the prismatic minerals are actinolite, kyanite, hornblede,
staurolite, and silimanite. Sometimes schist consists of only one kind of mineral, for
example talc schist, but generally consists of two or more minerals such as calcite -
sericalcite - albite schist. Schist often contains minerals that are between the plate and
the pragmatic (flaky
y nor prismatic), but equigracular such as: garnet and feldspar,
which are usually textured porphyroblastic. Scihist rocks can also be derived from
gabbro, basalt, ultrabasin, tuff, shale and sandstone. If some "original rock textures
origin" still exist, due to strong pressure, the rock is called, meta
basalt, metagabbro
and so on.
9. filit

Filit associated with the development of metamorphic activity is behind it or increase

the magnitude of recrystallization temperature then turned into filit slate. Filit
predominantly composed of mica group minerals such as mica, maricite, and chlorite.
This rock is more rugged than the slate, but there is a clear boundary between the two
both in terms of grain size and mineral content. Minerals such as muscovit, mica,
sericite, and cholite there in large numbers. Asesore minerals in small amounts,
among others megnetit, hematite, graphite, and tourmaline. Filit also called phllite
sericite, chlorite phyllite or sericite phyllite. The color of white silver, red to greenish.
The nature of the (tenacery): brittle and often have smooth to slightly rough grip. Filit
generated by the low level of regional metamorphosis mainly of clay minerals, shall,
and also tuff and sedimentary tuffacous.
10. Sabak
Slate is a fine-grained rock and homogeneous, have achistosity planar, depending on
the coating. Therefore, it usually has several angles to each perlapisan that rock into
Balah / fracturing into a thin layer. Slate is one of the term structure and no relation to
the composition.. Masihg original bedding of slate can be seen, when derived from
frozen abtuan amigdoloidal basalt-like
basalt like structure. Very fine grained slates and can
only be determined with a microscope. Only a few minerals are coarser grained slates
such as quartz, feldspar,
ar, cholorite, biotite, magnetite, hematite, calcite, and ineral
minerals contained in shale rock. Colors are evoked from the red, green, gray, to
black. Red color because there are minerals hemalit, because there are mineral
cholorite green. Gray color because
because of the minerals of carbon and organic materials
such as graphite. Slate derived from sandstone "graywa
cke" called "graywacke slate"
11. Quartzite

Quartzite is a metamorphosis of sandstone, if the structure is not changed and still

shows the original
inal structure. Quartzite is formed due to the high heat, causing
recrystallized quartz and felsdpar. Due to pressure on quartzite may lead to the
destruction of the quartzite and generate texture granoblastik. Quartzite is very hard
because of the cementation
tion sirikat (usually kwasa crystalline) deposited around grains
of quartz larger, resulting in a very strong bond grains. Other minerals found in
quartzite are: apatite, zircon, epidote, and hornblede. Quartzite can be shaped as a
result of contact metamorphism
metamorphism or regional metamorphic from the heat and pressure
of the sandstone, chert, vien quartzite and quartzite pigmatit. Often layered and can
contain fossils. The color of quartzite varies from white, brown to nearly black. The
presence of hematite give a pink color (pink) while chlori give a greenish color.
A. Thee rocks forming the lithosphere
At the lithosphere there are three types of rocks, namely:
a. Igneous
b. Sedimentary rocks
c. Metamorphic rocks

B. Origins Rocks
1. All the rocks in the beginning
begin of the magma
2. Magma is a liquid, heat, incandescent temperatures above 1000C
3. Lava is magma that has been surfacing
4. The lava is mixed with gas lava, pyroclastic meterial, water, soil, plants
Magma came out on the earth's surface, among others through the top of the volcano.
The volcano on the mainland some are in the ocean. Magma has reached the surface
of the Earth would freeze. Magma freezing later into igneous rocks. Igneous rock face
of the earth for thousands of years can be destroyed by heat decompose during rain,
as well as plant and animal activity. Furthermore, the rock debris snagged by water,
wind or animals to other places to be precipitated. Crushed rock called sedimentary
rock deposited or sedimentary rocks. Either sedimentary rocks or frozen can be
deformed in a very long time because of changes in temperature and pressure. The
rocks were deformed called metamorphic rocks or metamorphic rocks.
C. Types of rock
1. Frozen Rocks
Igneus or igneous rocks (from Latin: ignis, "fire"), ie rock formed from magma that
cools and hardens. Freezing magma into igneous rock may occur at a time before the
magma out of the kitchen, amid the journey, and when it is above the surface of the
earth. With or without crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks
(plutonic) or on the surface as extrusive rocks (volcanic). More than 700 types of
igneous rocks have successfully been described, mostly formed under the surface of
the crust.
Igneous rock solidifies before the magma out and occurs when the inner layer is
called plutonic rocks, if it freezes on the way called rock excavation or porforik. As if
it has come out and frozen magma in the earth's surface, called igneous rocks outside
or effusion / volcanic.
Based on the texture of igneous rocks can be divided into two, namely:
1. plutonic igneous rocks
2. volcanic igneous rocks
The difference between them can be seen from the mineral constituent of rock.
Plutonic igneous rock formed from freezing magma generally relatively slow so that
the constituent minerals are relatively large. While generally igneous rocks formed
from volcanic magma freezing very quickly (eg due to volcanic eruptions) so that the
mineral constituent smaller.

2. Sediment or rock Sedimentary rocks

Sedimentary rock is rock formed by the geomorphological processes and is
influenced by the length of time. Sedimentary rocks are generally divided into two
Classification of clastic sediment are distinguished based on grain size, as follows:
• Ludit (psepit) including coarse grained ranging from gravel (gravel) until smooth
boulders (boulder) with a diameter the size of 2-256mm
• Arenit (Samit) including a medium grained, with a diameter 0,06-2mm size, ranging
from fine sand to coarse sand.
• Lutit (stingy) including fine-grained, 0,04-0,06mm diameter sizes ranging from clay
higga coarse dust.
• An example is a clastic sedimentary breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, clay, shale
and kaolin.
a. Clastic sediments formed by a mechanical process
Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed through a process of deposition of materials
that undergo a process of transportation. Large grains of clastic sedimentary rocks
range from the size of a lump of clay to size. Usually the rock became rock
hydrocarbon storage (reservoir rocks) or can also be a source rock as a producer of
hydrocarbons (source rocks). Examples of clastic sediment is a breccia,
conglomerate, sandstone, clay, shale and kaolin
b. Non-clastic sediments formed by a chemical process
Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed through a process of precipitation from
solution. Usually the rock became rock protector (seal rocks) hydrocarbon migration.
Examples anhydrite and rock. The sedimentary rocks typically contain minerals such
as calcite, dolomite, secondary quartz, gypsum and chert.
Sedimentary rocks formed through three main ways: the weathering of other rocks
(clastic); precipitation (deposition) due to biogenic activity; and precipitation
(precipitation) of solution.
Sedimentary rocks cover 75% of the earth's surface. Sedimentary rocks has a
characteristic which is easily recognized, as follows:
• sediment rocks are usually layered
• Contains the remains or traces, such as the presence of shells and coral animal wood
• There is a real uniformity of spherical parts that constitute it.

Naming the sedimentary rocks based on grains

1. Naming sedimentary rocks are usually based on the large grains making up these
rocks Naming are:
2. Breccia is a sedimentary rock with a grain size greater than 2 mm with butitan
angled shape.
3. Conglomerates are sedimentary rocks with a grain size greater than 2 mm in the
form of granules which membudar.
4. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock with grain sizes between 2 mm to 1/16 mm
5. silt stone is sedimentary rock with grain sizes between 1/16 mm to 1/256 mm
6. Stone clay is a sedimentary rock with a grain size smaller than 1/256

3. metamorphosis rocks or metamorphic rocks (rock methamorphic)

ie rocks from the parent rock that changes the texture and mineral composition as a
result of changes in the physical condition caused by pressure and previous
temperatur.batuan will change the texture and structure so as to form a new rock
texture and structure of a new one anyway. Examples of such rocks are slate or slate
which is a change clay stone. If all rocks previously heated and melted, it forms
magma then cools back and become new again rocks. Some examples of
metamorphic rocks is Gneis, slate, stone garnet, and marble.
Metamorphic rocks make up most of the crust Bumi.Mereka formed deep below the
earth's surface by the sharpness of the rocks above as well as pressure and high
temperature. They are also formed by the intrusion of molten rock, called magma,
into solid rock and are formed mainly on the contact between magma and rock high
The characteristics of these rocks:
• The presence of bedding,
• Cross maze or structure gelembur clastic wave.
Metamorphic rocks (metamorphic) is the result of fundamental changes in rocks that
had previously existed. Intensive heat emitted by a period of magma being mengitrusi
cause contact metamorphosis. Regional metamorphosis covers a very wide area due
to the effect of pressure and heat in the rocks buried very deep.
The second type of metamorphosis, fluid in rocks can help changes dense, with a
chemical change. Water is the main fluid, but the chemical elements such as chlorine,
fluorine, bromine and others can get out of the surrounding rock.
But it must be understood that the process of metamorphosis occurs in the solid state,
the chemical changes within certain boundaries and encompasses the processes of
recrystallization, reorientation and formation of new minerals with the rearrangement
of the chemical elements that had previously existed.
Metamorphosis occurs in an environment that is very different from the environment
in which the rock originally formed. Many minerals stable only within certain limits
in temperature, pressure and chemical. If the rock is subjected to temperatures and
higher pressure, the limit can be dilampui mineral stability, and chemical mechanical
adjustments can occur in the rock to form new minerals stable under the new
Can be divided into metamorphic rocks, metamorphic contact (thermal), around an
intrusion of magma in which the holder of the role of heat and fluids. Dynamic
metamorphic (kataklastik), around dislocation where the pressure both play a role.
While the regional metamorphic where both of these effects play an important role.
Origins So
Quartzite including types Metamorphic rock rich in minerals quartz. Can be formed
from quartz veins, quartz sandstone or sandstone cemented by silica and then undergo
a process of metamorphosis due to high pressure and temperature for a certain period.
Quartzite is very hard, compact, massive and crystalline. Laminate can also have a
very fine to coarse and can even be sized gravel. Its color varies from white, gray,
green, reddish to brownish or a mixture of bright colors. Nature transparent to
opaque. Rupture uneven, konkoidal or menyuban (splintery).
Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed by metamorphism nonfoliated of pure quartz
sandstone. Intense heat and pressure of metamorphosis causes quartz grains to
compact and become intimately intergrown with each other, so it is very hard and
solid quartzite. Quartzite is usually white or gray, but can be another light color
depends on the dirt in the old sandstone. It has a glass luster, as expected considering
the quartz sand stone has vitreous or glassy luster. When the weather quartzite can
have a granular appearance, but the new surface broken even break the surface for
violating passed intergrown quartz grains, showing a granular appearance on the
surface of freshly broken. Formed by heat and high pressure processes at regional
metamorphism and contact metamorphism in sedimentary rocks, sand, so that it
becomes quartzite. Quartzite is very resistant to weathering and erosion.
Geologically quartzite occurs in the area of metamorphosis, high pressure. Quartzite
mine because it's so dense and resistant to physical and chemical weathering.
Lapukan land of quartzite is usually very thin as a result, quartzite dug very close to
the surface. Because it is so hard and dense, quartzite has not been excavated as
blocks of rock before it is processed into a dimension stone construction industry
estimates that annual production exceeds demand quartzite.
Quartzite is becoming more popular as dimension stone in the construction industry.
The use of quartzite as an ornamental stone in building construction is growing every
year. quartzite polished one flat surface is used to cover the walls, as flooring and
stairs. Quartzite is also used, to a small degree, such as crushed stone used in road
construction and repair.
Popularity of quartzite as dimension stone in construction is growing dramatically
every year. This is an interesting rock with great durability and a unique texture more
and more contractors and homeowners use quartzite to finish and decorate their
buildings. Natural alternative materials including sandstone, granite and marble.
Made of materials including bricks, ceramic tiles and concrete
Decorative stones can be derived from igneous rocks such as granite because of their
physical properties can be cut and polished and carved. The rock types are used in
building construction as exclusive ingredients as wallcoverings, floor of a building,
monument, and other purposes. Consumers these rocks can be grouped into three,
namely the government, private sector and individuals.

Metamorphic rock / METAMORF

Is rock that has undergone a change, both physically and chemically, so different
from the parent rock. Factors that influence the process of change, among others, high
temperatures, strong pressure, and time.
Metamorphic rocks can be divided into three:
• Contact metamorphic rocks (metamorphic thermal): changing due to the influence
of high temperatures. High temperatures because of its location near the magma, or
there around the intrusive rocks. For example batholiths, Lakolit, sill. In this zone are
found minerals minerals are located relatively regularly, for example, iron, tin, zinc
produced from limestone and calcareous shale.
• dynamo metamorphic rocks (metamorphic kinetic): change because of the high
pressure, for a long time, and is produced by the process of the formation of the
earth's crust endogenous power. Pressure from the opposite direction causing mineral
grains become flattened and there were crystallized back. For example mudstone into
slate (slate).
• pneumatolitis contact metamorphic rocks: changed because of the influence of the
gases from magma. Examples quartz and tourmaline gas turns into a boron, with
fluorine gas into topaz (yellow gem).
CYCLE lithosphere EARTH
Cycles that occur in the Earth's lithosphere can be illustrated by the following
Lithosphere cycle scheme, with a description follows .:
1: Magma
(a): cooling, solidified magma
2: igneous
(b): the destruction of igneous rocks by exogenous force, transported, and deposited
3: sediment klastis (by precipitation)
(c1): a solution in water deposited
4a: chemical sedimentary rocks
(c2): a solution in water taken organism
4b: organic sedimentary rocks
(d): the high temperature and pressure as well as the time change of sedimentary
5: metamorphic rocks
(e): if the equilibrium temperature and pressure decreases may change metamorphic
The earth's crust can be described as follows:
• Magma high-temperature molten magma out of the kitchen with a gas dissolved in
it. Because around the mouth of cold magma, magma solidifies.
• The freezing process may occur in the inner lining, excavation, or on the earth's
surface. The result would be different.
• The influence of the atmosphere, igneous will be damaged and washed out by water,
wind, glaciers, gravity, and deposited in a new place. The result becomes sedimentary
• clastic rocks changed by the power of endogenous and exogenous. Become
metamorphic rocks.
• Metamorphic rocks will go back into the magma and nothing has changed himself
because of the nature. Are back in the magma melt into magma, then cycles back to
• Stone metamorphic or metamorphic rock is one big group of rocks nan resulting
from alteration or transformation of existing rock type nan before, because it is called
metamorphic nan means changes shape.
• Metamorphic rocks are the composition of most of the earth's crust. Humans also
classify them into several sections such as based on the texture and chemical
• metamorphic stone formed in the bowels of the earth with a high temperature nan.
One workshop production of metamorphic rocks in the belly of the mountain nan is
called magma. Then, the rock will be a solid rock when it formed between magma
and rock nan nan has a high temperature.
• Through metamorphic rocks or metamorphic rocks nan exposed to the surface of the
earth and through the process of erosion and removal of this happening, the
researchers know the temperature and pressure nan occurs in the earth's surface.
There are three kinds of process of formation of metamorphic rocks.
• First, a metamorphic rock formed nan impact of temperature increases quite
dramatically, the process is referred to as ternik. In addition, the impact of the process
is a metamorphic rock called contact metamorphic rocks. Second, metamorphic rocks
formed impact the increased pressure and the tectonic style nan occurs, rock is called
rock metamof dynamic.
• In addition, a process called nan pneumatolitik the final formation of metamorphic
rocks or metamorphic rocks. Pneumatolitik process happens the impact of the
increase in temperature is accompanied by a drastic nan genre nan magma seeping
into rock.
Types of metamorphic rocks Results
• From the process of its formation, metamorphic rocks are divided into several types.
The following are examples of metamorphic rock type or by the formation process
nan could be encountered in everyday life.
• 1. metamorphic rocks Contact
• In the process of this rock, we will find minerals through mineral nan made by
humans. It will be found after the rock nan temperatures decreased the lower impact
of natural processes, or commonly called batholiths.
• Excavation material can be utilized nan impact metamorphic processes, among
others, constitute one of the tin nan nan chemical oxidation resistant substances so
widely used for metal coat, souvenirs. Tin salts can also be used for making nan good
electrical conductor layer.
• In addition, there are iron, zinc, and copper as one of the ingredients commonly
used mineral nan humans. There are also rocks limestone and calcareous shale as
workshops sourced mineral materials such as zinc, copper, iron, and tin.
• In addition, nan rock types can be used on the type of contact metamorphic rock is
marble. Nan marble rock is commonly used for floors or walls in buildings.
• pure white marble because it is produced from the distant rocks or metamorphic
metamorphosis of limestone. Marble in Indonesia there are around 30 to 60 million
years old and pretty much spread in Indonesia.
• In terms of usage, marble can be categorized into two types. The first type of
staturio, marble rocks could be seen in the distant rock used in sculpture and
sculpture while the second type is ordinario nan nan used for floors, walls, tables, and
workshops bath. Marble price in Indonesia is still quite expensive so the marble
business is very promising.
• In addition, the quartzite rock third type, nan used as building material. These rocks
are formed impact nonfoliated process of pure quartz sandstone through a process
metamorforsis cause kuaras grain hardens and becomes solid. Quartzite stone usually
colored white but there is also nan gray or another hue depending on nan old
sandstone shape.
• quartzite stone known as dimension stone in the construction industry and the
community commonly used for coating walls, floors, and decorative stone. Quartzite
stone price is also expensive because it has a long durability nan nan and has a unique
• 2. Kinetic metamorphic rocks
• The formation of metamorphic rock is heavily influenced by factors nan nan
pressure is very high with nan long time process and supported by endogenous
power. The pressure of the antagonist direction causes the stones produced nan be flat
or there is also crystallizes the impact nan nan very long process.
• nan rocks we can find metamorphic process kinetic impact is slate. Slate is a
metamorphic rock formed from rocks sediman nan nan has a fine grain later changed
because of high pressure and temperature nan. This slate stone used human beings as
one of the ingredients to make the cement and electricity in the instrument panel.
• Slate or so-called slate has a grayish-white hue, red, green, black, and there is also a
gray nan old. No slate stone can be cut into slabs nan nan thinner.
• These rocks humans widely used for roof coatings on paving or walling nan usually
used for garden decoration. In ancient times, the people of Indonesia use the slate as a
tool for writing and paper replacement.
• In addition to a slate, or schist schist stone impact nan formed regional metamorphic
process is a distant rock containing lapiasan graphite, mica, and horndlende. This
composition nan makes schist stone has the characteristic wavy and sometimes there
garnetnya crystals.
• rocks are mica schists constitute the primary source, Nan is usually used for the
manufacture of kapasitator in the electronics industry as well as condenser. This type
of stone has a hue of black, purple, and green.
• In addition, the rock filit nan is a metamorphic rock from a rock nan batuanshale be
metamorphosed into a stone slate. The rocks of this type has characteristics nan fine
grains formed in the pressure causes a high nan. These rocks have red-green hue and
has a structure of mica and quartz, as well as having nan bumpy surface and have
• These rocks are commonly used as an ingredient to make insulating or electrically
insulating material because these rocks are resistant to fire, while the use of building
materials filit stone is used as an interior or exterior materials for floors and walls, as
well as the material for the roof of the building.
• 3. metamorphic rocks Pneumatolistis Contact
• This type of rock formed because the change affected nan nan gases derived from
the magma. These types of rocks contain the mineral elements are very high that the
rock types used by many humans. Two types of metamorphic rocks such contact is
pneumatolistis tourmaline stones and gneiss.
• Stone tourmaline is a rock nan has mineral elements such as iron, magnesium,
sodium, lithium, and aluminum. Tourmaline rock categorized into precious stones
because the beauty and price of this kind of stone nan expensive and often used as
decoration materials jewelry. The word tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese
toramalli nan means is gemstone Sri Lanka.
• The stone has the hue nan Latif because this stone has nan composition are many
and complex, which consists of chorme, manganese, vandasium, and iron. There are
six types of tourmaline stone is commonly called a blue hue nan indicolite or
indigolite, red or pink hue called rubellite nan also often equated with rubies and
yellow hue called dravit.
• In addition, the black stone called schorl nan. Green hue called verdelite whereas for
colorless nan called achroit. Typically, Chinese society combine these rocks with jade
or jade in the process of making jewelry.
• Characteristics of tourmaline stone is that if rubbed it will generate a small magnetic
energy nan could attract paper fragments. In addition, this stone also has the
characteristics when heated hue of the stone can vary and will be bleak and luster
became clear as glass.
• In addition, the gneiss rock or stone is a rock nan genes formed from
metamorphosed igneous rocks in very high temperature and pressure nan contained
therein foliasi, recrystallization, mica, feldspar, and amphibole.
• Color gneiss rock types are grayish-white and has the typical characteristics of
quartz and feldspar nan layers alternating with layers of amphibole and mica.

The rocks of this type are often used human becomes material to make ashtrays,
flower pots, and statues.
• metamorphic rocks
• Metamorphic rocks are types of rock that genetically terebntuk by the physical
changes of mineralogical composition and structure as well as changes due tekstru
• the effect of pressure (P) and temperature (T) is quite high. The conditions that must
be fulfilled in the formation of metamorphic rocks are:
• Occurs in dense atmosphere
• It isokimia
• The formation of a new mineral which is a typical mineral metamorphosis
• The formation of a new texture and structure.
The process of metamorphosis caused by two main factors, namely pressure and
temperature (P and T). Heat from the magma intrusion is a major source that causes
metamorphosis. Pressure occurs due to the load of bedding above (lithostatic
pressure) or differential pressure as a result of various stress for example tectonic
stress (stress differential). Fluid derived from sedimentary rocks and magma can
accelerate the reaction clams that took place during the process of metamorphosis that
can lead to the formation of new minerals. Metamorphosis can occur at any tectonic
conditions, but are most common in areas kovergensi plate.
Types of metamorphosis are:
* Contact metamorphosis à dominant influence of temperature
* Metamorphosis à dominant dynamic pressure effect
* Regional Metamorphosis à both (P and T) effect
Facies metamorphism is characterized by a mineral or mineral assemblage that
characterize the distribution of T and P certain. Minerals it is referred to as a mineral
index. Some examples of mineral index, among others:
• Staurolite: intermediate à high-grade metamorphism
• actinolite: low intermediate à metamorphism
• Kyanite: high-grade intermediate à
• silimanite: high-grade metamorphism
• Zeolite: low-grade metamorphism
• epidote: contact metamorphism
Befoliasi metamorphic rocks form a sequence based on grain size and or under
development foliasi. The sequence is: slate schist à à à phyllite gneiss. Besides
showing the grain size and the degree of sequence foliasi also shows that more and
more content of mica from left to right. One characteristic of metamorphic rock that
can be identified is kenampakkan mica sheen.
In principle metamorphic rocks are classified based on the structure. Foliasi structure
occurs due to the orientation of the mineral, while the non-foliasi are not showing the
orientation of the mineral. Foliasi refers to the alignment and segregation of minerals
in the metamorphic rocks inequigranular.
Whereas, for the non-metamorphic rocks foliasi example is marble, quartzite and
Meanwhile, for mineral textures in metamorphic rocks can be classified as follows:
• Lepidoblastik: composed of minerals tabular / flat, for example mineral mica
(muscovite, biotite)
• Nematoblastik: composed of minerals prismatic, for example mineral plagioclase,
K-feldspar, pyroxene
• Granoblastik: composed of minerals granular (equidimensional), with limits of
sutures (irregular), the mineral form anhedral, for example quartz.
• Texture Homeoblastik: when it consists of a single texture, for example
lepidoblastik only.
• Texture Hetereoblastik: when it consists of more than one texture, for example
lepidoblastik and granoblastik
• pyroclastic rocks
• Based on its constituent words:
Pyro à incandescent
À clastic fragments
It can be concluded that the pyroclastic rock is a rock formed from volcanic eruptions
immediate results (direct blast) which is then deposited on the surface in accordance
with the state of the surface (pyroclastic deposits) and then undergo litifikasi to be
pyroclastic rocks.
Piroklast deposition mechanism is as follows:
• Pyroclastic Flow Deposits
- Block and ash flows
-scoria flows
-pumice / ash flows
Distribution / dissemination: in the valley / depression; structure: bedding (graded
bedding, parallel lamination); texture: bad sorting, composed of crystalline, lithic, and
glass (pumice); bottom: pyroclastic surge deposits
• Pyroclastic Fall Deposits
• Pyroclastic Surge Deposits
Particles, gas and low concentrations of volcanic water flowing in the mechanism of
turbulence as a gravity flow (debris). Various kinds is the base, ground and ash cloud.
Cross-bedding structure with a poor sorting.
Based on the formation, piroklast fragments can be divided into:
• Juvenile pyroclasts: a direct result due to the eruption, frozen surface (fragments of
glass, crystal pirojenik)
• cognate pyroclasts: fragments of rock from the eruption earlier (from the same
• Accidental pyroclasts: rock fragments derived from the basement (of different
1. Glass / Amorphous
2. Litik
3. Crystalline
Mineral-mineral alteration
Alteration = Metasomatisme
A change in the composition of the rock mineralogy (in solid state) due to the
influence of temperature and pressure are high and not in a condition isokimia
produce clay minerals, quartz, metal oxides or sulphides.
Alteration process is a secondary event, should not metamorphism which is the
primary event. Alteration occurs in igneous intrusions which have a warming and the
particular structure that allows entry of meteoric water to be able to change the
composition of the rock mineralogy.
Some examples of alteration minerals include:
• Chalcopyrite
• Pyrite
• Limonite
• Garnierit
• epidote
• Malakit
• chlorite
• Orphiment
• realgar
• Galena
Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rock is rock formed from fragments or abrasion of sedimentary, igneous,
metamorphic transported and deposited later terlithifikasi.
There are two types of sediment, namely: detritus and chemicals. Detritus consists of
2 solid particles result of mechanical weathering. Chemical sediments consist of
minerals as a result of crystallization solution by inorganic processes or activities of
the organism. Sediment particles are classified according to size grain, gravel
(including bolder, cobble and pebble), sand, silt, and clay. Transport of sediments
causing pembundaran by means of abrasion and sorting (sorting). Roundness and
sorting value is highly dependent on
the grain size, the distance of transport and deposition processes. Litifikasi process of
sediments into sedimentary rocks occur through compaction and cementation.
Sedimentary rocks can be divided into 3 groups:
1. à clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from fragments of other rocks or minerals
2. à chemical sedimentary rocks are formed due to evaporation, evaporation
3. à organic sedimentary rock formed from the remnants of life of animals / plants
Classification of clastic sedimentary rocks is based on the large grain, therefore, be
used Wentworth scale. As for the classification of chemical sedimentary rock made
based matrix and fragments with the classification of Dunham, Embry-Klovan.
The role of heat in the process of metamorphism
Heat is a very important matamorfisme agent. Rocks that formed near the earth's
surface will change that experience high heat in a time intruded by magma. When hot
magma not too high, the process of metamorphism did not occur. At such
circumstances will occur rocks intruded combustion process called baking effect.
Rock formed in the earth's surface can also change the extremely high temperatures
experienced when these rocks are in the process of accumulation. It is already known
that temperatures will increase with increasing circumstances (geothermal gradient).
At the top of the earth's crust, averaging around 30oC raising temeperatur per
kilometer. Rocks near the earth's surface can also experience a change of venue to a
more deeply. This process occurs at a meeting of tectonic plates converge, namely at
subduction zones (subduction).
The process of change also occurs in minerals making up the rock, the stability
change due to changes in depth. For example, clay minerals become unstable at a
depth of only a few kilometers, and will undergo recrystallization becomes more
stable mineral in temperature and higher pressure, will mengaami process of
metamorphism at a depth of about 30 kilometers.
- The role of stress in the process of metamorphism
As well as temperetur pressure will increase with increasing depth. This pressure as
pressure gas, will be equal in all directions. The pressure contained in the earth is an
additional pressure on the pressure in the rocks by loading rocks on it. In this
situation the rock will undergo emphasis trending, and extortion. Rocks in the deep
will be deformed plastically at a time. In contrast to the place near the surface of the
earth, the rocks will have cracks when deformed. The result is brittle rock would
disintegrate and become finer material.
Note the table and chart below!
- Chemical liquid active as agents metamorfisme
The active chemical solution, generally water containing dissolved ions, can also
cause metamorphism process. Mineral alteration carried out by water rich in minerals
and heat, has been studied in several mountain fire. Mountains along the dike ground
floor of the ocean, ocean circulation on hot rocks still change the minerals in igneous
basalt dark to be metamorphic minerals such as serpentine and talc.
C. Facies-facies of metamorphic rocks
In general, metamorphic rocks are not drastically alter the chemical composition
during metamorphism, except in special cases where metamorphism is involved (such
as in the production of skarn). Changes in the temperature and pressure of the rock
environment imposed. Pressure and ambient temperature as metamorphic facies.
Sequence of metamorphic facies metamorphic observed in each field, depending on
geothermal gradient present during metamorphism.

High geothermal gradient as it is labeled "A", may be present around the igneous
intrusions, and will generate facies metamorphic rocks belonging homfels. Under
normal geothermal gradient is high, such as "B", the stones will be ahead of the
zeolite facies to greenschist, amphibolite and eclogite facies metamorphism as a class
(or the depth of burial) increases. If the low geothermal gradient is present, such as
one labeled "C" in the diagram, it will rock the progress of the facies zeolite to
blueschist facies to eclogite facies.
So, if we know the facies of metamorphic rocks in this region, we can determine
what the geothermal gradient must have been like at the time of metamorphism
occurs. The relationship between geothermal gradient and metamorphism will be a
topic of discussion and plate tectonics.
D. Minerals-Minerals metamorphic rocks Authors
In general, minerals constituent metamorphic rocks are numerous. However, there are
common in metamorphic rocks are like in this baewah.
1. Felspar., Shape and nature together with feldspar in igneous rocks or slightly
flattened due to the pressure.
2. Quartz, slightly flattened shape or not teraturberwarna crystallized somewhat
shiny, white or greenish-white clear by fouling chlorite minerals, abundant in rocks
gneiss and schist and filit.
3. Mika, shape and nature together with igneous rocks, often in the form of sheets of
smooth, shiny colors can be ascribed to the filit, schist etc. Found in many rock schist
and gneiss.
4. Chlorite, green, brown or blackish green, twisted or bent shape, such as scales or as
5. Andalusit, glazed in rhombis system, prismatic rough, discolored, pink to red-
6. Aktinoloit, crystallizes in monoclinic system, menjarum smooth, or similar fibers,
fragile, green or gray-green, shiny viterus to silk. 2-3 hardness, is mainly in the
mineral found in metamorphic rocks schist, gneiss and marble.
7. Glaukofan, monoclinic crystals, prismatic such as fibers, rods or granules, broken
concoidal, blue gray or blue-black. Usually associated with Muscovite, quartz and
8. kyanite, crystals form triklin, atrau elongated plates. Hardness 4-7, can also be in
the form of fibers or rods. The blue color of the sea, vitreous luster. Found in rocks
schist and gneis.
9. Garnet, Crystal regular system, cubes, granular like sand, pink to red brown or dark
red. Viterus luster, hardness 6.6 to 7.5. Transparent to opaque, Found on schist rock
and Gneis.
10. Talk, crystallizes in monoclinic system, granular form, thin like a pearl. Oily,
hardness 1-2, there are many in the schist rocks, associated with rock serpentine and
11. Serpentin, shape or seratan flexible lamellar crystals. Silk gloss or fat, red-brown
and yellowish hiaju, hardness 3.0 to 5.5. Found in serpentine rock, or in schists.
Associated with chlorite and talc.
12. cordierite, crystallized in the system orthorombik, prismatic short, compact or
granular, bluish gray, green, yellow or colorless. Vitreous luster, like glasses with
kekerasan7-7,5, such as blue quartz. Often found in rocks gneiss, schist and
pegmatite, associated with garnet / grenade, mica, quartz, andalusit, silimnit, and
13. Silimanit, crystals such as cordierite. Long-term thin as needles, fibers or the like
stem radier no striations, radier, sometimes twisted, gray, white or pale yellow. Found
in rocks schist, gneiss and pegmatite.
14. tremolit, crystallizes in monoclinic system, fibrous plates such as asbestos,
granular. White, gray, green or yellow. Viterus gloss, angled prismatic parts, 56ºdan
124º. 5 -6 violence, are in rock schist and marble.
15. Wolastonit, crystal system triklin, tabular, prismatic, fibrous-fiber parallel, spread
or granular. Color to greyish-white or colorless. Silk gloss, hardness 4-5, a mineral
rock contact metamorphism associated with garnet, diopsit, vesuvianite, termolit,
epidote and calcite. Many found the marble rocks near the contact igneous granite.

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