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MCQ Practice Test - Anatomy -


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Inner ear reaches full adult size at ________ 1 point

10 weeks

15 weeks

20 weeks

25 weeks

30 weeks

35 weeks
After a road traffic accident, a 9 year old child was brought to casualty 1 point
department where he was advised emergency tracheostomy by
attending doctor. Which of the following structures should be taken care
of which performing the same procedure?

right brachiocephalic vein

left recurrent laryngeal nerve

left brachiocephalic vein

left phrenic nerve

arch aort a

Following is the source of Rathke's pouch. 1 point


t elencephalon

st omodeum



met encephalon
Following sites are showing defects in Pentalogy of cantrell except: 1 point


abdominal wall


lower st ernum



A patient presented with severe pain in his jaw and on doing MRI it found 1 point
to be an inflammed Temporo-Mandibular Joint. Which of the following
muscle is most likely to be affected by such pathology?

lat eral pt erygoid

medial pt erygoid

masset er

t emporalis

auricularis superior

Line joining anterior superior iliac spine to ischial tuberosity is called as... 1 point

Shent on's line

Nelat on's line

Chiene's line

Shoemaker's line
Which of the following are acting as stretch receptors? 1 point

ruffini's corpuscles

pacinian corpuscles

meissner's corpuscles

merkel's disk

Following term is used to describe a placenta invading the uterine wall 1 point

placent a previa

placent a succent uriat e

placent a incret a

placent a percret a

placent a accret a

BIrbeck granules are found in which of the following cells? 1 point

langerhans cells

schwann cells

melanocyt es

oligodendrocyt es

kerat inocyt es
Corneal stroma is derived from... 1 point


ect oderm

para-axial mesoderm

lat eral plat e mesoderm

int ermediat e mesoderm

Which tendons cross at Master Knot of Henry? 1 point

Flexor hallucis longus & flexor hallucis brevis

Flexor hallucis longus & flexor digit orum longus

Ext ensor hallucis longus & t ibialis ant erior

Flexor hallucis longus & t ibialis post erior

Which of the following artery is the remnant of axial artery of the upper 1 point

ulnar art ery

axillary art ery

radial art ery

ant erior int erosseous art ery

post erior int erosseous art ery

Hering's nerve is a branch of _______ cranial nerve. 1 point

7t h

8t h

9t h

10t h

11t h ( cranial root )

Chromosome number 22 is _________ type of chromosome. 1 point

met acent ric

submet acent ric - medium

acrocent ric

t elocent ric

submet acent ric - small

Submental and submandibular group of lymph nodes are categorised 1 point

into ______________ lymph nodes.

Level I

Level II

Level III

Level IV

Level V

Level VI
"Warren shunt surgery" is between 1 point

left renal vein & left gast ric vein

splenic vein & left renal vein

splenic vein & left gast ric vein

port al vein & right renal vein

In casualty department a patient presented with a stab injury into his 1 point
neck just below the angle of jaw. Upon examining the wound; apart from
soft tissues, his hypoglossal nerve was also found severed. Which of the
following muscle would have been affected by injury to this nerve?

digast ric ( ant erior belly)

digast ric (post erior belly)


palat oglossus


middle const rict or

Hitzelberger's sign is observed when there is involvement of 1 point


Auricular branch of vagus

sensory branch of facial nerve

auriculot emporal nerve

meningeal branch of mandibular nerve

Which nerve is involved in Chiralgia paresthetica? 1 point

recurrent branch of median nerve

palmar carpal branch of ulnar nerve

palmar carpal branch of median nerve

superficial branch of radial nerve

post erior int erosseous nerve

Spinal segments involved in Achilles reflex are... 1 point

L3, L4

L5, S1

S1, S2

S3, S4

A 70 year old immunocompromised male patient presented with severe 1 point

burning pain in his back. Upon examination he was found to have herpes
zoster affecting skin of the back near inferior angle of scapula. Which of
the following dermatome would have been involved in this patient ?

T 3-T 4

T 4-T 5

T 6-T 7

T 9-T 10

T 11-T 12
Root value of the nerve supplying tensor fasciae latae is... 1 point

L3, L4, L5, S1

L5, S1, S2

L5, S1

L4, L5, S1

S1, S2, S3

In a patient of meningo-encephalitis which of the following glial cells will 1 point

be activated secondary to inflammatory process?

schwann cells

oligodendrocyt es

ependymal cells


ast rocyt es

Basket cells
An old lady presented with black eye and has a history of fall with head 1 point

injury. Which of the following layer of the scalp is responsible for such
type of lesion?


superficial fascia

galea aponeurot ica

loose areolar t issue


All of the following are attached to first rib except 1 point

scalenus post erior

scalenus medius

scalenus ant erior

sibsons fascia

supra-plural membrane

Positive Schirmer's test is indicative of 1 point

loss of salivat ion

loss of lacrimat ion

loss of t ast e sensat ion

loss of accommodat ion

Neurons carrying taste sensations from epiglottis are situated 1 point
in______________ ganglion.


geniculat e

pt erygopalat ine


Following is also termed as vein of Labbe 1 point

middle cerebral vein

post erior cerebral vein

superficial middle cerebral vein

superior anast omosing vein

inferior anast omosing vein

Which of the following is the first commissure to develop? 1 point

ant erior

post erior


corpus callosum
Following is not included in interpeduncular fossa. 1 point

mammillary bodies

III cranial nerve

V 1 cranial nerve

post erior perforat ed subst ance

In pituitary gland, which of the following are largest chromophil cells? 1 point

cort icot rophs

t hyrot rophs

somat ot rophs

lact ot rophs

In which of the following, you will find Von Ebner's glands? 1 point





t ongue
Which sensations bypass the thalamus? 1 point

gust at ory


olfact ory

audit ory

Gerdy's tubercle receives insertion of ? 1 point


adduct or magnus

adduct or longus

glut eus minimus

ilio-t ibial t ract

Secretomotor fibres of following nerve are involved in Frey's syndrome? 1 point




Ductus longitudinalis epoophori is a remnant of... 1 point

paramesonephric duct


primit ive urogenit al sinus

mesonephric duct

vit ello-int est inal duct

A malformed premitive heart is indicative of issues with which of the 1 point

following embryonic tissue?

ect oderm




Synonym of thoracic duct is __________. 1 point

Bernard's duct

Hoffman's duct

Pecquet duct

Hensen's duct
A patient with tumour of head and uncinate process of pancreas present 1 point
with acute abdomen. Which of the following vessels will be at risk of
occlusion by such tumour?

splenic art ery

superior mesent eric art ery

renal art ery

port al vein

left gast ric art ery

coeliac t runk

Wilkie's syndrome results from compression of which part of duodenum? 1 point



t hird

fourt h

In modified radical mastectomy following structure is preserved. 1 point

pect oral group of lymph nodes

pect oralis major

axillary fat

unaffect ed parenchyma
Hila of fetal kidneys face _______ before rotation. 1 point

ant ero-medial

ant ero-lat eral

post ero-lat eral


ant erior

Gonadal vein develops from which of the following vein? 1 point

ant erior cardinal vein

post erior cardinal vein

supra-cardinal vein

sub-cardnial vein

vit elline vein

While performing oophorectomy, a gynaecologist should be cautious in 1 point

preserving which of the following nerve in relation to ovarian fossa?

nervus furcalis

obt urat or nerve

femoral nerve

ilioinguinal nerve

genit ofemoral nerve

Commonest congenital malformation of head and neck is ____. 1 point

cleft palat e

t hyroglossal cyst


unilat eral cleft lip

lingual t hyroid

Where will you find Bowman's glands? 1 point

medulla of kidney

cort ex of kidney

submucosa of duodenum

olfact ory mucosa

submucosa of oesophagus

In positive Finkelstein test, pain is felt at 1 point

radial st yloid process

ulnar st yloid process

coracoid process

olecranon process

medial epicondyle
During examination of suspected patient of acute appendicitis, when he 1 point
feels pain in right iliac fossa on coughing is termed as positive _________.

Dunphy's sign

Rovsing sign

Markle sign

Ten horn's sign

Geniohyoid muscle is supplied by 1 point




Cranial part of XI


A 78 year old patient is undergoing CABG for the block in LAD artery. 1 point
While handling the same artery which related vein should be taken care of
from injury?

great cardiac vein

ant erior cardiac vein

middle cardiac vein

coronary sinus
In Culdocentesis _______________ is approached. 1 point

pouch of douglas

sub-diaphragmat ic space

lesser sac

peri-nephric space

In Ortner's syndrome ______________ is compressed. 1 point

right recurrent laryngeal nerve

left recurrent laryngeal nerve

right at rium

inferior vena cava

All are present in colon except; 1 point

Taenia oment alis

Taenia pariet alis

Taenia libera

Taenia mesocolica
In sarcomere, the thick filaments will occupy which of the following ? 1 point

M line

Z line

I band

A band

Space of Retzius is found 1 point

behind t he pubic symphysis

above t he manubrium st erni

in ischio-anal fossa

above superior const rict or of pharynx

bet ween rima glot t idis and rima vest ibuli

A 6 year kid in school, aspirated a piece of an eraser while playing with it. 1 point
What is the most likely place where this foreign object would get lodged
in trachea-bronchial tree?

left principal bronchus

right principal bronchus

pyriform fossa

left t ert iary bronchus

right t ert iary bronchus

In histological preparation of a lymph node following will be found. Out of 1 point
these structures, which one you would consider as thymus dependent

subcapsular sinus

cort ex

para-cort ex

medullary sinuses

medullary cord


Basal lamina of neural tube gives rise to which of the following? 1 point

edinger west phal nucleus

vest ibular nucleus

pont ine nuclei

subst ant ia nigra

Inferior olivary nucleus

In Bezold's abscess the pus is located in ___________. 1 point

st ernocleidomast oid

t hird molar

palat ine t onsil



In lower calf, _____________ perforators ( perforating veins ) connect 1 point

superficial veins to the deep veins.



Cocket t 's

Hunt erian

In positive Wartenberg's sign following is observed. 1 point

inabilit y t o abduct lit t le finger

inabilit y t o adduct lit t le finger

inabilit y t o oppose t he t humb

inabilit y t o abduct t he t humb

inabilit y t o adduct t he t humb

A patient is diagnosed with congenital malformation of a tissue that is 1 point
derived from endoderm. Can you make out which of the following tissue
will be most likely to be affected in the patient?

t ibia

dermis of foot

epit helium of t rachea

sart orius muscle

epidermis of t high

Ophthalmic artery is given from ________ part of internal carotid artery. 1 point


pet rous



Grey turner's sign is observed in 1 point

t onsilit is

appendicit is

pancreat it is

cholecyst it is

port al hypert ension

Patient of Left isomerism is having ________. 1 point



one spleen

t wo spleens

Left crus of the diaphragm is derived from_________. 1 point

Dorsal mesent ery of oesophagus

sept um t ransversum

pleuro-perit oneal membrane

cervical myot ome

Metastatic cells from left testicle would drain into which vein through 1 point
respective gonadal vein?


left int ernal iliac vein

left renal vein

left int ernal pudendal vein

left ext ernal iliac vein

In metastatic gastric carcinoma, Sister Mary Joseph nodule can be found 1 point

at _____________.


coeliac t runk


rect o-vesical pouch ( douglas pouch)

In lens of the eye, following type of collagen fibres are found. 1 point




Surgical procedure to bring down undescended testis into the scrotum is 1 point

known as ________.

orchidect omy

orchidot omy


high orchidect omy

In Eagle's syndrome ____________ is affected. 1 point

st yloid process

great er cornu of hyoid

ant erior clinoid process

inferior nasal concha

spine of sphenoid

All of the following are having mucous glands, except: 1 point





ut erine cervix

Following is not a content of mesentery. 1 point

lact eals

superior mesent eric vessels

sympat het ic plexus

inferior mesent eric vessels

Following wall is also termed as arterial wall in middle ear. 1 point

ant erior wall

post erior wall

medial wall

lat eral wall

Permanent semilunar transverse mucosal folds in rectum are termed as ... 1 point

Houst on's valves

Hasner's valves

Heist er's valves

Hensen's valves

Os vesalianum is found in which tendon? 1 point

peroneus t ert ius

peroneus brevis

flexor hallucis brevis

t ibialis post erior

abduct or hallucis
Brodie's bursa is related to which muscle ? 1 point

medial head of gast rocnemius

lat eral head of gast rocnemius

ischial head of adduct or magnus

flexor hallucis brevis


MLF connects cranial nerve nuclei of all of the following except... 1 point







Which of the following upon its thickening can cause spinal stenosis? 1 point

ligament um nuchae

ligament um flavum

supraspinous ligament

int erspinous ligament

ant erior longit udinal ligament

Simmond's test is performed to assess the integrity of which tendon? 1 point

adduct or magnus


t endo-achilles

t ibialis post erior

peroneus longus

In hand, No man's land is 1 point

Zone I

Zone II

Zone III

Zone IV

Zone V

Erector spinae muscles are derived from which of the following ? 1 point



neural crest

lat eral plat e mesoderm

In GIT, what is the location of cells that secrete antibacterial enzymes? 1 point

in rugae

in peyer's pat ches

in lamina propria

on int est inal villi

in crypt s of Lieberkuhn

All of the following are cells of cerebellar cortex except 1 point

Purkinje cells

basket cells

brush cells

bet z cells

golgi cells

granule cells

st ellat e cells
A patient presents with palpitation, excessive sweating, high blood 1 point

pressure and headache. Radiological investigations show a mass next to

coeliac trunk. Which of the following would be likely to be the site of such

st omach

gall bladder


supra-renal gland

port al vein

Which of the following group of lymph nodes will be enlarged first in a 1 point
case of metastatic ovarian cancer?

int ernal iliac

ext ernal iliac

superficial inguinal

deep inguinal

lat eral aort ic

A patient with haemo-pericardium would also suggestive of having blood 1 point

in following cavity.

right plural

mediast inal

perit oneal

left plural
Classify rider's bone. 1 point

modified long bone

short bone

miniat ure long bone

irregular bone

sesamoid bone

A 60 year old male patient is diagnosed with Mitral valve prolapse. To 1 point

listen to it's sound via auscultation, the diaphragm of the stethoscope

should be placed at ......

Over st ernal angle

right second int ercost al space just lat eral t o st ernum

left second int ercost al space just lat eral t o st ernum

left fift h int ercost al space just below t he nipple

If a CT surgeon cuts open pericardial sac horizontally instead of vertically 1 point

in an open heart surgery, which of the following will most likely to be
severed by such incision?

left recurrent laryngeal nerve

vagus nerves

phrenic nerves

int ernal mammary vessels

azygous venous syst em

Hypogastric sheath is formed by condensation of following fascia. 1 point

colle's fascia

scarpa's fascia

denonviller's fascia

camper's fascia

pelvic fascia

Mesenchymal osteoprogenitor cells will give rise to following type of 1 point


ost eoblast s

ost eoclast s

ost eocyt es

chondrocyt es

Gerdy's ligament is the synonym of? 1 point

suspensory ligament of axilla

sacro-t uberous ligament

spring ligament

piso-hamat e ligament

delt oid ligament

In Kiloh-Nevin syndrome following is involved 1 point

ant erior int erosseous nerve

recurrent branch of median nerve

deep branch of ulnar nerve

post erior int erosseous nerve

Jeanne's sign is elicited to find out injury to which nerve? 1 point





Reinke's space is found between following structures. 1 point

vocal ligament and mucous membrane

superior const rict or and base of t he skull

superior const rict or and middle const rict or

middle const rict or and inferior const rict or

bet ween cricopharyngeus and t hyropharyngeus

Struma ovarii is a teratoma containing __________ elements. 1 point

gast ric mucosa

t hyroid

pancreat ic t issue

adrenal cort ex

A positive Lachman test is an indication of tear in which ligament? 1 point



Medial meniscus

Lat eral meniscus

T ibial collat eral ligament

Fibular collat eral ligament

Significant difference in blood pressure between brachial artery and 1 point

femoral artery was found in a 7 year old girl (Brachial pressure was much
higher than femoral pressure). Upon various radiological investigations
she was diagnosed with reduced blood flow in proximal descending
thoracic aorta. Development of which of the following aortic arch would
have been compromised as per your opinion?

sixt h

fift h

fourt h

t hird


In Rolando fracture following bone is affected 1 point

head of first met acarpal

base of first met acarpal

lower end of radius

lower end of ulna

base of fift h met acarpal

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