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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

FAST School of Management Spring2020 Islamabad Campus

Serial No: NA
Final Exam
Total Time: 3 Hours
Time Distribution:
(2+1 hours)
Total Marks: 70
Marks Distribution:

MG324 Business Ethics

Sections: BBA-16 (A & B)
AF 16- B
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Course Instructor
Muhammad Hassaan
_______________________________ _________________________________
Student Name Roll No Section Signature



1. Verify at the start of the exam that you have Part A, and a total of Four (04) Questions printed on
Three (03) Pages including this title page. Also, make sure you have the Scandinavian Building
Group case consisting of Four (4) pages. Part B will be released approximately after a time duration
of 2 hours, as per the exam schedule.
2. Attempt all questions using A4 size blank white sheets (portrait format). Each sheet of the A4 paper
MUST have your Roll Number, Name, the Course Code, Name of the Course and Signature at the top
of EACH sheet. A sample A4 answer sheet is attached as page 3, and has been shared with students
by the university via SLATE as well.
3. Attempt all questions in the given order.
4. The exam is open book and open notes. However, each student is expected to work alone i.e. not talk
to or collaborate with other students or any other individuals.
5. Fit in all your answers in the number of pages specified against each question.
6. At the end of completing Part A (and then subsequent parts), use a cam-scanner, MS lens or an
equivalent application to scan and convert your hand-written answer sheets into a SINGLE pdf file
(keeping the correct order of pages and question numbers).
7. You MUST name your pdf file carefully. The standard file name format is (Full course code - Roll
Number). Thus your file name will be MG-324-Roll Number-Part A.
8. Submit your Part A (and then subsequent parts) on the specified LMS, which is SLATE for this
course. Also, email the pdf of each part using your NU email ID to the instructor’s email address,
which is for this exam. You will be given approx. 15 minutes for
uploading the solution on LMS and emailing it, after each part.
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
FAST School of Management Fall 2019 Islamabad Campus

Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Total

10 10 15 10 10 10 5 70

CS618 Software Architecture Page 2 of 4 Final Exam

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
FAST School of Management Fall 2019 Islamabad Campus

MG324 Business Ethics

Sections: BBA (A and B)


Question 1: What are the factors that contributed to the success of SBG in general, and within
Sweden in particular? (10 marks).
(Please use a maximum of three single sides of an A4 paper to answer this question).

Question 2: What are the pressures Helena is facing? And why is she facing them? (10 marks).
(Please use a maximum of two single sides of an A4 paper to answer this question).

Question 3: Based on your understanding of the case, should Helena go ahead with the project
or avoid Arlanda altogether? Discuss the pros and cons of each option. (15 marks)
(Please use a maximum of two single sides of an A4 paper to answer this question)

Question 4: Are there other alternatives for Helena to consider? (10 marks)
(Please use a maximum of two single sides of an A4 paper to answer this question)

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Name: Roll No:
Course Code: Page No: Total Pages:
Course Title: Signature:

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