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Jaipur, Rajasthan | 77221078909 |

Dr. Sanjeev Sharma


Dear Dr. Sharma ,

“Hi, I am Preksha Gupta. I am a hardworking engineering under graduate specialized in computer science
engineering with overall CGPA 9.29”. My skills and qualifications are an ideal match to the Internship Student
requirements and will bring immediate value to IIIT Pune goals.
I strongly believe that I am a good fit for your DEEP LEARNING COURSE and would love the opportunity to
become a valued member of your team.

With My Previous Intern, I completed Java, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python courses and the various
technologies I learned, has helped me develop my project.
Because my professional goals align with IIT PUNE's mission and values, this opportunity is especially exciting. I
believe my management, time-management and leadership abilities will support and drive your continued
organizational success.

I am a hard-working college student (9.29 GPA, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science) currently attending
Government Women Engineering College Ajmer. Throughout my academic career, I have been consistently
praised as focused by my professors and peers. While working on academic and extracurricular projects, I have
developed proven leadership, multitasking and teamwork skills, which I hope to leverage into the internship role
at your company.

After reviewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and competitive candidate you
are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization.

To demonstrate the scope of my career history and professional competencies, please take a moment to review
my attached resume. I appreciate your evaluation of my credentials and subsequent response.

Best regards,


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