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Nama : Tesya Sasaghapu

Nim : 16091102095

Teather and Film studies



The meaning behind the joker costume

The Joker film is currently gaining public attention. Behind the figure of the Joker, there is another side
of the clown. In fact, clowns are not only seen as funny. Some people think that clowns are scary.

Not only does it hide the identity of the person, a thick make-up like a clown also hides that person's
feelings. Even worse, makeup can produce mixed signals if, for example, the clown has a painted smile
but is frowning. Then, there is the extraordinary nature of makeup itself.

Lips and eyebrows that are too big distort the face so that the brain perceives them as human but slightly
inactive. The oddity was reinforced by the clown's strange costume. In addition, clowns are very
unpredictable and naughty too, which makes people feel 'on the edge'.

This psychological discomfort produces fear which is then fueled by the negative portrayal of clowns in
popular culture.The Joker film tells the story of Arthur Fleck, a mentally challenged comedian who
eventually commits a crime. According to first press reviews, the film was peppered with scenes of
realistic violence. Several film critics in the US have accused the film director, Todd Phillips of overly
glorifying Fleck's narrative. Richard Lawson, of Vanity Fair magazine, wrote that the film "may be
irresponsible propaganda for indeed pathological people."


The Joker film has recently become the center of attention of the world community, one of them. Lots of
comments about this film, of course there are likes and dislikes. Joaquin Phoenix has played the Joker
character very well. He looks very deep into that role. This made many people hope that he would get an
Oscar. But on the other hand, many people are also worried about the Joker character he will bring.
Some psychological reviews of this film claim that it can be bad for mental health.

From that growth, there is an interesting side to be studied in this film, namely the social movement. I
will review how a social movement can arise. The incident began when the murder of three Wall Street
workers by Arthur Fleck (real name Joker) on the subway. Starting from a misunderstanding due to the
laughter suffered by Arthur, the three workers were offended and a fight ensued which ended in the

After this incident, various opinions emerged in the community, especially opinions about the resistance
of the lower class to the upper class. This is what became the framing of the media in Gotham City. This
opinion then went viral among the Gotham people. People who feel that they are part of the oppressed
are then called to take action, ranging from wearing clown masks to demonstrations on the streets. This
demonstration grew bigger and there was a massive anarchist action in Gotham City.
The Joker figure then becomes a symbol and is made the leader of the social movement in the film, even
though the Joker does not have political motives. This of course is not foreign to us, where the person
who started an event then becomes an icon whose name continues to echo. We can also see how much
influence opinion and media have on the emergence of social movements. Starting from the actual
incident was just a misunderstanding, but then broke out into resistance between classes.

What I want to emphasize here is that we know that in reality there is a gap between people. An incident
involving people from different social gaps can be framed and peppered with opinions, to raise sensitive
issues. Once sensitive issues arise, it is easy for social movements to emerge in various ways. This is
what needs to be watched out for, especially for Indonesians who love reading sensitive issues. The
opinions that are built are very influential on the perspective of society today. I personally invite all
Indonesian people to always be critical of the issues that are circulating. Therefore, we must be wiser in
filtering information and must be careful about the existing framing.


If previously people only knew the Joker as one of the villains in the Batman film and the lover of the
eccentric character Harley Quinn, this time the audience can find out how the early life formed the Joker's

The mental illness suffered by Arthur Fleck, the real name of the Joker, which makes him unable to
control his laughter, is indeed found in the real world. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) makes people with this
disease laugh at inappropriate times.

According to some sources, PBA is caused by damage to the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that
helps control emotions. Treatment is done exactly as Arthur Fleck did, namely through therapy and

More about the health condition experienced by the Joker, could there be other triggers? It could be that
the trauma he experienced in his childhood was the beginning of his mental illness. The traumatic effects
are fatal and will continue to haunt the sufferer even into adulthood.

The experience of violence that occurred when the Joker was young, although not remembered, the
subconscious has memories, deep sadness, and heartache.

In a mentally unstable situation, certain stimuli can be triggers or triggers for other negative behavior
deviations. In a scene, Joker finally shot the head of the host, who had been idolized, started with
bullying that was broadcast on television stations and then laughed at by the audience. The psychological
impact of laughter and ridicule can bring people to the lowest emotional level, namely shame.

In the case of the Joker, these emotions actually fuel him for venturing on a larger scale. You can
imagine how bad the impact of direct bullying and cyber bullying will be on a person's life.

Like a dish, Joker was made for commercial purposes, so the audience needed to make sure they weren't
moved to take inappropriate actions.

In addition, for adult audiences, some life lessons that can be taken are implied, such as providing
positive support to others, avoiding bullying, and the importance of applying good parenting to children
so that they are away from negative behavior.

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