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Dovahkiin’s Infamy by vinfamy – Hints for The Blacksmith and The Drunkard

To start: complete at least Before the Storm to the point where you were asked to talk to the Jarl of
Whiterun. The quest will trigger outside the Sleeping Giant Inn during daytime.


 Who would be the best person to ask about a local couple? Someone who’s lived in
Riverwood for a long time perhaps?
 E tells you to get out of his way because you’re a stranger. How do you stop being a stranger
to a drunkard?
 S doesn’t think being a female blacksmith would be an appropriate career for her daughter.
Perhaps a real-life example would prove her wrong?
 Does E always stay in the Inn after midnight?

Vanilla Quests you may want to do:

 The Lovely Letters: i.e. Camilla’s love triangle

 Dragon’s Rising: Dragonborn identity may help, who knows.
 Deliver Balgruuf’s sword

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