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Dovahkiin’s Infamy by vinfamy – Generic Hints that Apply to All Quests

 If a quest completes very early, I’m most likely teasing you and you’re in for a surprise later
on. This way I can keep you always on suspense, not knowing whether a quest is actually
ended yet or something horrible is gonna happen – evil laugh!!!
 If certain things happen after a period of time, your quest journal will update giving you
some hints.
 It never hurts to look into people’s inventory and see what they’ve got.
 If a speech check is too hard (i.e. giving a coin to a beggar isn’t enough to pass it), there are
certainly alternative and more interesting ways to get around it.
 If someone’s following you and the quest is pointing at a destination, maybe you can come
up with some creative de-tour and give this temporary a show of whatever?

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