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Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft: Academic study sponsorship


Programme Description
The Foundation of German Business (SDW) offers undergraduate and graduate students a vast number of opportunities ranging from
various seminars and training programmes to financial support. Courses are held in German, so that candidates should have at least
intermediate-level command of German (C1 or DSH 2). The Klaus Murmann Fellowship Programme is centred on a variety of political,
economic and social issues with corporate responsibility being an underlying theme throughout the entire course. The Foundation
strongly encourages communication between the students and representatives from the fields of business, science, politics, culture and
administration. The preparatory course is a special scholarship programme by the Klaus Murmann Fellowship Programme for candidates
who have obtained a degree in teaching.

Target Group
Any undergraduate or graduate student with a residence status as per BAföG § 8, (1-3) [
staatsangehoerigkeit-224.php] is welcome to apply.

Academic Requirements
students pursuing a Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom-, Magister- or state examination degree

Funding is available until the end of the standard period of study. Sponsoring beyond this period is limited and will be granted only in
justified cases.

Scholarship Value
All scholarship holders will in any case receive a study allowance of EUR 300 per month. The amount of the scholarship for living support
depends on the financial situation of the family. In addition to the scholarship, stays abroad are funded.

maximum amount: EUR 649 per month, minimum: study allowance of EUR 300 per month, independent of income

contributions to health- and long-term care insurance where applicable: EUR 86 per month

family allowance where applicable: EUR 155 per month

childcare allowance where applicable: EUR 130 per month

The scholarship does not need to be repaid.

Application Papers
Please submit your application via the application portal first. All further information may be found here

Application Deadline
Assessment days will be held in October, the application deadline is in the spring. Further information can be found here
Updated 2020-02-22 Scholarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst 1 of 2
Application requirements

Application Requirements
Details regarding the application are regularly updated. Please find the latest information here

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