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Nanme Class/Sec: VI/ Roll No.

Sub: Mathematics
Topic: Whole Numbers
. Fill in the blanks:

)Division by is not defined.

is the multiplicative identity for whole numbers.

) The snmallest whole number is
iv) On the number
line.570 lies on side of 705.
v)The property depicted by (axb)
(bxa) is =

State true i false:

i)Every whole number is a natural number.
1.3.6, 10, 15,21 are all triangular numbers.
m) When a whole number is divided by 1, the
quotient is the number itself.
iv) 279 +0 = 279

v)0isthe additive identity for whole numbers.

3 Represent the following on the number line to find value:
i)10 7 ii) 53 ii)8+6
Write the and
successor predecssor of:
i) 99010 ii) 109001
5. Find using suitable properties:
)557 91 9 557 ii) 47 103 ii)4x 42x 25
6. Multiply the greatest four digit number with the smallest three-digit number.
20 chairs and 25 tables were purchased for a school. Ifeach chair costs 160 and a tablecosts 400,
find the total amount ofthe bill.
How many whole numbers between 132 and 312?

9 Find the sum of 654, 392 and 54sby suitable rearrangement.


i) 179 0 ii) 8l0- 8lo 11) 89

iv) 2811 v)988 988 iv)0 971

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