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Alma Ayu N.

Cross Culture Communication Class E

By the time 21 may 2018 there is a guest lecture that brings in a guest who has
2 years living in Indonesia, he is a Greg Hanol derived from United State. According
to the topic The Important of Cross-Culture Communication in the Global World.
Based on what he was talking about yesterday, I know that Cross-culture
communication is very important to communicate to other people from the different
culture with us. Because of globalization, people know the stereotype from the
different country from internet and internet help facilitate people to cooperation
another country in around the world. Whereas in the past, people need a long time to
cross-culture communication and travel from one place to another, so that the
development of cross-culture communication becomes very slow. Communication not
only about language but also the habitat the place that we stayed. When we stay at a
country for several day or month, we should know about their habit how to
communicate each other and also their behavior. As usual, because every country the
different way to communicate. Now I will talk about non-verbal communication on
the continent of America and Asia. As well as when they communicate in a non-
verbal way, countries in the continent of America and Asia have a different meaning
to the communication movement that does not use spoken. We can compare countries
in the continent of America and Asia about how they communicate nonverbally based
from eye contact, gesture, facial expression, posture and physical space.
Sometimes we make eye contact while talking or passing when we are
walking on the road. In Latin and North America, eye contact is their way of
conveying equality among the older or senior. And from childhood they are taught to
eye contact when talking to strangers. However, in Asian Culture eye contact with
superiors or older while speaking is considered impolite. It is better to avoid eye
contact than to be rude.
Gesture makes it easy for us to convey what we do not want to say. Usually,
we use gestures that are easily understood by others, but some people in the different
culture with us may translate our gesture with other meaning. The “OK” sign in
Argentina means “zero” or “nothing, but in Japan that signs it means “money”.
Another example when we are on a business trip, we will do greeting to our business
partners. Asian people especially Japan, Korea, and China, they are bowing to
greeting to everyone they know or to whom they respect. Meanwhile, when
American people greeting to other people they do shake hands and sometimes do
hugging and kissing to people who have not seen each other or met by chance.
The facial expression between America and Asian people is quite different.
Winking in Latin America it means sexual invitation or romantic to other people,
meanwhile, in Chinese winking is the gesture of rude. The american people more
have more expression that Asian people. More Chinese people calm when they are
surprised or excited. They use eyes to describe expression, while American use mouth
and eyebrows. It means that Chinese people are more able to control well their
emotions when they are angry than American people.
Posture can describe the behavior of people and also the attitude that comes
from themselves. In Taiwan, bending is considered rude when in another culture-
bending is a no matter and have nothing mean. In America, standing with his hands
on the hips indicates that person is arrogant or prides himself, but in Argentina that
suggests as anger.
Countries that have a large population of people tend to need more physical
space. They are not like accidentally touch a stranger in public space, like Japanese,
Chinese, or Korean people. And when Japanese people have a conversation with the
stranger or business partner, they do not like to speak in close proximity but with
distance about four to five feet. However, the American people more closely distance
by two to three feet. But American people tend to be more aloof and takes more
private time to themselves than other people from different culture. And friendships
between American is shorter and less intense because American people taught to be
independent human.
In conclusion, there are contrast and comparison between American people
and Asian culture in how to their communication each other by non-verbal
communication based on eye contact, gesture, facial expression, posture and physical
space. But as we know, in addition to the countries in the continent of America and
Asia there are many characteristics of how they do the habits as well as how they
communicate using non-verbally communication. And we must learn about other
cultures too because it is important to us for our lives in economic, social, and cultural
aspects in today’s globalization and also can help us to build cooperation and
friendship to people all over the world even though they have differences to our

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