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FOREWORD appropriate levels of assurance according to the impor-

tance of the component in its relationship to plant
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND safety. The classifications that are established during
design and manufacturing have been adopted to provide
Section XI, Division 2, Rules for Inspection and the levels of importance for the components. The
Testing of Components of Gas-Cooled Plants, of the types of components typically found in the various
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is addressed classifications have then been identified and rules formu-
to the examination, inspection, and testing requirements lated for each type. For each type of component in
for the components in gas-cooled nuclear power plants. each classification, the typical safety functions have
This Section of the Code was developed under sponsor- been considered and methods of inspecting, testing, or
ship of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. monitoring each component specified. Rules have also
This Division of the Code is unique in that recognition been formulated for establishing the methods of de-
was given to the problems of examining radioactive termining the limits of acceptance of the results. Should
areas where access by personnel is impracticable; provi- it be necessary to take corrective actions to repair various
sions are incorporated in the rules for the examination components, rules have been provided to establish
of such areas by remote means, employing equipment acceptable methods of repair.
which may require development. Examination of these The basis on which the rules were developed assumes
areas is dependent upon providing the access and space that a component has initially been accepted as being
requirements as dictated by the latest development safe. To establish an indication of its condition for a
programs to mechanize and automate existing nonde- later comparison, a preservice (baseline) examination
structive examination techniques; but where the equip- is required. Subsequent examinations are compared to
ment has not been developed, no requirement is stipu- this preservice examination to determine if there has
lated for the performance of the remote examinations been a change in the component.
until near the end of the inspection interval, or about A further assumption presumes that similar compo-
10 years from the time this Division of the Code was nents, which are subjected to essentially identical service
adopted. The rationale is that the equipment develop- conditions, will behave in a like manner. For this
ment can be completed or alternative examinations reason, representative sampling, which is rotated through
devised within that time period. the similar components, is presumed to provide adequate
assurance that all the components are safe. The percent-
age of like components or portions of components
examined and the frequency of examination are adjusted
The object of inservice inspection of components in in accordance with the level of assurance judged to
nuclear power plants is to provide a continuing assurance be appropriate.
that they are safe. To provide this assurance for those The purpose of establishing rules, in the form of a
components that are subject to the requirements of the Code, is to provide a uniform standard to which all
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, a set of rules gas-cooled nuclear power plants are subjected. By pro-
has been formulated to provide assurance that the safety- viding such a standard, important areas are not over-
related functions of the components are available when looked and unimportant areas do not distract attention
required. The rules have been arranged to provide from significant ones. Unlike water-cooled nuclear


power plants, the integrity of the primary coolant Vessel Code. This demonstration period would provide
pressure boundary is not the primary concern of the ample time for the drafting of Code provisions applica-
inspection rules. Rather, the inservice inspection rules ble to the specific concept. A secondary reason is that,
for each component are based on the safety function although it might be desirable to attempt to write rules
of the component which has been determined by its of sufficient generality to serve as precedents, the
role in plant operations. characteristic design features and equipment may differ
so much among concepts that adequate rules could not
REACTOR SYSTEM CONSIDERED IN CODE be formulated at this time.
The limitation of the rules to the single concept of
the HTGR establishes a context in which they should
These rules are presently addressed to only a single be understood. Although a specific reference design is
concept of a gas-cooled nuclear power plant, that not described, there are several design features character-
commonly known as the High Temperature Gas-Cooled istic of the HTGR. These include: helium cooling;
Reactor (HTGR). The primary reason is that a need carbon-encapsulated fuel particles in a graphite matrix;
for these rules exists only for those plants which are graphite-moderated, prismatic core and reflector ele-
expected to be built and operated in the United States ments; pressure enclosure by a prestressed concrete
and Canada during the next 5 to 10 years. Other reactor vessel, and steam power cycle. These characteris-
concepts, such as the direct-cycle, the fast reactor, and tics inherently affect the way in which safety-related
the pebble bed, are not expected to reach such early functions are performed and, thus, the way in which
development. Probably at least one full-size, full-func- these rules are formulated and interpreted.
tion demonstration plant would be required before any For the rules for inspection and testing of components
newer concept would become available to an Owner of gas-cooled plants, refer to the 1992 Edition including
within the meaning of the ASME Boiler and Pressure 1993 Addenda, pages 485 through 653.


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