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Question 1)sort the word based on number of letters and priority of the word

Example:i/p-zoho, o/p-oohz
I/p-corporation, o/p-ooorracipnt
Question 2)swap the diagonals of the given square matrix
Question 3)Reverse a string but only characters of the string should be reversed
Example:i/p-a, $sc@#z&c,o/p-z,$cs@#a
Question 4)count and print the number of palindrome in the given string.
Example:i/p-assabbas, o/p-5(assa,ss, abba, bb, sabbas)
Question 5)Right shift the column k times of the matrix and rotate it.
Question 6)Traverse the matrix like coil shape and print it.
Question 7)find the minimum path of the given starting point in the given matrix.

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