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21/6/2021 BYU-Idaho

Creating a Positive Classroom Culture

[Teacher stands at front of elementary classroom, counting down.]

Jen Saul:All right, back in three, two, one.

[Talking to camera] Establishing a strong classroom culture is essential because it's sort of like
the bed that you plant the flowers in. You have to have that in order for things to flourish and
[Bouncy music starts playing.]
Students have to feel safe in your classroom. [Students ooh on an escalating note as they clap
their hands.] You have to normalize error.
[Talking to class.] Is it okay to make mistakes?
Class: Yeah.
Jen: [Speaking in the background.] They have to know that it's okay to try, and try, and try again
—[speaking to class as she writes on the board] mistakes are easy to fix—[speaking to camera
again] and that you will actually learn more if you fail often.
[Talking to class.] Who would like to share something?
[Speaking in background as the camera pans around the class.] I have a really serious
conversation with my students, at the beginning of the year, about their ownership in our
classroom culture, and how each of them is responsible for maintaining our learning
[Reading part of a classroom poster to the class.] I believe in myself and my ability to do my best.
[Speaking in background.] We've written a classroom pledge together—
[Continuing to read off the poster] I can learn. I will learn.

[Speaking to the camera.] —Establishing our hopes and dreams and goals for the year, that we
then use as a measure for our behavior throughout the rest of the year. If someone's
offending, or interrupting, or not staying on task, we will actually stop and have a
conversation as a class—is this something that's going to help our hopes and dreams, or is
this something against? And the students are able to make that judgment and respond to
each other. And hearing it from your peer, that “you're interrupting my learning,” is
oftentimes more effective than me redirecting.
[Speaking to class as they prepare to open their folders and begin working at the same time.] And
[Speaking in the background as camera shows students leaving a building together.] So, taking the
time to really have students buy into the idea that we're on a journey, and if we're all doing
the things we're supposed to do, we're going to get where we need to go. a Positive Classroom Culture.html 1/2

21/6/2021 BYU-Idaho

[Reading the last line on the aforementioned poster.] I am too focused on my hopes and dreams
to waste today. I am college bound.
[End] a Positive Classroom Culture.html 2/2

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