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Introducing a Special Report on Energy Innovation

Take a look at what is being done to wean the world off of fossil fuels

Rare are the moments in history when the need for energy innovation has been greater.
Roughly 1.3 billion people live without access to electricity, a basic ingredient for economic
growth, and twice that number live without access to clean cooking fuel. Meanwhile, American
households are spending a greater percentage of their income (4 percent) on gasoline now
than they have at any time in nearly 30 years, with the exception of 2008. Political turbulence
in the Middle East has fueled a spike in global energy prices. Climate change has brought about
warming waters, increasing air temperatures, decreasing water availability, more frequent
floods and severe storms. Left unchecked, these trends are expected to intensify, with
potentially serious consequences for the energy sector. They have already disrupted fuel
supplies and increased the risk of blackouts.

Fortunately, necessity—that ever-loving mother of invention—now has an equal partner in

opportunity. Today's engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs and big thinkers possess a growing
set of tools to transform the energy landscape at a massive scale and are beginning to solve
the problems of energy security, sustainability, energy poverty and climate change. Cross-
pollination and collaboration across distances is getting easier, and many tools are cheaper
than ever.

In this special report, takes a look at those tools—robotics, computing

power, sensors, advanced materials, 3D printing and more—as well as some of the most
promising solutions, moon-shot ideas, leading innovators and the science behind the
breakthroughs. has assembled a collection of articles, interviews and
interactive features highlighting how innovation is unfolding around the world and what it
means for our energy future.

We explore the possibilities of a next-generation electric system in Kenya that could skip right
over the troubles of fossil fuels and foster a robust low-carbon economy. We highlight
companies that are putting robots to work for cheaper renewable energy, and other
technologies that are showing that creativity applied to even the most time-tested elements—
air, water, gravity, and basic mechanics—can yield important advances for the power grid. And
we peek inside the workspaces of a few inventors who paved the way for today’s energy
innovators, from physicist Michael Faraday’s laboratory in London to Thomas Alva Edison’s
collaborative workspace in rural New Jersey.

As inventor Saul Griffith, founder and CEO of the San Francisco research and development
company Otherlab, tells, “It’s worth fighting for the world that you would like
to create.” Because with enough people fighting on the side of solutions, he says, “Maybe we’ll
pull it off.” In the coming months, we’ll bring you more from Griffith and other stories about
energy problem solvers and their innovations.

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