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Public shhool is actually better than hime schooling.

There are some

reasons for it. First, home schooling costs more. If you go to public school,
the expense already include electricity, facilities, and activities such as field
trips. For home schooling, other than paying for the teacher, you also have
to pay electricity bills and you won't get any field trip. Second, if you go to
public school, you can improve your social skills. If you're home schooled,
you're not gonna have any friends. In the future when you have a job,
you're gonna have to interact with others. For home schooled people, it
might be more difficult to interact with others. Last of all, for home
schooling, parents have to be with their kids 24/7. It's a burden for the
parents if they have to work. And for the children, they wouldn't want to be
supervised by their parents while learning. It just feels uncomfortable
knowing that someone is watching ypu studying. So, it's better to go to
public school than do home schooling.L
I know that in 2021, online teaching and learning activities will be extended. The trend of
Covid-19 cases has not decreased yet. On the other hand, it happened during the year-end
holidays. On December 25, 2020, the Covid-19 Task Force recorded the number of cases
that had reached 700,000. So far, there has been no mass test initiated by the government.
Meanwhile, the most dangerous virus spreaders are people without symptoms (OTG). This
certainly endangers the safety of students and teachers. So, I am obliged when online
learning is extended.

I do not agree that in 2021 online teaching and learning activities will be extended. It’s been
two semesters, students don’t get face-to-face learning. This can affect student
development. Their social interaction is underdeveloped, especially for children at the PAUD,
TK, and SD education levels. They lose the process of learning and playing with friends. It is
advisable to have face-to-face classes as soon as possible. So, I don’t agree if online
learning is extended. I do not agree with government subsidies in the form of quotas. The
subsidy only helps areas close to the city center. Meanwhile, in areas far from the city center,
many students do not have cell phones. The provision of quota subsidies is useless because
it only reaches students or those who already have facilities such as cellphones or laptops.
The subsidy should be reviewed, so that it can target the needs of all students during the
pandemic. So, I do not agree with the provision of subsidies in the form of quotas.

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