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Drug Action Indication Contraindication Adverse effects Nursing


Brand Name: Gastric acid pump Short term Hypersensitivity to CNS: headache, Administer before
Prilosec, Zegerid inhibitor, suppresses treatment of active omeprazole and its dizziness, asthenia, meals.
gastric acid secretion duodenal ulcer, components. vertigo, insomnia,
by specific inhibition of treatment of hurt apathy, anxiety,
Generic Name: the hydrogen burn or symptoms Use cautiously with paresthesia, dream
Omeprazole potassium ATPase of GERD, short pregnancy and lactation. abnormalities.
enzyme system at the term treatment of
secretory surface of active benign DERMATOLOGIC:
the gastric parietal gastric ulcer, severe rash, inflammation,
Classification: cells; blocks the final erosive esophagitis, urticaria, pruritus,
Antacids, step of acid poorly responsive alopecia, dry skin.
Antireflux Agents production. symptomatic
& Antiulcerants GERD GI: diarrhea,
abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting,
constipation, dry
mouth, tongue
Route of
symptoms, cough,

Stock of
capsule, tablet, for
oral suspension
Drug Action indication contraindication Adverse effects Nursing

Brand Name: Bactericidal. inhibits Severe infection With allergy to penicillin CNS: lethargy, Culture infection
Benzathine Na synthesis of bacterial caused by sensitive and other allergens. hallucinations, before beginning the
cell wall of sensitive organism, URI and seizures. treatment.
organism, causing cell caused by sensitive Use cautiously with renal
death. streptococci, disorder, pregnancy and GI: stomatitis, Continue therapy for
Generic Name: Pen treatment of lactation. nausea, vomiting, 2 days after the
G syphilis, diarrhea, infection has
prophylaxis of abdominal pain. disappeared.
rheumatic fever
and chorea. GU: nephritis Explain the reason
Classification: Anti- for parentheral
Infectives administration; offer
LOCAL: pain,
support and
thrombosis at
encouragement to
injection site.
deal with therapy..
Route of Keep epinephrine, IV
administration: IM,
C: anemia, fluids, vasopressor,
IV leucopenia, oxygen and
prolonged emergency
bleeding time. equipment readily

Stock of
Drug Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing

Brand Name: Inhibits reabsorption Edema associated Contraindicated with CNS: dizziness, Profound dieresis can
Furosemide of sodium and with heart failure, allergy to furosemide, vertigo, paresthesis, with water and
chloride from the cirrhosis, renal sulfonamides, allergy weakness, headache, electrolyte depletion
proximal and distal disease. to tartazine; anuria, drowsiness, fatigue, can occur , careful
tubules and severe renal failure, blurred vision, medical supervision is
Generic Name: Lasix ascending limb of Acute pulmonary hepatic come, tinnitus. required.
loop of henle, leading edema. pregnancy and
to a sodium rich lactation. CV: orthostatic Administer with food
dieresis. Hypertension. hypertension, cardiac or milk to prevent GI
Classification: loop arrhythmias. irritation.
DERMATOLOGIC: Give early in the day
rash, pruritus, so that increased
urticariaexfoliative urination will not
Route of dermatitis. disturb.
administration: Oral,
IM, IV GI: nausea, anorexia, Avoid IV use if oral
vomiting, oral and use is at all possible.
gastric irritation,
Stock of preparation: diarrhea, jaundice.
tablets, oral solution,
injection. GU: polyuria,
nocturia, glycosuria,
urinary bladder
Drug Action indication contraindication Adverse effects Nursing consideration

Brand Name:

Generic Name:


Route of

Stock of preparation:

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