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C212 BEN

Reaction Paper on John Q Movie

The story is about a family facing financial crisis that suddenly worsens when

their son and only child (Michael) become ill because of heart failure. John Q. Archibald

and Denise Archibald immediately rushed him to the nearest hospital to be treated at

emergency room. His parents have no idea of his condition because when Michael was

a child he has a regular physical examination and no abnormalities were detected. At

their surprise the doctor told them that Michael has an enlarged heart and it cannot

function normally to compensate for the his heart’s need. The doctors advised them to

have Michael a heart transplant immediately and they have to prepare U$250, 000 for

the cost of operation. Down payment of U$75, 000 is needed to put Michael on the

waiting list. Dedicated John Q works harder to collect the needed payment for the

transplant. He sell all the things that can be earn money including his car. Frustrated

and hopeless, he made talked to Michael’s doctor and promise to pay all his life so that

his son can be save and have an operation to be done immediately. Confused and not

knowing what to do to save his son, he threatened his child’s doctor and pointed a gun

to him so that he will perform the transplant procedure immediately. He gathers other

hostages at the emergency room and asking for some demands. The policemen came

and negotiation started.and that they have until 5:15 pm to grant his request otherwise

one of his hostage will die. Hopeless of any other means, John Q decided to put his life

to an end in order to save his son by donating his own heart. He seek the help of all his

hostages including his son’s doctor to initiate the killing process and let them sign on his
will that he is willing to donate his heart to his son. On the first attempt he failed to kill

himself by pointing the gun to his head, next when the second attempt started his wife

suddenly shouted that a cadaver heart donor has matched of with that of his child.

Hostage taking ended when a similar guy not his true identity came out at the

emergency room and surrender to the police. He found guilty of kidnapping and

sentenced for at least 3-5 years in jail.

In my point of view, the principle of justice violated in the movie that relates to fair,

equitable and appropriate treatment in light of what is due or owed to persons,

recognizing that giving to some will deny receipt to others who might otherwise have

received these things. In the case of his child, only the rich people who belong to the

society can be treated and have an operation immediately if you have a show money for

down payment. We have the right equally to receive distribution of goods and services

fairly allocate no matter what is your stand in the society.

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