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Computed Tomographic Angiography

1. CT angiography is a minimally invasive three-dimensional (3-D) imaging technique that uses
multisectional spiral CT imaging in conjunction with rapid power injection of contrast (50 mL)
into a large antecubital vein. Multiple, thin slices are reconstructed to provide 3-D imaging of
cerebral vasculature.
2. Proper timing of contrast injection with initialization of CT scans is essential to optimize
intravascular enhancement.
3. Advantages of CT angiography: Speed of scanning allows for unstable patients to be
evaluated; increasing in availability.
4. Disadvantages of CT angiography: Exposure to radiation; need for large-bore (18 to 20
gauge) catheter; potential for anaphylaxis; contraindicated for patients with acute/chronic renal
Nursing and Patient Care Considerations
1. Restrict food for 4 to 6 hours before procedure.
2. Assess for contrast allergy and premedicate, if indicated.
3. Evaluate renal function as contrast is cleared through kidneys. Elevated creatinine may
preclude the individual from obtaining the study.

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