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GONE WITH THE WAND is available online at all ‘majorand independent booksellers and at select retailers nationwide. ~...Palatini pots a delightfol, droll spin on famitiar fairy-tale characters {in this entertaining tale of friendship, magic, and overcoming challenges... bubbly first-person narrative incorporates puns, alliteration, and witty ‘commentary ...and the bolded text and penctvation will help guide lively read-alovds. Te intricate, colorfel illustrations invite scrutiny with abundant ‘comical details...An enjoyable, supportive story that explores the notion that there is a rewarding place and purpose for everyone fairies included.” BOOKLIST ~...Wwinkly, playfol prose... with an ending as cozyas 1Cishappy..” KIRKUS “perhaps the avthor's best work to date." ESME CODELL, PLANET ESME a @NE Wirt G “WAND By Margie Palatini pictwres By Brian Arar Readers’ Theater Script provided for non-profit use, with permission by the author. CAST OF CHARACTERS Edith B. Cuspid Tooth Fairy (second-class), BFF of Bernice Sparklestein (and quite the fashionista) Bernice Sparklestein Once the Best Fairy Godmother in the Biz’ (and she's got the pictures to prove it!) Catt - narrator Cat 2- narrator Cat 3- narrator Mouse - narrator Frog - narrator “Can't we all just lve Rappilty ever after?.. GONE wire TE WAND’ SCENE 1: ONCE UPON A TIME MOUSE: ONCE UPON ATIME (pause) LONG, LONG AGO... CAT 1: To be actual and completely factual, this little fairy’s tale began three months ago last Thursday. EDITH: If yours truly, Tooth Fairy Second Class, Edith B. Cuspid, hadn't seen it with my very own two peepers --- | wouldn't have believed it myself! CAT 2: But, there she was all right. EDITH: Yes, my dears. Bernice Sparklestein, once the best Fairy Godmother in the entire universe and beyond, was having a bad wand day. CAT 3: A very bad wand day. MOUSE: She wasn't even having luck stirring up a little tea for two. EDITH: Perhaps you dipped when you should have dunked. BERNICE: (in tears) I'm KAPOOFSKI is what | am! Edith, | think my wand is gone! CAT 1: Edith B. almost choked on her crumpet! EDITH: What! Bernice Sparklestein, gone with the wand? Rubbish! MOUSE: Why her work was legendary! The stuff stories were made of! CAT 1,2,3: And she had the pictures to prove it! EDITH: Gone with the wand? Utter nonsense. | told Bernice to just get out there and give that wand another whirl. CAT 1,2,3: Shoulders back. Feet forward. The big windup. @@NE wire T= WAND FROG: (Bernice's wand fizzles) Oops! Yes, well ... Perhaps she was even rustier than we alll IMAGINED! EDITH: Frankly, it looked like Bernice didn’t even have enough BIDDIDY left in her to SALACADOO ‘one more pumpkin FROG: Those glory, fire-breathing dragon days were over all right. CAT 4: The last really big job Bernice had was that girl with the glass slipper. CAT 2: The girl lived happily ever after CAT 3: And Bernice never heard a word from her again. MOUSE: Not even a Christmas card. BERNICE: (sigh) | should have gone into your line of work, Edith. Tooth fairies are always busy. EDITH: | know everone thinks the nightlife is GLAMOROUS, but, al that tiopy-tocing is not easy of the feet, | can tell you. Why just get look a this bunion! BERNICE: (looking at Edith's too and wincing) Oh me, oh my! | don't think | could handle that sort of work, Edith. What everam | going to do now? FROG: A VERY good question. MOUSE: Ofcourse, barely passing her wisdom tooth test herself, it was not one Edith was able to answer on such short notice. EDITH: But, then, don’t you know, suddenly a decidely DIVINE idea popped into the old cranium. CAT 4: Edith had her share of fairied experience before landing in the tooth business. CAT 2: Dozens and dozens ... CAT 3: Well, just eons of doing this or that. GONE wrrn TH WAND by Marote Palattat MOUSE: Her closets and trunks were filled with old uniforms and FOLDEROL. FROG: Maybe Bernice could try them on for size and see if any fit her fantasy. EDITH: We winged it right over to my place! scene 2: “EDITH’S PLACE” EDITH: Fairy Dusting! Positively charming! You know, Bernice, everyone can use a little magic sprinkle now and then. MOUSE: Bernice tied on the apron and headed up, up, and away. CAT 4,2,3: She was back in ten minutes. BERNICE: | tink mb allergic to dust! (starting to sneeze) Aaa —-Aaaaa-- Raaaaa ~ EDITH; | handed her a hankie and we went back to the closet. BERNICE: (sneezes) CHOOOOOOOOOOO00O0O0OOO! EDITH: Oh, now, here's a simply spectacular sparkler! Ce SNOW FAIRY! Creating snowllakes is soo00o creative, my dear. BERNICE: Fancy Schmancy, too! MOUSE: Bernice got ready for take off number 2, and headed up, up, and away. CAT 1,2,3: She was back in ten minutes. BERNICE: (shivering) 8-B-B- Brrvrt. My w-w-w-wings iced up over B-B-B-Buffalo” EDITH: We brushed off the flakes and went back to the closet. EDITH: Aha! Oh my yes, this sugarplum look is totally MARVELOUS! MOUSE: Besides, nobody can resist a candygram! EDITH: | can tell you from experience, everyone's got a sweet tooth --- so ~- ta-ta and tootle-loo! MOUSE: Bernice headed out and up. CAT 1,2,3: She was back in FIVE HOURS and ten minutes. FROG: And-- bursting out of her sugarplums! BERNICE: (confesses) | ate the merchandise. EDITH: My dears, it was NOT PRETTY! BERNICE: (tearfu)) I'm a failure! é EDITH: Oh, pooh! So you're no a duster, flaker, or big with the bonbons. Don't you worry! We'll find a job that’s perfect for you yet” BERNICE: Really? EDITH: But of course! Absolutely! Count on it! CAT 1,2,3: She fibbed. MOUSE: Truthfully, what does a Fairy Godmother do when her wand is really gone? FROG: ... Who gives a wish to a wishmaker? GONE wire TS’ WAND CAT 1: Yes, Edith was only a plain old ordinary pillow tooth plucker ... CAT 2: But she knew she had to think of something to help her best friend. CAT 3: And fast! MOUSE: So she thought and pondered. Pondered and thought. FROG: And then she just pondered, pondered, pondered. EDITH: | pondered so much | was POOPED! MOUSE: Before she knew it, Edith nodded off for forty winks herselt. FROG: And then... CAT 1,2,3: AHAL EDITH: | woke up with a snort, a bit of embarrassing chin drool, and late for work-- of? / + FROG: BUT— MOUSE: With one wonderful dream of a plan! EDITH: Even if | do say so myself! CAT 1, 2,3: STEP ONE: THE WAKE-UP CALL EDITH: Bernice! Wake up. I need your help tonight with the tooth-taking. Do you mind? BERNICE: (yawns) Huh? FROG: CHECK! GONE wire Te WAND CAT 1,2,3: STEP TWO: LET THE TSKING BEGIN! BERNICE: Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This child is untucked! EDITH: Indeed, Bernice. | see it every night. Arms poking out from covers here. ‘Toes sticking out from blankets there. BERNICE: Tsk Tsk. FROG: DOUBLE CHECK! CAT 1,2,3: STEP THREE: MORE TOES. MORE TSKING. BERNICE: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. FROG: TRIPLE CHECK! EDITH: By the time my shift ended, Bernice was extremely PERTURBED. MOUSE: And her tongue very tired from all that tsking. EDITH: My PLAN cold not have been working better! BERNICE: Edith? ... Don't moms and dads do bedtime tucking anymore? EDITH: Well of course they do! But, after al... kids will be kids. They wiggle. Squirm. Got untucked. Little tootsies get chilled. CAT 1: The tots wake up crying. CAT 2: Moms and dads lose sleep. CAT 3: The Sandman is off schedule. G@NE wirs TS’ WAND by Marole Palatint EDITH: And I'm working overtime! FROG: It’s a serious problem all right. BERNICE: Oh my. Can't something be done? CAT 1,2,3; STEP FOUR: ALITTLE EDITH B, CUSPID MAGIC OF HER OWN. MOUSE: Not to mention some superb acting! EDITH: (very over-dramatic sigh) Yes ONLY SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE had the answer to this terrible untucking situation ... BUT ... WHO? ... WHAT? ... HOW? MOUSE: Bernice began thinking ... thinking ... thinking CAT 4; There was a giint in her giiter. CAT 2: A flick in her flutter. CAT 3: The sparkle in Sparklestein was making a comeback! FROG: CHECK! CHECK! CHECK! CHECK! SCENE 4: HAPPY ENDINGS MOUSE: The very next morning, over a cup of cocoa, Bernice was all aflutter. BERNICE: Edith! I've been thinking ... What is needed here is a Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite Fairy Godmother! Someone to make sure children get an extra bedtime tuck WAIT! EDITH: What an absolutely incredioy MarveLous inca’ BUt MOUSE: That was no job for an ordinary everyday wand waver. EDITH: Who can we EVER get to do it? G@NE wirn TE’ WAND by Maxote Palatini CAT 1,2,3: Bernice grinned. BERNICE: Edith, my FIRST-CLASS FRIEND -~ I'm thinking who you've been thinking. ME! EDITH: And, there you have it, my dears. Like the story always goes ... ALL: WE ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. MOUSE: Bul, | bet you knew that already, didn’t you? FROG: THE END! two peepers: a delightful way of saying, yout eyes. Universe: all celestial galaxies, of course, my dears Kapoofski: Done. Over. Put a fork in her. crumpet: asimply divine little cake. Scrumptious with “tea for two”. > a Robbish: Not true. (svch pooh!) a, Legendary: famous. \ (very ta-di-dah) Bippidy and Salacadoo: Fairy Godmother magic words, my darlings. (where aye yoo ea those before?) Zs bunion: sounds like onion, and looks Like one — making your big toe very swollen i ~ and notat all preity, my dears. 7 ‘wince: a painful look. cranium: just a colorful way of saying — your brain! y im folderol: lots of silly this and that — bet all simply divine, my dears! hankie: why, your handkerchief, of course! —! — |_— Ves Buffalo: a city in upstate New York where if is very, very, vold and snowy. A (dont teave home without yoor galoshes,) ‘Ta-Ta and Tootle-oo: a celighifvl way of saying “good bye”. ponder: serious thinking. ZN aA forty winks: a quick nap. SZ Need to know more? Check ovt the dictionary on kids \e- I

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