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Friendship, an essential part of life, may be the best thing in the world. Without friends, your life
would be incomplete. You would have nobody to talk, play, spend time, eat, or laugh with. The
power of friendship can be very strong, because nothing should be able to break it.
             In A Separate Peace, Finny and Gene play sports together, shared a room, and enjoyed
the company of each other. Gene adored Finny and thought that, "Finny could shine with
everyone, he attracted everyone he met". On the other hand, Finny taught Gene how to play
baseball, checkers, and even how to jump off a tree. After spending a whole today together, they
became best friends.
             One of the characteristics of best friends may be loyalty. For example, in "The Princess
Diaries 1", Mia and her friend Lily were the "unpopular kids" of their school. Once Mia found out
that she really was princess of Genovia, Lily did not become jealous of her, but instead happy for
her. She stayed loyal, and did not ever betray Mia. However, the rest of the school, who once did
not like Mia, suddenly became her "friends". The only reason they wanted the friendship between
them and Mia was for the fame. Similar to Mia and Lily, Gene just simply adored talented Finny.
He never became jealous of Finny, and always stayed loyal.
             Sometimes, everyone needs a friend to talk to with their problems. When I am having
problems, whether it be about school, family, friends, guys, or anything, I always go to my best
friend to talk. If you keep your problems inside of you, you will probably go crazy. It's great to
have someone to talk ato and help you sort out your problems. Gene and Finny talked about
everything together, including secretes.
             If you make a mistake, you will not always be able to fix it, but you can at least try. When
Gene and Finny went to jump off the tree branch for the last time, Gene accidentally shook the
branch and caused...

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