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Liturgy and Sacraments

Why go to Confession?
I always think that it is better to confess through a personal prayer rather than
having a formal confession which includes confessing your sins to the priest. That time I
find it hard to tell the priest all of my sins because I am ashamed of it and I have a doubt
that the priest or ministers may tell my sins to the other people. To be honest, I lack
knowledge and information about how relevant confession to us Christians. As well, the
factors that influence the confession of a person. However, after reading the article,
those few loopholes and things that confuses me about confession are answered by this
Confession accords us inner peace. By confessing our sins and letting go of our
unnecessary luggage. The purpose of confession is that we Christians would not just
clear our conscience nevertheless it would give us peace, chances, and transforms us
into a better version of ourselves. 
You will never know absolutely that what touches you. Sometimes, I cry while I
tell my sins to God directly. Is it because I am touched by His grace or am I just
emotional? Hereby, there is a minister provided by our Lord that will help us to minister
our act of asking forgiveness to Him. As well as, that only the absolution of sins that the
priest gives in the sacrament can communicate the interior certainty of having been truly
forgiven. Thus, your confusion would turn into freedom and acknowledge that
confession gives you the inner peace.
It does not matter how enormous your sin is. Besides, confession gives us the
chance to repent our sins and embrace providence. Thus, God is willing to accept us
again because He loves us unconditionally. He does love us NOT ONLY because of our
correct decisions, but He also loves us when we fall. We as Christians just need to have
the humility, courage and willingness to come back to His loving arms.
All in all, I have learned a lot about the author’s detail about confession. And as a
Catholic I would explain the necessity of confession to us Christians, that Confession
allows us to repent ourselves to our Lord. Also, it gives us the path to obtain divine
forgiveness. Whereas, according to John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
Hence, confession cleanses us from our sins and gives us the chance to learn from our
mistakes, the hope for rising up again, and change for the better.

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