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Unidad 2

A: In my opinion, classical music is incredible. mainly classic rock

B: Excellent. I also agree that classic rock is the best music

A: In my opinion, I like hiphop dancing and also music

B: really? I prefer hiphop music more than dancing

A: in my case, modern culture are really fascinating. i like art

A: In my opinion, reality shows from Peru are ridiculous, I don't like


rock alternative isnt good as rock classic. I prefer rock from the eighties

i agree. the rock classic they have better bands

i dont agree i think rock alternative they have better music and better bands
comedy movies arent as good as horror movies. i prefer american horror movies.

i agree. comedy movies arent incredible

i dont agree. the comedy movies are very funny and are more fascinating

id like to join a photography course. I love taking photos for my social networks.

id like to go a museum. I love history since I was a child

cuando tenía unos 15 años fui con mi hermano al circo.

para ver un espectáculo de un mago

el mago estaba haciendo trucos algunos fueron aparecer monos, mi hermano estaba parado a
mi lado.

Mientras miraba el show, escuché un grito cuando volteo uno de los monos se puso agresivo
con unos niños. Mientras mi hermano fue a buscar al personal de seguridad, yo fui a socorrer
a las niñas porque en ese momento estaban solas hasta que llegaron el personal de seguridad
realemente fue una experiencia terrible pero se pudo controlar

When I was about 15 years old, I went with my brother to the circus.
to see a magician show

the magician was doing tricks some were appearing monkeys, my brother
was standing next to me.
While watching the show, I heard a scream when I turned one of the
monkeys became aggressive with some children. While my brother went to
look for the security personnel, I went to help the girls because at
that moment they were alone until the security personnel arrived, it
was really a terrible experience but it was controlled
Unit 3


id like to go on a diving vacation in australia i love the sea

Really? I also like the sea

id like to go on a skiing trip in canada i love the snow

really? I also like the snow


i think a sunglasses is essential

well, you can buy a sunglasses, but your passport and you suitcase are essential if you want to
go to a different country

voy de vacaciones a mancora con mi hermano porque a nosotros nos gusta el mar

necesito comprar gafas de sol, dos maletas, cepillo de dientes un gorro y dos bloqueador

I'm going on vacation to Mancora with my brother because we like the


I need to buy sunglasses, two suitcases, a toothbrush, a hat and two

hace un mes gane un concurso de dibujo
donde fue

a month ago I won a drawing contest

where was

me encontre dinero en el parque

I found money in the park

se me perdio mi mochila en el carro

I lost my backpack in the car

falle en mi examen medico

I failed my medical exam

tuve un problema en el trabajo

I had a problem at work

vi a un actor cerca a mi casa

I saw an actor near my house
Hace 2 años pasé un mes en la grandiosa Brasil, la capital, brasilia,
tiene muchos lugares fantásticos, como la feria de importación, donde
puedes comprar ropa gafas artículos electrónicos como celulares y
otras cosas más. Un día, estaba mirando unas gafas en uno de tiendas
de la feria y quería probarme como me quedaba. el vendedor hablaba
solo portugueses y, por supuesto, yo no hablo nada de portugueses. Le
indiqué que estaba interesado en las gafas y quería probarme, pero el
dijo que no. en ese momento, llego el dueño de la tienda y me indico
que si podía probarme las gafas. Luego de comprar las gafas hablamos
un poco más con el dueño de la tienda y resultó que también es peruano
y por eso nos entendimos bien. eso fue una gran coincidencia, pero eso
no es todo. también resultó que también es dueño del hotel donde me
hospedaba luego de ese día tuve la oportunidad de conocer mas lugares
de Brasil.

Two years ago I spent a month in the great Brazil, the capital,
Brasilia, has many fantastic places, such as the import fair, where
you can buy clothes, glasses, electronic items such as cell phones and
other things. One day, I was looking at some glasses in one of the
shops at the fair and I wanted to try on how it fit. the seller spoke
only Portuguese and, of course, I do not speak any Portuguese. I
indicated that I was interested in glasses and wanted to try me, but
he said no. at that moment, the owner of the store arrived and told me
if I could try the glasses on. After buying the glasses we talked a
little more with the owner of the store and it turned out that he is
also Peruvian and that is why we got on well. that was a great
coincidence, but that's not all. It also turned out that he also owns
the hotel where I was staying. After that day, I had the opportunity
to see more places in Brazil.

Have you ever got 100% on test ?

yes sometimes

how did you feel?

really magnificent

Have you ever been/went to a party and not know anyone ?

yes sometimes

how did you feel?

really bored

Have you ever danced all night?

yes sometimes

how did you feel?

really entertaining

Have you ever been in another country and not speak the language?

yes sometimes

how did you feel?

really uncomfortable

Have you ever forgot someones name?

yes sometimes

how did you feel?

really embarrassed

¿Alguna vez ha hecho un cambio importante en su vida?

1 have you ever made an important life change?
No, I havent made an changes in my life

¿Tu vida ha sido mejor o peor desde que hiciste el cambio?

has your life been better or worse since you made the change?
I like my life how it is

3 ¿Alguna vez has cambiado de trabajo?

have you ever changed your job
yes I have changed my job

cuanto tiempo llevas en tu trabajo

how long have you been in your job
I have been four years

2 ¿Alguna vez se mudó a una nueva casa o vecindario?

have you ever moved to a new house or neighborhood
yes I have moved ten years old we moved to another district

cuanto tiempo llevas viviendo en tu casa o barrio

how long have you elived in your house or neighborhood
I've lived for twenty years

¿Alguna vez has cambiado tu apariencia?

have you ever changed your appearance
no never

¿Ha hecho una diferencia en tu vida?

has it made a difference to your life

no because I didn't change my appearance

cual ha sido el mejor cambio en tu vida

what has been the best change in your life
the best change in my life was finishing college

because I was able to develop professionally in the activities that I

lois has changed her job twice now she works for a tv company

shes worked there since 2012

cambié de trabajo porque queria aprender nuevos proyectos

I changed jobs because I wanted to learn new projects

empeze a estudiar maestria porque queria un mejor puesto de trabajo

I started studying master's degree because I wanted a better job

me puse brackets porque quería tener una mejor sonrisa

I put on braces because I wanted to have a better smile

I went on vacation to Mancora with my brother and before the trip I
bought toothbrushes, two suitcases, two glasses and summer clothes

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