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Name : Charlize Oyon-Oyon Grade & Section : 11-Curie

What I know
I look forward to a future in which we are all dedicated to exploring who we are here to
be and living from our deepest desires. I envision a life where all of us work together to
achieve that goal. I want to live in a world where everyone strived to be a little bit more
humane, sustainable, harmonious, and innovative. A world that stretched even further, to
the place where ecstasy lives. A world of celebration for life in all its joy and all its pain.
A world where nothing stands in the way but fear itself. Where fear is just a passing
fancy, replaced by unyielding hope, undying trust, indestructible vulnerability. In a world
where everything that happens to you is part of an extraordinary opportunity to learn,
develop, and evolve, everyone and everything that happens to you is part of an
extraordinary opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve. I envision a world in which every
ounce of love in your heart was mirrored back to us, dazzling with its beauty. A world
where you can enjoy the interesting life you were born to live. Imagine being able to
begin living that life right now.

What's More
a. The passage indicates that humans are connected to nature. This displays the
connection between humans where what human's behave will affect nature and, thus,
affect the human itself.

b. Greed is what makes some people take power over to those who are powerless. And
this includes nature, where mostly to make profit, destroys it.

c. If a person knows how to be content with the things he has, then he can escape the act
of selfishness. It is in the simplest things that humans should be happy to have, and
exceeding those needs, creates selfish wants.

What I have learned

1. Happiness is being able to exist in time and in life, where nothing can influence the
person through greedy foolishness. Just being alive is what happiness comes from.
2. Freedom is to be able to express oneself fully. And to grow to the best version of
oneself without desiring anything but to be oneself and free.

3. I agree with Fromm's view about joy. Joy comes from the ability to share and give. It is
the act that brings joy, not the thought of expecting anything back from the receiver.

What I can do
As a citizen of our Barangay, it is my duty to teach others about the importance of
maintaining cleanliness to the environment, and the importance of trees to the
environment. Not only does it help produce much clearer air, but it helps stop calamity
from hitting in the environment, like floods. And so with that, I must be a model to them
and plant trees. It is in ourselves we can make a change. And imagine thousands of
people following my steps, then we will be aiming for the brighter and greener future.

1. Deep ecology, Social ecology, Ecofeminism

Check your Understanding

2. Although both models are for sustainability for the whole Earth, Ecocentrism focuses
on the holistic worldview where there is a minimum disturbance of natural processes.
While Anthropocentrism mainly centered on people. People as environmental managers
of sustainable global systems, and strong regulation by independent authorities required.

3. The society will be much better, if the least, if the society it is now is from the
envisioned society from Fromm's. The first one is the willingness to give up all forms of
having, in order to fully be. This indicates that the person only lives to the fullest if he
shares his things he doesn't need. And this connects to the third envisioned society, trying
to reduce greed, hate, and illusions as much as one is capable. Because joy comes from
giving and sharing, not from hoarding and exploiting.

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