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Fatimatuzzahro Azzain (121911233061)

Dita Mandasari (121911233066)
What is Insomnia?
According to the American Sleep Disorders Association:
International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD)
coding manual, insomnia refers to "a repeated difficulty
with sleep initiation, duration, consolidation, or quality
that occurs despite adequate time and opportunity for
sleep and results in some form of daytime impairment
and lasting for at least one month”
Difficulty falling asleep at night

Waking up during the night

Waking up too early

What are the Not feeling well-rested after a night's sleep

Daytime tiredness or sleepiness

symptoms? Irritability, depression or anxiety

Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks or


Increased errors or accidents

Ongoing worries about sleep

What are the causes?

Travel or work schedule

Poor sleep habits

Eating too much late in the evening

How to prevent?
Avoid stimulants like caffeine and tobacco whose
effects can last as long as eight hours
Be aware of side effects of over-the-counter and
prescription medications that can disrupt sleep
Follow a routine that helps you wind down and relax
before going to bed
Go to sleep around the same time and wake up around
the same time each day
Try to schedule exercise at least five hours before
Insomnia is a problem with difficulty falling
asleep and staying asleep that happen
continuously. Most cases of insomnia are
related to sleep deprivation, depression,
anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness, or
certain medications. There are some simple
steps that we can do to prevent insomnia, such
as avoiding substances that cause insomnia,
managing a good sleep schedule, exercising,
etc. From that, we hope that all of us have a
healthy sleep schedule and never get insomnia.

Simon, Gregory E., Michael VonKorff. Prevalence,

burden, and treatment of insomnia in primary care. Am
J Psychiatry 1997;154:1417-1423
Roth, Thomas. Insomnia: definition, prevalence,
etiology, and consequences. Journal of clinical sleep
medicine 3 (5 suppl),(2007): S7-S10.
Thank You!

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