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Guidelines for Verbatim

Congregational Ministry Event

Eastern Mennonite Seminary: Spiritual Direction Seminars and Practicum

A verbatim offers an opportunity to observe an event, and our experience of the
event at a particular moment Group review of the reflection in verbatim form helps
us to continue to gain insight into the nature and experience of offering spiritual
guidance within the congregation. The verbatim is another invitation to listen and
reflect. We listen the first time as we prepare (see “spiritual Guidance within
Congregational Ministry Event” handout). We listen a second time as we are
leading/ministering the ministry event; a third time as we reflect and write a
ministry log or verbatim, and a fourth time as we process the verbatim in small

Initial reflection
Reflect on why you are choosing this particular ministry event on which to write a
What questions does it raise for you? How does it touch your growing edges? What
are new insights you have gleaned or received?

1. Background and spirituality of the group/congregation
D.Min. cohort in a Christian seminary. Listener and Storyteller are fellow
students in the same cohort.

2. Background and context of this ministry event.

The Storyteller is an Asian man, approximately er 30s, living in Santa Rosa,
California, the United States, working as s Spiritual Care Coordinator at Hospice
Services and a Protestant minister.

3. Verbatim Form

Interior Conversation Spiritual direction conversation

I am distraught if, as an interfaith L (Listener): Let’s begin with the sound of a
caregiver, and I am imposing with an sounding bowl. This is an ancient Eastern
interpretation of the sound of the cultural instrument also call the Himalayan
sounding bowl a religious or theological Bowl. The sound that it makes can serve us
understanding of what unity can to relaxation, and its sound and vibrations
represent to the ST. I am also worried can be understood as a symbol of unity
that my present process of grief and between you ST, me, the Divinity, and our
bereavement affect my concentration in ancestors. ST (Storyteller) (L plays the
this interfaith spiritual guidance singing bowl three times SL close his eyes
intervention. during the instrument playing). Paused for
about 45 seconds). …Now, tell me, what do
you feel after the instrument being played
and if the experience evokes any memory or
any vital story to you?
ST: He asks if I am asking to speak first
about his feelings and then about his
L: Yes, please, go ahead.
ST: I felt relaxed and comfortable after
hearing the sound of the singing bowl, but
Because I am a non-native English my memories are uncomfortable.
speaker and my practice as a spiritual L: Can you tell me more about those
caregiver for more than 2o years has been memories and why they are uncomfortable?
only in Spanish, I also worried about been ST: They are related to an experience we
using the correct words and syntaxis in have as family and church. That event
English to make I communicate happens in a mega-church where the
understandable to ST. leaders are ethnically white. They have an
international worship group that they invite
my family and me to participate. We accept
the invitation, but we knew upfront that
that experience was not going to be
pleasant. That was what happen. We were
participating in worship with a group with
plenty of ethnic and cultural diversity.
Some people were even praying and singing
their language, but we did not feel at ease
in that experience, even with that diversity.

L: ST, I heard you describe the church as a
mega-church and that the leaders are
At this moment, I felt that I made a ethnically white. Do you think your
mistake asking that question to the ST. I discomfort was because the leaders of that
thought that I impose my understanding mega-church are ethnically white or due to
of a possible conflict that doesn’t exist and the dynamics inherent to that type of
countertransference my ideologies. At church?
that moment, I was afraid of being an SL. I never thought about my discomfort
obstacle in this intervention of spiritual with that situation on those terms.
guidance. L: Well, how can you tell how you felt
uncomfortable about the experience you had
I leave ST to explain in detail, without at that church?
interruptions, and just nodding his SL: Yes, I think it’s not related to the fact
descriptions and explanation. For me, that the church leaders are ethnically white
this was a way to try as an interfaith or is a mega-church. Also, the worship
spiritual guide not to repeat the mistake I group we attended was very ethnically and
believe made in countertransference to culturally diverse. People were also
ST. worshiping in their languages. But how I
can express my feelings in this particular
After ST finished his description and church experience is that the way they
analysis, and I was ready to close with an organize their church groups and make
open question trying to hear ST discern people participate in them seems to be
and describe if he perceives the unifying forced.
presence of the Divinity in this spiritual
accompaniment intervention, the time for
the intervention finished.

4. Discussion of the relationship and work of the director
The L (myself) has some background information about the ST life and spiritual caregiver
experience. L has experienced the death of his younger daughter and the birth of his first
grandson of his dead daughter. The L was worried that his process of grief and bereavement
and a language communication barrier affects the helpfulness of the spiritual guidance

5. What question(s) do you bring to peer group?

Is an interfaith spiritual guidance intervention possible?
Is spiritual guidance or direction possible between a spiritual caregiver from an African
descendent spirituality and religion and a trinitarian Christian?

Sources: Maureen Conroy, Looking into the Well. Loyola University Press, 1995.
Guenther, Margaret. Center for Spirituality verbatim material. General Theol. Seminary, NY.
Spiritual Direction resources, EMS. Wendy J. Miller.

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