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‫الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي ‪2020-2019‬‬

‫محمود معوض محمد عيسى‬ ‫إسم الطالب‪:‬‬

‫‪29610211700931‬‬ ‫الرقم القومي‪:‬‬
‫الثالثة‬ ‫الفرقة‪:‬‬
‫هندسة الكهرباء والحاسبات‬ ‫القسم العلمي‪:‬‬
‫‪English Oral‬‬ ‫اسم المادة‪:‬‬
‫ا‪.‬د‪/‬‬ ‫اسم عضو هيئة التدريس‬
‫ا‪.‬د‪ /‬نجالء ندا‬ ‫القائم بتدريس المقرر‪:‬‬

‫‪Research Project Title‬‬

‫)‪Coronavirus (covid-19‬‬

‫غير مسموح بأي كتابة في هذا الجزء‬ ‫لالستخدام الرسمي الرسمي بواسطة الكلية‪:‬‬

‫أكثر من ‪%25‬‬ ‫أقل من ‪%25‬‬ ‫نسبة اإلقتباس‪:‬‬

‫لم يجتاز‬ ‫إجتاز‬ ‫تقييم البحث‪:‬‬

‫التوقيع _______________‬ ‫راسب‬ ‫ناجح‬ ‫الدرجة‬ ‫المصحح األول‬

‫التوقيع _______________‬ ‫راسب‬ ‫ناجح‬ ‫الدرجة‬ ‫المصحح الثاني‬
‫التوقيع _______________‬ ‫راسب‬ ‫ناجح‬ ‫الدرجة‬ ‫المصحح الثالث‬

Coronavirus (covid-9) is one of the worst nightmares that the human faces and a
huge pandemic the affect the whole world and all the people and no one in the
world didn`t effected by this pandemic . million of people are hit by the covid-19
and hundreds of thousand people are dead because of this virus . International
Economy is also affected by it and all the countries cannot face it. So at the end
what will happen ! the virus will destroy the earth or the human will win !?
Introduction and Research Objectives

Coronavirus (covid-9) is one of the worst nightmares that the human faces and a
huge pandemic the affect the whole world and all the people and no one in the
world didn`t effected by this pandemic . million of people are hit by the covid-19
and hundreds of thousand people are dead because of this virus

In this research I will talk about one of the most nightmares the world Is facing
today and one of the worst pandemic the world ever faced this nightmare called
coronavirus (covid-19) .

The Research objectives

- I will talk about how muck this virus make the world suffering .
- how it paralyzing the world movement and the economy and the air traffic.
- when and how the virus started .
- the effects it occurred on people .
- the number of deaths and infections .
- how long the world can suffer .
- the last news about the treatment .

24 December 2019 wuhan central hospital sent a bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (bal)
from a clinical case to sequencing company visual medical . on 28 decemebr
vision medical informed the wuhan central hospital and the Chinese CDC the result
of the test showing a new coronavirus . A pneumonia cluster of unknown cause was
observed on 26 December and treated by the doctor Zhang Jixian in Hubei
Provincial Hospital, who informed the CDC on 27 december . on 30 december a
test reported the wuhan central hospital from CapitalBio Medlab the positive result
of SARS casuing an alret for all doctor and hospital . on 31 december there was 27
comfirmed case and the virus now is outbreak . the number of cases doubled
approximately every seven and a half days in mid of January 2020 the virus spread
to another Chinese provines . in 20 january the china reported 140 cases in one day
including two people in Beijing and one in Shenzhen . the official data after that
reported about 6000 cases . in 24 january the lancet reported that recommenden the
personal protective equipment to worker and thetesting was essential due to its
panademic potential . 30 January worl health organization (WHO) declared the
coronavirus a public health emergency of the world . and it the star of the new
coronavirus (Covid-19) .

And the virus didn`t take long time to be in the whole world in asia , africa , Europe
and the Americas and I will show how it stared in each continent .

Asia : the start was in wuhan in china and as of 2 may 2020 there was at least one
case reported in each country in asia excepted north korea and Turkmenistan . there
are countries with high records and other not and it’s the statics of the biggest
countries in asia with high records in cases and deaths .

Turkey : 138000 cases with 3700 deaths

Iran : 10900 cases with 6600 deaths

China : 82000 cases with 4600 deaths

India : 67000 cases with 2250 deaths

Saudi arabia : 39000 cases with 246 deaths

With total : 674000 cases with about 22000 deaths And it’s the statics in asia in
the day I wrote the research 11 may 2020 and the number will increase and be
bigger soon .

Europe : as of 13 march 2020 world health organization (WHO) announced that

Europe is the center of active area of the covid-19 and as of 17 march the last
country in Europe reported a cases was Montenegro so there wasn`t any country in
Europe have no cases and the number doubled every 2 days and in 18 march there
were aboud 250 million people lockdown in them cities and this statics show how
the situation is very hard in Europe . as the numbers in Europe near about 1.6
million cases and about 155000 deaths .

The biggest six country in Europe :

Spain : 264000 cases with 26000 deaths

Russia :221000 cases with 2000 deaths

Uk : 219000 cases with 31000 deaths

Italy :219000 cases with 30000 deaths

France :176000 cases with 26000 deaths

Germany :171000 cases with 7500 deaths

And the numbers increasing day by day .

South America : the pandemic confirmed to have reached in 26 feb 2020 in brazil
sao paolo with the first ever case reported in south America . and by 3 april 2020
all countries in the south America had at least one case and the number there about
310000 cases with 16000 deaths in total . and there is the static of the biggest 5
countries ..

Brazil : 162000 cases with 11000 deaths

Peru : 67000 cases with 1900 deaths

Ecuador : 29000 cases with 2100 deaths

Chile : 28000 cases with 320 deaths

Colombia : 11000 cases with 463 deaths

And the number as usual increasing very quickly .

Africa : the first case confirmed in africa was in 14 feb 2020 in egypt and in sub -
saharan nigeria , most of the cases were identified as a tourist from Europe . the
situation in Africa until not so bad but of course not good . the total of cases is
65000 and the deaths 23000 and the number increasing .
North America : the coronavirus (covid-19) first case in north america confirmed
at january 2020 and in 25 march 2020 all countries in north America reported at
least 1 case and now the numbers is the biggest in the world with about 1.5 million
cases and abou 90000 deaths . only in united state of America 1350000 cases and
about 80000 deaths . and in Canada 68000 cases and 4500 deaths .

At least the world total numbers in 11 may 2020 is : 4.2 Million cases , 285000
deaths and the situation is out of control and the health system in the big countries
destroyed and thousand of people don`t have place to get their health care and the
number increasing day by day .

And I showed only the people and health losses.

lets talk about the country and the economy losses the affected the whole world

at first the world in lockdown all the countries around the world is in lock down
and prevent people to come in or go from the country and the air traffic is stopped
around the world all the sports championship cancelled , all the convernes
cancelled every event in the world cancelled ,the most of factories and company
postponed their work , million of people losed their jobs

the world eceonmy will case one of the worst depression in the history and the
year 2020 will be one of the most difficult years the human faces .

so it`s necessary to every one to take care of what he make and be careful for
himself and his family safety .
so I mentioned the problem and how its very difficult and w must know how to
avoid the infection and be safe .

World Health Organization (WHO) published the steps to be safe and its very easy
so it duty for everyone to do this step to be safe and make the people around him
safe . the steps is very simple .

For personal safety :

-be away by 1-3 metre from anybody else and make a distance .

- regularly wash your hand with alcohol-based hand rub or wash it with the soap

-avoid going to crowded places

-avoid touching your face

-increase you hygiene you and the people around you

-stay home and if you have fever call a doctor

-keep up to date on the last information


[1]. World Health Organization

[3]. Wang h ,cell discover , Elsevier : scopus , 2020
[4]. Joffrin L , scientific reports , Elsevier : scopus , 2020

[5]. Sorooshian, Shahryar , Electronic Journal of General Medicine ,2020


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