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Assessment of the Learner

NAME : Godwin Kindel N. Potazo DATE: 06-19-21


1. Based on the learning styles introduced, what type of learner are you? What
types of learning styles do you use or prefer to facilitate learning? Explain.
- Based on the learning style that is introduce I can say that I am a Field-
Dependent Learner and the type of learning styles that I use or prefer to
facilitate learning is in an instructor based who give explicit direction,
assignment, and guidelines since I am an aural learner who enjoy listening to
lecture, often need directions read aloud, and prefer to discuss topics and
form a study group.

2. If you will be assigned to educate a group of mothers in a community, how would

you assess their learning needs? Discuss the steps and methods
- If I am to educate a group of mothers in a community I will assess their
learning needs via the focus group in this there are steps to be followed as we
all know that we are about to educate a group of mothers in a community
we need to first identify the point of view or knowledge about certain topic,
second ask open-ended question intended to encourage detailed discussion,
third create a safe environment so the participant may feel free to share
sensitive information in group setting. This is the way on how I can assess
their learning needs.
3. When can you say that the learner is already ready to learn? What are the
indications? Explain.
- I can say that the learner is already ready to learn when the learners
demonstrates an interest in learning the information that are necessary. The
indicators are: Physical readiness in which the learners need to consider five
major components because they affect the degree or extent to which learning
will occur. Emotional readiness one of a state of psychological willingness to
learn which is dependent from several factors. Experiential readiness this is a
process of learning in which it is through experience, and narrowly defined as
“Learning through reflection on doing,” This are also based on such factor as
an individual past experience with learning. Lastly Knowledge readiness this
is a state of willingness to learn dependent on such factor as the learner’s
present knowledge base, the level of learning capabilities, and the preferred
style of learning. And this are the indicators.

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