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Table 1.0
Mental well-being of BSHM students during Pandemic in terms of Anxiety

Items Mean Interpretation

I was aware of talking nonsense. 2.99 Sometimes

I experienced hardly breathing 2.79 Sometimes

I experienced nerve shaking. 3.01 Sometimes
I was worried about happenings in the next days. 3.45 Often
I felt I was draw-near in suicidal thoughts. 2.50 Rarely
I feel overthinking about COVID-19 pandemic. 3.19 Sometimes
I felt fearful of speaking in front of the class. 3.29 Sometimes
I feel anxious about my self-confidence. 3.36 Often
I feel like I’m a failure. 2.97 Sometimes
I feel intense about the emotional attitudes of our 3.15 Sometimes
Overall Mean 3.07 Sometimes
4.21-5.00 Always
3.41-4.20 Often
2.61-3.40 Sometimes
1.81-2.60 Rarely
1.00-1.80 Never

Table 1.1
Mental well-being of BSHM students during Pandemic in terms of Depression

Items Mean Interpretation

I tend to experience negative feelings. 3.31 Sometimes
I hardly doing school works. 3.46 Often
I felt I had lack of school motivations. 3.20 Sometimes
I felt joyless especially outdoor activities due to COVID- 3.25 Sometimes
19 pandemic.

I was helpless that’s why my parents scolded me. 3.05 Sometimes

I felt I’m not valuable person as a student. 2.85 Sometimes

I felt I was empty handed when school days will be 2.97 Sometimes
boring otherwise unpleasant.
I feel distress for having an INC/DROPPED/Petition in 3.23 Sometimes
my grades
I cried every night in terms of school and family 2.97 Sometimes
I feel self-pity when I’m not their level/standard (behind 3.28 Sometimes
the class).
Overall Mean 3.16 Sometimes
4.21-5.00 Always
3.41-4.20 Often
2.61-3.40 Sometimes
1.81-2.60 Rarely
1.00-1.80 Never

Table 1.2
Mental well-being of BSHM students during Pandemic in terms of Stress

Items Mean Interpretation

I found it hard to think critically during COVID-19 3.11 Sometimes

I experienced over fatigue that tends to affect academic 2.94 Sometimes


I tend to feel worried and nervous of having low grades. 3.46 Often
I found myself getting upset of having so much school 3.42 Often

I found it hard to relax when school activities are 3.41 Often

I felt frustrated of the things that I can’t maintain my 3.24 Sometimes
grades/ academic performance.

I felt I was irritable when staying at home due to 3.17 Sometimes

COVID-19 pandemic.

I feel worried about time to accomplish all my necessary 3.34 Sometimes


I feel worried at school, a phone call about school 3.22 Sometimes

mates emergency due to COVID-19 pandemic.
I feel worried about COVID-19 and it affects my 3.10 Sometimes
sleeping pattern. In school, (listening without
Overall Mean 3.16 Sometimes
4.21-5.00 Always
3.41-4.20 Often
2.61-3.40 Sometimes
1.81-2.60 Rarely
1.00-1.80 Never

Table 2.0
Academic Performance of the BSHM Students

Rating Interpretation N %
95-100 Outstanding 1 0.7%
89-94 Excellent 65 45.5%
80-88 Very Good 77 53.8%


95-100 Outstanding
89-94 Excellent
80-88 Very Good
75-79 Good
74-below Poor

Table 3.0
Pearson’s Correlation between Mental well-being and Academic Performance
Mental Well-being Academic r Interpretatio p Interpretation
Performance n
Anxiety -0.044 Negligible 0.601 Not Significant

Depression 0.968 High 0.003 Significant


Stress 0.050 Negligible 0.552 Not Significant


Note: N=143, r = Pearson Correlation *p <.05

Demographic profile

Profile of the respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage
18-20 121 84.6%
21-23 18 12.6%
24-above 4 2.8%
N= 143

Profile of the respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 46 32.2%
Female 97 67.8%
N= 143

ANOVA Table of Respondents Profile in terms of Age and Mental-well being

Age Mental Well- N Mean F P

18-20 121 3.17 0.708 0.494

21-23 18 3.11

24-above 4 2.79

Note: N= number of samples; F= F-test, p>0.05

ANOVA Table of Respondents Profile in terms of Gender and Mental-wellbeing

Gender Mental-well N Mean F P

Male 46 2.83 19.828 0.000

Female 97 3.31

Note: N= number of samples; F= F-test, ***p<0.05

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